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    Editing Damage

    Purdue right on!
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    help with .dll

    hi, i wasnt sure where to put this, but i figured the coding forum would be the best. im have some dumb ad-ware called SurfSideKick. my anti-virus/adware/spyware cant remove it, and i cant remove it manually because it is constantly being used by the explorer.exe process. so, i thought i could...
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    Who Hates Metal? ME!!

    ^^^^^^^^^^ what he said ^^^^^^^^
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    Make my own song.

    well, u definetly need a mic. if yer just wanna do it for fun, no bells and whistles, u dont even really need reason (although i recommend it) u can just record w/ windows record under accessories. it sounds pretty bad, but if ur doin it for fun, theres no easier way than that
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    Ever Elusive Teleporters

    i was wondering how u make teleporters? something that u enter at point A and come out a Point B kinda thing i figure valve made an entity for it, but i cant find it anyone know (or) anyone know of some good teleporter tutorials???
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    Missing? Huh?

    w00t hey! i got it to work! i refreshed the SDK Content and... lo and behold it works! lol thx for the help anyway
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    Missing? Huh?

    still nuthin i did it... and it still gives me nuthin idk whats wrong! this is nuts! i've clicked on "verify integrity.." too and that did nuthin it says "the system cannot find the specified file" its not a 211 anymore ug....steam....what an appropriate name
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    Missing? Huh?

    Whenever i open source SDK, it opens just fine... but when i click on ANY of the apps, hammer editor, modeler, etc... it gives me a "File not found" message. I've erased and reinstalled it. still not working. before the update, it gave me a '211 Error' w/e that means. does anyone know y...
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    the guy who does the voice acting for Barney also does the voice of the G-Man. I think thats nuts! They sound completely different lol. o well kool lil fact i thought i'd share
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    Those 'O So Annoying Ropes

    here ill make a quick tutorial on the logic_measure_movement entity so u wanna make object A move like object B.... Entity To Measure: Object B Measure Reference: Object B Entity to move: Object A Movement reference: Object B this worked for me!
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    Those 'O So Annoying Ropes

    yes im sorry i shall search and thx for replying
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    Those 'O So Annoying Ropes

    Alright im tryin to hang lights down from the ceiling on my CS:S map. I've made the lights and they work great! They hang in the air, move around like they're supposed to... The problem is in the ropes that they're supposed to hang from! Every time I make the light fixture the parent of my...
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    pitch black

    adding a dim spotlight does the trick thx for the help!
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    pitch black

    i know u can set matt_fullbright to "0", but u have to do that every time u start the level. this is a multiplayer CS:S map and i'd like the map to begin w/ 0 lighting
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    pitch black

    well.... i have dynamic lights
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    i cant open my console! i hit the tilde(~) button but nuthin comes up ne one know whats wrong?
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    pitch black

    how would i make my map have 0 lighting? so that all the light would come from my spot lights, etc.
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    Quick Question

    ok well i open up the properties window (CTRL+ENTER) then at the top right, i typed 180 into the angle textbox and hit apply! simple enough.
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    Light Fixtures

    well i've found my model and created it...but i dont know how to "glue" it to a wall or make it appear in the map. i've clicked "toWorld" but it doesnt appear when i run it.
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    Quick Question

    nwm i got it sry for the pointless thread lol