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  1. D

    stop emailing Valve

    well apparently 2 moderators and one Director of Operations here is in agreement with me so, um, shut up ?
  2. D

    stop emailing Valve

    We already made some headway ! Check the Moderators post in the Valve emails thread ! Is there any possible way to set something up on our side that when we attempt to post in that thread, that you need to agree on a statement that says somethign along the lines of " You have agreed not to...
  3. D

    stop emailing Valve

    Awesome post. If only we could conjur up some way to put a stop to the same questions being asked directly to Valve... :(
  4. D

    stop emailing Valve

    Fenric, its all good :-) I was simply getting frustrated due to having to justify this topic Lets make this a sticky, right underneath "EMail replies from Valve" :D
  5. D

    stop emailing Valve

    Thank you Deus, hopefully with good replies like this we'll help Valve with the number of redundant emails they're receiving, which'd benefit us all
  6. D

    stop emailing Valve

    Can someone get Munro a pint please, its on me :)
  7. D

    stop emailing Valve

    mass mailing........It was sarcasm Thank you for agreeing with me point is to help Valve get the game out quicker.....SIGNIFICANT EMAILS are one thing....asking the same BS is another
  8. D

    stop emailing Valve

    raises my hand as well I can't believe that I'm having to defend myself with this :E I see so many people telling others to stop b@#$%g about the game, "it'll come out when it comes out" yaddi yadda....but it looks like everyone's taking their side ? I ask all who have read this...
  9. D

    stop emailing Valve

    There is no problem, :E NOw if you'll all excuse me, I'm going to email Lombardi and ask him if HL2 will be released in June, July, or August, and take a full minute out of his day ! later
  10. D

    stop emailing Valve

    I guess I'm missing my own point. Do they not have to still read this 'fan mail' to determine whether or not they're going to reply to it ? yes. Are you saying the game would come out at the EXACT SAME TIME if you didn't have numerous people emailing numerous Valve staff asking when the...
  11. D

    stop emailing Valve

    I've seen worse topics ; I want the game just as badly as everyone else, but its common sense that if they didn't have to answer, sorry, feel obligated out of niceness, even 1/2 of the moronic,monotonous emails every day, we'd have this thing a couple weeks earlier, no ?
  12. D

    stop emailing Valve

    I'm just saying...what's it in aid of ? they're getting well of 50-100 emails a day from people asking the same questions..... And of course they're not gonna say "We'd appreciate if the community would stop emailing us" .....but I think they would appreciate it if people would be patient...
  13. D

    stop emailing Valve

    I concur :-( But hey, at least people are looking at this thread and typing HERE and not to GAbe :-) Boys will be boys, and girls will be hot
  14. D

    stop emailing Valve

    Seems logical that the guys over there would have more time each and every day, working on HL2 if people would stop emailing them questions we already know..."When's it coming out !?!? " - Summer, etc. My 2 cents
  15. D


    I totally agree. if it's easy as poo to add, and Valve are taking their time getting this thing perfected, why NOT add it in for the ones who use it ? Oh I know, cuz the less skilled players in Multiplayer who don't use it would bitch to Valve about it :-)
  16. D

    Def. not coming out before New Year's

    yeh, I "knew" too :) - just in denial until I had an official answer
  17. D

    Def. not coming out before New Year's

    yeh I've noticed...only game in a while to hit release date is Max Payne 2. I think we need to get lives is what I think. I invest way too much time and money into this stuff.
  18. D

    Def. not coming out before New Year's

    I posted the email at of Gabe replying to my yes/no question on a Christmas release, he said no Feel free to start the, HEY NEWBIE YOU'RE FULL OF CRAP just thought I'd let yas all know that we can all forget about seeing it this year yet Devvin