CS:S Is CS1.6 with more ****heads

AgentSmith said:
Why? Because if you are going to sell people a new game it should be , well, new. Jesus - if you think CS was so perfect then keep playing it - but to say the same game should be repackaged and sold over and over and over is just stupid.
They didn't "sell" CS:S now did they? It comes "free" with HL2. You pay for HL2, you get CS:S free... And early I might add, no one would be able to complain about anything when it comes to how CS:S is currently playing if Valve didn't decide to give it to us early.
most servers I played on the first couple days blew me away, most people were cool mature and worked as a team.

now its like the warez kids, hackers, and assholes have had time to bore their way into the CS:S world.... I havent had an enjoyable game (on pubs, HL2.netters don't count we all know you guys are cool) since those first couple days :/

edit: the whole CS:S was free is silly.. it is Hl2's MP component.

"thats like saying OMFG you cant slag off on Farcry's/Doom3's MP.. ITS FREE!!!"

if HL2 had it's own mp component (even if that be a simple dm :/ ) then CS:S would indeed be a free port.

but that is not the case.

I appreciate being able to play CS:S early (well kinda) but if you think it was done with us in mind think again.

you dont think thousands of people who would buy retail, suddenly bought through steam because of CS:S and the packages?

if it were in final form (aka I didnt have to personaly have to report over 13 bugs), had bots/more maps/models/a little more polished for a final product, then we could all bow down to Valve and say, Oh glorious Valve you have given us something with no selfish agenda.

oh however we, nor they are that niave (or should be)
AgentSmith said:
Why? Because if you are going to sell people a new game it should be , well, new. Jesus - if you think CS was so perfect then keep playing it - but to say the same game should be repackaged and sold over and over and over is just stupid.

CS:S was never touted as being new. It was always, always touted as an aesthetically updated CS.
Pi Mu Rho said:
CS:S was never touted as being new. It was always, always touted as an aesthetically updated CS.

True - but simultaneous to that 'touting' they where also 'touting' this top secret new HL2 MP and therin lies the deception. Just like people would be revolting and rioting if HL2 SP was just HL1 SP with new graphics getting CS with just new graphics as MP is just as ridiculous.
Is it a deception? At some point, for reasons that we're not privy to, Valve changed the focus of MP. Maybe it was because their planned MP mode wasn't working out. Maybe it was taking too long. Maybe the goverment told them not to do it. It's not uncommon in game development for features to be changed or removed.

Just like people would be revolting and rioting if HL2 SP was just HL1 SP with new graphics getting CS with just new graphics as MP is just as ridiculous.

It's ridiculous to you - I don't see people revolting and rioting over CS:S in their droves, do you?
It is anoying. You could either play with bots or turn the chat off (F10) so you dont have to see the stupid things people are saying.
Atleast you can play CS. I Have got a craving at the mo but cant caus im not allowed to play games after nine o'clock
i think i gotta state for the record that i haven't been on one bad or rude cs:s server yet. there are times when a couple people might be complete dicks but whatever, that REALLY doesn't bother me. why? because i don't get my feelings hurt when someone ONLINE says 'oh you suck" or some other stupid thing.
the only places i've EVER seen some shitheads being REALLY shitheaded are at net cafes. i had these 12 year olds wanting to go outside and fight me and my friend. i'm 22. hahahahaha it was soooooo sad.

also, i'm not sure about now, but in the past the worst servers for me were these german french and swedish servers... the ONLY times i've encountered really rampant cheating was on those european ones. the british servers all seem to be pretty good. and dutch ones are usually pretty good too. i think i'm just unlucky in finding all the shitty european servers and not the regular nice ones. blegh.
Edge said:
I tried to give CS:S a chance. Nope just as ****ing gay as CSv1.6 if not worse. All these little shitheads ruining gaming for others. The community sucks but the game sucks even more. I watch people.. myself included shoot at a wall near someone and get a headshot but other times I aim at the body and don't hit shit. The game is purely random. I will sometimes get headshots and kills and other times I do exactly the same thing and can't kill shit.

Boring... wish I would have waited for the retail and skipped supporting VALVe and Steam. Because in the end I got ****ed.

**** you VALVe.


Lamer. Just find a decent server, they DO exist. Join a server that speaks a different language than you! Then you can't understand them! :p
Pi Mu Rho said:
Is it a deception? At some point, for reasons that we're not privy to, Valve changed the focus of MP. Maybe it was because their planned MP mode wasn't working out. Maybe it was taking too long. Maybe the goverment told them not to do it. It's not uncommon in game development for features to be changed or removed.

Sure - but Valve never bothered to tell us they didn't bother to finsih the MP, right up until release they let it be believed that it was there and they even went so far os to suggest that CSS was more than what it was in BETA when, in fact, it was the same as the BETA.

Come on - is it so hard for you to call foul on Valve? You don't have to hate Hl2 or CS or CSS. Are you really going to tell me that CSS lives up to all the expectations and hops you had for HL2 MP, or that it really even comes close? Are you really going to argue that CSS is either finished or polished as a retail product should be?
I had no expectations or hopes for HL2MP. I think I played HLDM once. My main interest is in the SP and the SDK.

I've already said that I agree CS:S could have been more complete.
Don't play the game dipshit, I am sick and tired of you sort of guys complaining. All you do is whine and complain, well guess what, a game will never be perfect! If you don't like it, don't ****ing play the damn game!
SubKamran said:
Just find a decent server, they DO exist.

Exactly. I've been playing more on the hl2.net UK servers than on Finnish servers. I have quite an awful ping on the hl2.net servers, but I prefer to play there anyway since the players there are usually quite a bit nicer and friendlier than on the idiot-infested Finnish servers.

EDIT: Oh, and AgentSmith, just a question... have you played a lot of 5on5 matches, scrims, gathers and so on, or are you basing your opinion of CS:S (and CS in general) only on your experience on pubs?
perrkele said:
Oh, and AgentSmith, just a question... have you played a lot of 5on5 matches, scrims, gathers and so on, or are you basing your opinion of CS:S (and CS in general) only on your experience on pubs?

I base my opinion on general public play which is the vast majority of MP play. 5on5 or whatever is completely irrelevant to all but the small percentage of competitive players.
Right, at least we agree on something. :cheers:

Now I know where you're coming from and I can understand your views a bit better.
Im getting annoyed here...Really pissed and annoyed..

I can live with 1.6 hs, its was ok, and i do love CS... But the ammount of hs in source is annoying, really kills the fun of playing this game.

RRunner said:
Im getting annoyed here...Really pissed and annoyed..

I can live with 1.6 hs, its was ok, and i do love CS... But the ammount of hs in source is annoying, really kills the fun of playing this game.


I don't mind the headshots, all games these days have some similar one shot kill - what annoys me about CS (and CSS in particular) is the randomness with which they occur. Back in the CS BETA days (and on through 1.2) a headshot was usually the result of really knowign what you where doing - these days it is more a result of spraying in the right general direction.
Wait for CS2 for any major changes.

Until then, suck it up, get better or don't play.

If you do play. I will own your ass until you get better. Then you'll have my respect.
Well, damn. As long as I have your respect, my life is complete.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Well, damn. As long as I have your respect, my life is complete.
of course, didn't you know the only people worth talking to are the ones you can sodomize in a video-game. (sarcasm, and kidding)
Grand Architect said:
well you are assuming that your bullets will land where your crosshairs are on the move it is a cone effect after all. Now if you were way off a good 2-3 feet then thats a problem.

From my experiance I have actualy seen bullets hit the wall and people still die from head shots.