

Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Do you think that HL2 will have some sort of lean function? I would think no sine HL is more of a run-and-gun type of game, whereas FarCry and Call of Duty is more tactical.
I doubt there would be leaning, but it's possible. HL2 looks like it can be pretty tactical, with the physics being integrated into the gameplay. There also isn't much running and gunning in the barricade video.
Leaning would fit HL2 about as much as iron sights would..

I'd say no.
I like to feel as if I'm in complete control of my character, and for some odd reason, leaning makes it seem like im not really Gordon. ;( I look kinda like him, right?
I like leaning in games. FPS that dont have leaning seem dated to me. Anyways cool things could be done with leaning.

Example, leaning around a corner and using your gravity gun to pick up a barrel and kill a combine. Now that would be cool.
leaning is pretty useful, i don't use it much but that's my own fault. i still like to have the option there though
no thanks.

never really liked leaning.. and plus leaning does not fit the HL style..
It's not in the beta and i'd assume something as basic as that would have already been implemented at that stage.

I'm sure HL2 mods will use the feature extensively though.
I like the leaning thing and giving the character as much control as possible but I don't like the idea of cluttering up controls. I think Valve likes to keep simple but intuitive controls so unless they come up with better solutions than using up more buttons on the keyboard (I like E for Use), I don't need it.
i think i emailed valve about this a long time ago, and they said that leaning wasn't pre-built into hl2. However, they did say it could be modded in easily enough, just like hl1.
Leaning = useless.
It's just a way to peer around corners. Just as easy to make the AI not spot you if you aren't X units around the corner and it's 2 less buttons to worry about.
MOH has leaning and is useful in sp. I played a little mp and when guys lean they look all contorted. It looks awful. Halflife2 doesnt need anything like that. Although i would like it to have the ability to go prone like DOD.
Leaning on Call Of Duty looks very well done. the animations are perfect. i dont know exactly what kind of play HL2 will have so i cant say if it would be put to good use in it or not. and who ever said HL2 is run and gun, simply put You Are A MOR-RON!
Didn't max Payne have some form of leaning around corners and Splinter Cell on the PS2, this function worked well especially if sniping unsuspecting guards Mwahhahaha!
well - i sure hope so. bcz when i started playing CS i really mist that option, and in genneral - u should ask why wont they include it?
anyway - with leaning or without - i gonna buy this game and play it until HL3 come out or until i die :cool:
I can never understand people that ask to have things omitted just because they don't use it. If you don't like the lean does it hurt you to have it in the game? If the devs decide not to put it in, that's fine with me. I won't loose sleep over it. But if it's a simple addition, why not just put it in. People that don't like it don't have to use it. It won't hurt anyone's gameplay experience having it there.
agreed. leaning is nice and useful for a the more tactical gamer, and that adds another intrest element
clarky003 said:
agreed. leaning is nice and useful for a the more tactical gamer, and that adds another intrest element

I totally agree. if it's easy as poo to add, and Valve are taking their time getting this thing perfected, why NOT add it in for the ones who use it ?

Oh I know, cuz the less skilled players in Multiplayer who don't use it would bitch to Valve about it :)
rose 1138 said:
Didn't max Payne have some form of leaning around corners and Splinter Cell on the PS2, this function worked well especially if sniping unsuspecting guards Mwahhahaha!
neither of these games were FPS....

I dont see how leaning would affect HL2 in any negative way...
hl a run&gun? no way it you have to freaking save after every corner b/c there's about a million things that could happen when you get passed it
It's still a feature for features sake. You say it's nice to have, but why is it nice to have? Only because the developers added it in specifically. They can just as easily code the AI to react less to peering around the corner with normal move+crouch.
call of duty had leaning? i never used it. leaning is annoying, because it means i have to remap my keys. but if you really insist that leaning matters, go for it.

hiding around corners is for girls anyway
Ahnteis said:
They can just as easily code the AI to react less to peering around the corner with normal move+crouch.

I'm curious here...are you a programmer? Because unless you are, and can back that statement up with some kind of example, it screams "I am speaking from my ass." You're seriously suggesting that a basic alteration of a camera function is harder to code than a specific A.I. behavior for every enemy in the game? I would think not, but then again I'm no programmer.

Leaning is a GIFT to gamers, let's be very clear about this. I't's not necessarily suited for everyone's FPS playstyle, to be sure, nor does it feel particularly native to games like HL2 or Doom3. But it definitely DOES add an element of immersiveness to the shooters that use the function, and that is GOOD for gamers. Who want's less of a connection to the game, anyways? If you don't like the lean feature in games, feel free to not use it. But to suggest that developers should for some reason provide less gameplay, I think that calls into question your legitimacy as a "gamer".

I'm calling you out, sir! DEFEND YOUR POSITION!

Alternately: try using the "lean" function in games more. If I may make some suggestions, take a look at Vietcong, Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield, or the aforementioned CoD. They rock, and the lean key really puts you in the game.
leaning makes me run out of fingers to press buttons with, and screws up my movement patterns. plus its a tiny lean, may as well just strafe out.

but your mind is made up
I'd like leaning for my side-scrolling mouse!
I use leaning all the time in Call of Duty, it's really useful...
I love leaning, I play alot of Call of Duty so it's a feature I've grown used to.

