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  1. twinsen

    My 2 cents.

    lol this reli is quite funny. shoot the afro smiley.LOL :sniper: :afro: :sniper: :monkee:
  2. twinsen

    Shattered Glass?

    who the fuk is this guy. wtf u mean scratch that. go away
  3. twinsen

    My 2 cents.

    flame it man burn die die and be forgotton LOL im propo onw of those ppl u talk about :sniper: :monkee:
  4. twinsen

    super compileing

    thts wat i had guessed but that is the only problem isnt it.
  5. twinsen

    super compileing

    I dont know if this is a very good way to compile my maps. I tried tieing the skybox to entity then tried compiling the level compiled extreeeeeeeeemly fast like 1 second. I didnt expect it to work at all but only the skybox was leaking light out. but only light_enviroment. because i have so...
  6. twinsen

    Getting Started!

    lol sukerpunch ur not a ninja ur just old.:)
  7. twinsen

    Can't Run Map

    oh right. lol;) y cant he just use hl2 editor like every1 else.
  8. twinsen

    What the leak!?

    thts the one:sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper:
  9. twinsen

    I need a song

    ooo i cant remember wat its called but i know this reli kl 1 il ask my bro i think it might be in a bit of the matrix or sumthing.;) ask him wen he wakes up
  10. twinsen

    What the leak!?

    i believe tht it dus recognise a 1 pixel leak as a leak and will not render properly. Ive heard of a tool which you can use after u compile the bsp which points out where the leak is.
  11. twinsen

    lighting help needed

    nah im not tht stupid. i dont think anyway i checked tht tht wasnt ticked and changed the brightness and it still dont work. changed the radius as wll still didnt work so im just using spots now and not having the whole swinging light thing unless u can parent a spot to a light mdl using...
  12. twinsen

    Can't Run Map

    once u compile the bsp dusnt it have sum feature where it points out leaks to you.
  13. twinsen

    Getting Started!

    wat the hell r u on about i dont understand is this tutorial for downloading sdk o sumthing because tht reli isnt hard.
  14. twinsen


    here are sum pics for u they r not very good atm. and they seem to have turned out very dark even though its not like tht in the game. must be my settings on brightness anyway i hope you can pick out sum of the detail from them. heres the kitchen im doing so far. thank you for looking.
  15. twinsen

    de_carpark 15% done

    yer gd idea i cud do tht for one side of the road and then use the crashed truck with police tape for the other side. i wanted iut so u cud kinda take cover inside the wreckage. if u know wat i mean. because the cts will have to cross the road to get the hossies.
  16. twinsen


    yer but it took half an hour to compile because of the cliffs and the way the light bounced off it . i could not optimize anymore and what i tried did not improve times enuf. but it was pretty kl. Raven i do not expect u to be surprised as i know a good map should always compile fast well...
  17. twinsen

    de_carpark 15% done

    yer dekstar ive got a small proby on my new map i have a road which is reasonably wide maybee 4 traffic lanes. can you think of any thing i could use to block it off i thought maybee an articulated truck but i can make custom models because no 3d max. but i wanted fire and sum burning corpses...
  18. twinsen


    need help finding a name for my new map. I have dropped cs_cove but like the idea of cs maps i think theyr more realistic than de and fy maps. anyways ive made a start on it very early so far so early tht im not going to show u any pics. but the cts are going to start in a backyard behind a...
  19. twinsen


    in other words theyr crap LOL ive dumped cs_cove and i am working on another map. The compile times were just soso long due to cliff and lights. i duno but the face light count was sumthing like 300
  20. twinsen

    lighting help needed

    surely 600 is enuf distance. I will try higher though.:dozey: