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  1. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    On the SDK - here are some of Valves statements from the past:
  2. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    The discussion is whether the release was sloppy - those bugs where pretty agregious and where shipped in the so called Final version, a retail product. There is no excuse for that as there is no excuse for still having several crash bugs (only some where fixed) and the lack of maps and models...
  3. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Hmm, I was expecting the final version to, well, be finished. I wasn't expecting 5 or 6 maps, one player model, and not a single bug fix or netcode adjustment. I was expecting that you wouldn't be bale to, still, cheat from the console or just type in a few charaters to crash any server. I...
  4. AgentSmith

    Seriously the hitboxes

    You can read the referenced thread and all these comments but the fact remains that accuracy of hit detection is terrible in CS:S. Tweaking rates and editing configs is well beyond the average user and with the prediction CS forces on all of us so Valve can whore a few more copies to dial up...
  5. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Well, I buy games for MP as SP is a one time limited thing (why pay $50 for 20 hours of play?). As a SP buyer imagine how jipped you would feel if you fired up your copy of HL2 to find it was just HL1 on Source. Now maybe you wouldn't mind that but if in addition it was sloppily done and...
  6. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    LOL, I wonder why a paying customer should be patient in waiting for what they payed for. As for the rest of your blabber I don't have to be a game coder to know that only one model per side and just a few maps and hit detection that is terrible and physics that are ridiculously crappy make CSS...
  7. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Hmm, interesting idea. I guess anyone who can't make a movie should not critique one. Nobody who can't cook should say they dislike the food at a resteraunt. And nobody who can fix a car should bitch if thier car doesn't run. Ok, now that makes pefect nonsense. Fine, defend making CS:S...
  8. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    I did pay for it, in fact Valve used it to get people to buy off Steam instead of through VU at the stores. As for my point, I think anyone who doesn't have the foggy fanboy glasses on can clearly see my point and understand it. For one CS:S as a port is incomplete and sloppy. One model per...
  9. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Uhm, original? Come on, are you seriously going to argue that CS:S is not, in practice if not technically, the same game as CS 1.6 and CZ? I mean that is like saying those digitally remixed Star Wars movies are new films. I mean how about if you went to see SW Episode I and all you got was...
  10. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Jeez, going to argue that again? HL was built of the Quake engine - is a fact not matter how much you want to claim otherwise. That isn't a bad thing, it just is true - Valve made alot of additions to make HL but in the end it is Quake. You could feel it in CS and you still can even now that...
  11. AgentSmith

    Whatever happened to CS2?

    Just going by what they keep saying.
  12. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    And here we have the exact type of idiotic fanboy that is the reason the same game gets sold over and over and over. I mean what kind of moron would suggest that it is reasonable to seel CS over and over while at the same time NOBODY would accept the same type of BS from Valve with SP. Jeez...
  13. AgentSmith

    Whatever happened to CS2?

    Only sorta - Valve made several statements about "suprises" and the "top secret HL2 MP". They might not have claimed that we would be playing those nicks online in some way but I think they clearly fed the ensuing hype. They also claimed that CSS was just being ported to test compatibility...
  14. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Kind of cements that argument. Look, CSS is fine if that is what Valve wants as HL2 MP; they SHOULD have finished it and they SHOULD have made it with the same quality and ability they did with the SP, as it is now it is just a cheap. sloppy port - not a retail MP component.
  15. AgentSmith

    Whatever happened to CS2?

    TF2 is next - I even doubt that CSS will get much attention until TF2 is out.
  16. AgentSmith

    CS:S Is CS1.6 with more ****heads

    I don't mind the headshots, all games these days have some similar one shot kill - what annoys me about CS (and CSS in particular) is the randomness with which they occur. Back in the CS BETA days (and on through 1.2) a headshot was usually the result of really knowign what you where doing -...
  17. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    I think it is pretty clear what I mean - CS was designed for the HL1 engine (modified Quake 2). All its features and limitations are derived from the features and limitations of that engine. CS was ported to Source and dubed, 'CS:Source' but it still has all those limitations of features and...
  18. AgentSmith

    Whatever happened to CS2?

    Maybe so in that degreee but HL1 was never renamed and presented as a new title only to end up being nearly the exact same game like Condition Zero or CS:Source.
  19. AgentSmith


    Well, I wish you luck but I think I am pretty much in the right in telling you that you will NEVER equal a desktop performance with a laptop, too many comprimises are made for space and heat concerns in laptops to equal what a desktop can do (and can do for far, far less).
  20. AgentSmith

    CS:S Is CS1.6 with more ****heads

    I base my opinion on general public play which is the vast majority of MP play. 5on5 or whatever is completely irrelevant to all but the small percentage of competitive players.