For those negative nancies out there who are suggesting Valve omit it, think of it this way - imagine you have a super uber powerful computer capable of running any of the next gen games on full details, hi res, etc. Would it not piss you off if people with crappier computers starting requesting that there be no hi res textures and no DX9 effects, just because they dont want to/can't use them?

If you dont want to lean, fine, unbind the lean key. Me, and thousands of other people, think it's an excellent feature, and to be honest Valve would be stupid not to allow us such a simple little thing.
iamaelephant said:
I love leaning, I play alot of Call of Duty so it's a feature I've grown used to.

For those negative nancies out there who are suggesting Valve omit it, think of it this way - imagine you have a super uber powerful computer capable of running any of the next gen games on full details, hi res, etc. Would it not piss you off if people with crappier computers starting requesting that there be no hi res textures and no DX9 effects, just because they dont want to/can't use them?

If you dont want to lean, fine, unbind the lean key. Me, and thousands of other people, think it's an excellent feature, and to be honest Valve would be stupid not to allow us such a simple little thing.

I don't think that analogy is proper. I, and many others, don't believe a leaning fits HL/2. Highres textures/shaders/whatever else fit nextgen games, simply because they're nextgen. It (leaning) fits other games (ie. "realistic" war-time games), but Half-Life doesn't exactly strive for realistic features.

I wouldn't care if lean is in, though. It's like in FarCry, I find leaning absolutely useless, especially online, but, other people enjoy it and find it useful. I do think having the option is better than not, but, I personally don't believe leaning should be an option (for HL2) for the above reason.
I think there is a more important thing here than 'let's throw in everything we can think of to please everyone' and that is gameplay. However I do like the lean feature and I think it suits HL pretty well considering HL2 will probably aim for some awesome gunfights. Leaning is a pretty natural ability that would be very useful in a gunfight (so is sprinting which we already know is in the game). What I like about these two abilities is that they are useful in many different areas (sprinting: getting from one place to another faster, taking cover, running away, making a big jump, pushing things, etc.) but I don't like things that have more isolated purposes (double jumps, dodging). The other thing about having many abilities is that it tends to clutter up the controls and it would defeat the immersiveness if you have to mover your fingers out of the way to do these things (some people don't use them altogether).
since i use arrow keys (yeah yeah i know i'm a heretic) i simply bind End and Page Down for leaning purposes.

whenever i have some cover i simply move my fingers up those 1.5 inches and presto i can pop in and out of view using lean

i think it should be implmented, they might need to add some animations for the lean and some ai coding but considering we are waiting ill summer and it shouldn't take more than a few hours to work it in.
Yes, I am in fact a programmer.

What do you think happens when you lean? The model moves, the camera moves, and the AI sight check is directed to a spot on your body where you can't be seen.

It's just as easy to check (fex) the far side of the feet (rather then the near) and let the player strafe or strafe+crouch out halfway (so they can see) but not have the AI "realize" the player is there.

If you don't believe me, explain why you think leaning is so much easier to implement that it's worth the bother of extra keys for the players to use and extra animation for 3rd person observers.
Just got an e-mail back from Rick Ellis regarding leaning (also posted it in the VALVe info thread):

Subject: RE: Leaning in HL2?
From: "Rick Ellis" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 09:30:14 -0800
To: "Shuzer" <[email protected]>

HL1 style, no leaning.


-----Original Message-----
From: Shuzer [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 11:27 PM
To: Rick Ellis
Subject: Leaning in HL2?

Will there be a lean function in HL2 (ala Call of Duty), or will the
game be "HL1 style," with leaning omitted?

Keep up the good work,
well, that settles that

or does it?!?!?!?

perhaps valve and co. need more expressive means of persuasion BWAHAHAHAHAHAH AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA AH HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

or i can just settle for no leaning and have a modder implement it later
I dont care if they implement leaning or not, however if they do i hope its just for looking not for shooting, i hate games that have leaning and a head poking around a corner can some how fire bullets out if it.
yea, leaning it totally pointless, especially in a game like HL-2.
look at america's army... not really a game but a simulator -- and a very good one at that, imho.

it has leaning and you better learn how to use it cuz it does give you an edge and it prevents you from getting killed too easily, since you can just let go the lean key and quickly be behind cover.

I guess if you were out killing aliens with automatic weapons, you would never lean around corners if you heard something freaky nearby... I guess, you, being the all-american-hero that you are, would just run out and kill everything. I really hope hl2 isn't that kinda game.

i really hope you gotta actually THINK a little before you act and if you don't you'll most likely get slaughtered.. This isn't Unreal or Doom2. you don't need lean to get this effect, but the fact that they are not including it hints at a run-n-gun kinda game.

Personally, i still have faith in valve but i guess we will see...
What is there to have faith in? They've said there's no leaning. Therefore, there is no leaning.

Your example is flawed - AA is a simulator. HL2 is an action game. In every action game I've ever played that had leaning in, I've never used it, and haven't suffered from doing so.
i said i have faith in them not making this a run-n-gun game... if they weren't going for a reality factor (read: sim), why use physics system? By your reasoning, if this is a game, then there shouldn't be "real" things in it.