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  1. J

    CONFIRMED (again): Internet needed for RETAIL HL2.

    The fact that there has been no real feedback from Valve in the form of an offcial statement on any message board and even on the 'Steam' board where there is also a big discussion about this makes me think that there is nothing to worry about. I would think if Valve want to make HL2 one of...
  2. J

    CONFIRMED (again): Internet needed for RETAIL HL2.

    I also emailed them. I will report anything they send.
  3. J

    Far Cry - Finished

    I just finished Far Cry last night - utter crap ending I might add - but it has now brought up this statistical option when you go to load your campaign...anyone know what this is? I went to load one of the Statistical levels and it said it was going to overwrite my saved it worth...
  4. J

    CONFIRMED (again): Internet needed for RETAIL HL2.

    If its any good then you should be able to phone a number to activate your copy, if you do not have access to the interent. Just like with Windows can get an activation code by phoning a number. If its not done this way then a lot of people will be not pleased!! This...
  5. J

    Half Life 2 - Length

    Hey I read it on these boards....I just thought it was common knowledge.....I mean she does look a bit shifty in the screen shots.. ;-)
  6. J

    Half Life 2 - Length

    Its funny how girls get addicted to shitty games. I remember a girl from uni who failed her course cos she played Mahjongg all the time. At least if one of us was to fail it cos we were playing the greatest game ever produced. Also another game where you shot Baloons "Pong" I think had my...
  7. J

    HL1 Memories

    For me it was when you come out the blast at the beginning and the lovely friendly lab you just walked through is totally ****ed and a scientist is giving CPR to a security guard. He wakes up and you realise you can make him come along with you to kill a few monsters. Amazing stuff in its time...
  8. J

    Half Life 2 - Length

    I just love talking about her all the time.....oooh my sweet love!!! I dunno came up in the speil I was writing. A wife and child will have even less time to play HL2 than me!
  9. J

    Half Life 2 - Length

    Nah I just heard rumours on this site that one of the chicks in it has alterior motives....i.e. to kill big Gordo.....maybe I am talking shite. And yes I do have a girlfriend, do you not have one?
  10. J

    Half Life 2 - Length

    I usually play games quite methodically. I check every nook and cranny before moving on. But from what you guys are saying then it should take me about 2-3 months, but as you say you will probably play it again and again. I think I have played half-life twice through and enjoyed it both...
  11. J

    Half Life 2 - Length

    Was just wondering, does anyone know how long the game is? It took me months to complete the first one, in fact it took about a year! I am on the last level of Far Cry and bought it about 2 months ago. So as you can see I don't get much time to play games what with work, football and a...
  12. J

    How about it?

    Thats exactly my argument...these games were fun because you can complete them....if the AI of an enemy was too good it would be very hard to kill them....hence making enemies rather dumb in games.
  13. J

    Scientist superhero

    This could be used for loads of games. Just think of an RPG...guy starts off as a basic run of the mill person and finishes a hard ass killer. Half Life doesn't have the RPG element but could be a background thing. Crow Bar....check...ahh this is how you fire a 10 attcking...
  14. J

    How about it?

    Yes but there is a flip side to this argument. It is true computer games are getting better, more realistic and have grpahics, physics and AI that is superb. And as long as computers keep improving then the games will match that sucess. The problem is that games can only go so far before the...
  15. J

    HL2 on GF FX5600 ?

    Thanks. Is there any noticeable difference to someone like me who has not the first clue about graphics in games? Basically will HL2 look any different to me?
  16. J

    HL2 on GF FX5600 ?

    Well can you explain it to me? Will my card cause HL2 not too run that well?(I am not too fussed with graphics as long as its not jerky)
  17. J

    HL2 on GF FX5600 ?

    I don't see any problem using Directx9 with this card. I have a Pentium 4 1.6 MHz 780MB RAM Geforce 5600FX 256MB graphics card When I bought this card I went out and got Far Cry and it runs a treat on 'high' setting with AA etc on 1. Only a wee bit slow on some indoor parts(just turn...