
Thats a bit overboard.
It has to retain a feeling of believability, but its can only go so far until it seems to serious. Half-Life has always been kinda silly and far-fetched, so they have to find a medium.
My guess is that you'll get used to not having lean within a few minutes, and I doubt it will ruin the experience or anything.
yea, i dont mean that no leaning is a horrible thing... however it kinda hints at the kinda game we will be playing. Of course this is just a guess... and many games without lean are good. To me (and i think to others that want leaning) it's a matter of "why not?"

in the end, who cares. just something to talk about though :)
Never used leaning in any game, no good key configs for it, have to bend and twist in all directions to use it. Nah, I'll just run and gun, leaning is for pussies :p
Besides, did it bother you in HL that you couldn't lean?
best config for leaning is (if you have a 5 button mouse) make mouse4 & 5 lean left&right
Tlaloc said:
best config for leaning is (if you have a 5 button mouse) make mouse4 & 5 lean left&right

Nope. Just 3 buttons here :)
But if it's available, I use Q and E, but thats not an ideal config so I rarely use lean then. And most of the time and don't even set those keys because I use E for Use, a lot more important.
I dont see what's wrong with using E and Q for leaning, and F for use. You dont eactly have to be a contortionist to move your finger 2cm to reach that key.

I think its silly for Valve not to include it, for us that will in fact use it.
Yea leaning rocks. I like to lean IRL as well, do it everytime before i go around a corner.
HL was the best game ever, and that had no leaning. With that in mind I find it easy to see why valvE have kept things similar.
Yeah Crusader, you're right. Half Life had no ragdoll physics, no DX9 effects, and no Striders, so those shouldnt be included in HL2 either. Makes perfect sense, right?
Whether or not leaning should be in is a gameplay decision and I think the only ones who can make that decision right now is Valve.
Sparta said:
anybody care to ask Valve?

They already have. The answer is posted in this very thread. (I'm lazy but come ON.)
iamaelephant said:
I dont see what's wrong with using E and Q for leaning, and F for use. You dont eactly have to be a contortionist to move your finger 2cm to reach that key.

I think its silly for Valve not to include it, for us that will in fact use it.

To press E or Q means I can't press strafe left or right, which is more important to me than peaking around corners. It's only useful in games like Ravenshield, and HL2 doesn't play like Rainbow6.
"Yeah Crusader, you're right. Half Life had no ragdoll physics, no DX9 effects, and no Striders, so those shouldnt be included in HL2 either. Makes perfect sense, right?"

They are all things that they wanted to put in HL1 if they could have, they now have the technology to do so. Leaning is something they could easily have done in HL1, and rather than the other things you mentioned it is a design decision on the part of valvE that they don't want that type of gameplay. So stop talking out of your arse :p.
Im pretty sure i once played a game which you use only one key for leaning + the direction you want to lean to (like Q+D for leaning right, if Q is lean and D is right).
though i think it makes you stay in one place

anyway in my opinion, one thing i liked in HL was the speed - the controls were easy, the gameplay was "floating" and it really added to the feeling of full control of the character. adding 100 functions that cant be controlled well and fast does the opposite.

im sure once a brain-keyboard is invented and youll be able to control characters using your thought, those 100 functions will come in.
I've only ever used leaning on those rare occasions I've remembered that games have the function. Majority of the time I ignore it and forget all about it.

I always just found it easier to strafe from one direction to the next then to lean round corners: but then again I'd never have appreciated the stealth element of lean dependant games anyway, as I'd have shot everything that moves as if it was a generic shooter...

So I'm not bothered about its absense, but I'd bet it could be modded back in for those who are annoyed by the announcement.
PvtRyan said:
To press E or Q means I can't press strafe left or right, which is more important to me than peaking around corners. It's only useful in games like Ravenshield, and HL2 doesn't play like Rainbow6.
That is a great point.
the 3rd person animations would look quite ridiculous too, seeing someone leaning and strafing at the same time, or someone alternating leaning between left and right quickly. theres enough ridiculous 3rd person animations as it is.
There is a new patent around in armies. you attach a special camera to your rifle, connect it with a wire to a little screen sliding from your helm. this way you dont actually have to lean to see whats behind a corner, you just have to move your rifle.
applying this thing to a game might cut off the funny 3d animations.
Or for WW2 HL2 mods, use a little mirror like Miller does in Saving Private Ryan.

Would that work in the HL2 engine?
i've never seen a game where you can lean & move at the same time