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  1. AgentSmith

    Whatever happened to CS2?

    How have they sold HL1 over and over? The expansions where differant stories and each had new and differant features and weapons (Opposing Force and the rest). The comparison here is if you bought HL2 SP and loaded it up and it was HL:Source (the strt port of HL to Source), that is what we...
  2. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Well said. I think people confust me 'hating' CSS with me thinking CSS shouldn't be HL2 MP. Actually, I don't think so at all. If they had at least finsihed and polished CSS then it would be a legit MP component I suppose (allthough I think some maps and other new content and updates would...
  3. AgentSmith

    CS:S Is CS1.6 with more ****heads

    Sure - but Valve never bothered to tell us they didn't bother to finsih the MP, right up until release they let it be believed that it was there and they even went so far os to suggest that CSS was more than what it was in BETA when, in fact, it was the same as the BETA. Come on - is it so...
  4. AgentSmith

    CS:S Is CS1.6 with more ****heads

    True - but simultaneous to that 'touting' they where also 'touting' this top secret new HL2 MP and therin lies the deception. Just like people would be revolting and rioting if HL2 SP was just HL1 SP with new graphics getting CS with just new graphics as MP is just as ridiculous.
  5. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    LOL, CS:S is widely criticised for a number of reasons, fact is that CS is as well. Yes, many people play it - more than any other such game but far more do not play it for many of the reasons listed here. As for originality, are you telling me, honestly, that if HL2 SP is the same as HL1 SP...
  6. AgentSmith

    Whatever happened to CS2?

    Chance = 0% My original answer remains (and I thinkit is pretty damn accurate); as long as Valve can keep selling CS over and over there is no reason to make CS2.
  7. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Then we agree and my analysis is accurate and just dismissing the unfinished state of CS:S as OK because it is some free port is bogus. CS:S is a new entity, it is the MP of a retail product and when judged that way you cannot deny that two things are true - it is incomplete and it is not the...
  8. AgentSmith

    CS:S Is CS1.6 with more ****heads

    Why? Because if you are going to sell people a new game it should be , well, new. Jesus - if you think CS was so perfect then keep playing it - but to say the same game should be repackaged and sold over and over and over is just stupid.
  9. AgentSmith

    CS:S Is CS1.6 with more ****heads

    I think that it is fair to say that CS (and CS:S) encompass very little of the strategy and technique that other realistic type FPS shooters these days do. For one the maps are allways the same, takes X amount of time to get to the one or two chokepoints, you know EXACTLY where the other team...
  10. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Please, CS:S is as much a part of HL2 being its MP as Doom 2 MP is a part of retail Doom 3 (or any other game). Why is it so hard for you people to admit that Valve jipped us a bit and even deceived us about this MP and CS:S? It is like a sports team that has a star that gets in trouble and...
  11. AgentSmith

    Whatever happened to CS2?

    I saw a video of Cliffe saying that CS:S was exactly "a test of Source compatibility" and there where several statements going back years about the top secret HL2 MP - the two where described seperately. It is clear that something (time constraints or SOurce MP issues) that caused them to just...
  12. AgentSmith


    Well, firstly you wasted a ton of money for nothing. Not trying to flame or anything but AlienWare is so overpriced it is not even funny. Laptops are just CRAP for gaming no matter what company makes them. Mobile CPUs and GPUs are considerably poorer performers than thier similarly named...
  13. AgentSmith

    Whatever happened to CS2?

    And I recal interviews with them saying CS:S was just a port to test compatibility, not the full on HL2 MP component. I also recal them saying you would get CS:S Final with the Steam purchase but what we got was the exact same POS from the BETA and the 'suprises' they alluded to are nowhere to...
  14. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    All this text making excuses for Valve. The facts are indisputable, the SDK is months late, Valve has a history of missing deadlines and breakinf such promises, Valve never said HL2 was a SP game only or what I am saying would be a moot point - they quite agressively played HL2 as a SP and MP...
  15. AgentSmith

    CS:S Is CS1.6 with more ****heads

    I more than hold my own in the game usually getting 2:1 K/D unless it is a stacked team or something but I find it one dimensional and repetitive as well. I wouldn't state it as harshley as the original poster did but I am nearly as disgusted that Valve just repackaged the same game, again -...
  16. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Well, I guess we can agree to disagree. I believe companies owe me an original product when I pay for one. And with upwards of 100 million dollars in sales at stake they can work 18 hour days or hire a second shift - give me a break man, this is a company and not some kid working between...
  17. AgentSmith

    Whatever happened to CS2?

    I think as long as Valve can sell the first CS over and over without anyone calling foul that CS2 will remain a pipedream.
  18. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Valve had said the SDK was to be out in June a while back, then when they missed that they said a month b4 the game, not it is with the game or weeks after. Point is that all DEVs have done that song and dance before and we all know how Valve is for meating deadlines and fulfilling promises. I...
  19. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    I think the issue here, or much of the difficulty in the discussion is that people tend to take a critique (strong or otherwise) of CS:S as a slam on thier favorite, CS. Well, I don't like CS - I admitted as much. I played it in the last couple stages of beta through to 1.3 so I have put my...
  20. AgentSmith

    If I were Gabe...

    Case in point: From IGN review (not a game publication that relies on developers giving them info to survive).