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  1. Resvrgam

    Avid kick-offs the SOFTIMAGE|XSI Mod Tool Lock & Load Challenge

    --rant-- Someone mentioned "marketing" and it's a sad-but-true fact that has soured many trying to MOD for games with processes that impede the indie developer/MODder by forcing them to use only certain *crippled* tools. Anyone remember how easy it was to MOD for Quake 3? Notepad, WinZip...
  2. Resvrgam

    Ten Minutes with Valve's Doug Lombardi

    I know that World of Warcraft has a realtime-sync with the time of day/timezone certain servers are located in (EST, PST, etc.) and certain events are triggered by the time of day (The church bells toll every hour on the hour, etc). I'm fairly sure that changing the weather conditions...
  3. Resvrgam

    Ten Minutes with Valve's Doug Lombardi

    I'm not so much worried about my videocard handling the new clunk in the engine so much as every other piece of hardware working smoothly with the added load (see: "We don't know anything about any Audio's a patch for it though") My 6800 Ultra should handle it fine, though...
  4. Resvrgam

    Era of Legends Update

    Nice work! The blokes over at SOE should be taking notes ;)
  5. Resvrgam

    TLP: Shadows of Winter Update

    I dunno...the character concept models on our website are about 3 years for Sir Phoenixx's speed with the weapons - sometimes it's scary how fast he can churn those models out.
  6. Resvrgam

    TLP: Shadows of Winter Update

    We are aiming for the normal-map technique and plan to use those high-res models for references so here's to hoping we pull that off ;) The 'movie' has been scrapped due to no longer using a graphically inferior engine (ala Dungeon Siege). This means that there won't be many (if any) FMV...
  7. Resvrgam

    TLP: Shadows of Winter Update

    Nice one! I'm fairly sure we haven't changed our title (curse of the typo, I guess). As for the genitalia on our Imbra model: I think it's the lighting because a Ken doll's more endowed than these buggers :p Cask, we agree with your sentiment and believe we may have found a remedy for that...
  8. Resvrgam

    Half-Life 2 tops the GDC Awards

    Though I'm all for HL2 winning most of those awards, I disagree with the "Best Writing" award it received. The storyline felt a little too derived from an amalgam of Battlefield Earth (Really short 'wars' tend to come off as too fanciful IMO),War of the Worlds & Independence Day (Do all...
  9. Resvrgam

    New Sourceball Media

    Thanks, Polyguns! Now I have to see if this company's services are within my budget! -and- I completely agree with you.
  10. Resvrgam

    New Sourceball Media

    Your team has access to mocap? Good on you! I say more power to you and if you have resources that will only help improve your product, why not use them? Not all of us work near the House of Moves or have a huge library of .BVH files to work with but if we'd be a rather big waste...
  11. Resvrgam

    New TLP: Shadows of Winter Media

    The chick from the O.C.? I just Googled the show and the closest person I could see that *might* look like Illia (our character) is the actress Melinda Clarke (known in that show as Julie Cooper). I try and avoid American TV so any similarities are purely coincidental though... I'd love to be...
  12. Resvrgam

    New Sourceball Media

    Those faces look brilliant! After perusing the website, I'm sold. See you in the arena! :)
  13. Resvrgam

    New TLP: Shadows of Winter Media

    I understand your concern, tobe. "Nice 3D where's the actual product?!" Unfortunately, this is an amateur endeavor; meaning no one's receiving any type of payment for their troubles. So what are we supposed to do to obtain more team members willing to invest the amount of time &...
  14. Resvrgam

    New TLP: Shadows of Winter Media

    Thanks. We look forward to bringing this project to fruition and hope you enjoy it.
  15. Resvrgam

    New TLP: Shadows of Winter Media

    She's a high-res model w/minor After-Effects touch-ups. We're hoping to re-create her and the other models as faithful to these high-res concepts as possible for Source. With all the power Source has to offer, it's only artistic skill that's a limitation (instead of technical shortcomings).
  16. Resvrgam

    The Lost Prophecies: Shadows of Winter News

    I guess any progress is still progress. We're currently in the process of fine-tuning the new mechanics to conform to a melee-system that's actually fun to play in a first-person perspective so a LOT of the material we have to present is more programming code than media-content at this time...
  17. Resvrgam

    Shadows of Winter - Looking for Animators & Character Modelers

    The total-conversion MOD "The Lost Prophecies: Shadows of Winter" is looking for talented, dedicated individuals who are interested joining our team. Shadows of Winter Website We're currently needing to fulfill the following positions: Character Modeler, Animator & World Builder. If...