CS:S Is CS1.6 with more ****heads


Sep 21, 2003
Reaction score
I tried to give CS:S a chance. Nope just as ****ing gay as CSv1.6 if not worse. All these little shitheads ruining gaming for others. The community sucks but the game sucks even more. I watch people.. myself included shoot at a wall near someone and get a headshot but other times I aim at the body and don't hit shit. The game is purely random. I will sometimes get headshots and kills and other times I do exactly the same thing and can't kill shit.

Boring... wish I would have waited for the retail and skipped supporting VALVe and Steam. Because in the end I got ****ed.

**** you VALVe.
Edge said:
I tried to give CS:S a chance. Nope just as ****ing gay as CSv1.6 if not worse. All these little shitheads ruining gaming for others. The community sucks but the game sucks even more. I watch people.. myself included shoot at a wall near someone and get a headshot but other times I aim at the body and don't hit shit. The game is purely random. I will sometimes get headshots and kills and other times I do exactly the same thing and can't kill shit.

Boring... wish I would have waited for the retail and skipped supporting VALVe and Steam. Because in the end I got ****ed.

**** you VALVe.

dear hl2.net community,
boo hoo. i suck. i like teh gehy seks, and want to blame my lack of skill on valve.
love, edge
BTW I am not going to revisit this thread because you CS:S fans are all little ****wads anyway. This thread is a direct result of 2 hours of playing CS:S online.

It requires no skill, no aim, you don't even have to see.. half the ****ers kill me when I flash them. **** CS:S and VALVe. I am going back to Call Of Duty where grenades actually kill people and the hit boxes are on the bodies.

Flame away... I could careless.

Yeah, should should have bought retail and skipped....supporting valve? I'm sure they don't see a dime from those sales. And I'm sure Vivendi is more deserving of your hard earned buck because you don't like the new CS.

People like you don't make sense. How exactly did you get dicked. You payed for HL2, but instead you get to play the multiplayer component RIGHT NOW weeks before the game you purchased is released retail. Tough break man....
What a completely useless opinion on a game. I am all for constructive criticism but this is just a rant about how you don't like the game because it takes not skill? If it takes no skill then why is it not easy to kill everyone? Grow up.
I find that most people that complain about CS are terrible at the game. I've only seen a few that were actually good at it and had complaints. But it makes sense, it's hard to get pissed at a game that you own at.
I will sometimes get headshots and kills and other times I do exactly the same thing and can't kill shit.

I think this sentence proves that it is you who are the random, not the game. Don't worry, i'm very random at CS as well, but I don't cry about it :)
same somtimes i get headshots sometimes i dont but hey theres always patche :)
Caleb187 said:
I find that most people that complain about CS are terrible at the game. I've only seen a few that were actually good at it and had complaints. But it makes sense, it's hard to get pissed at a game that you own at.

I more than hold my own in the game usually getting 2:1 K/D unless it is a stacked team or something but I find it one dimensional and repetitive as well. I wouldn't state it as harshley as the original poster did but I am nearly as disgusted that Valve just repackaged the same game, again - the third time now, and not only that they did it in a terribly sloppy and incomplete manner.

But lets face it - CS requires skill to be sure, any game does. What is annoying to me about the skill in CS is that it is one dimensional. It boils down to who can twitch thier mouse the fastest (after factoring in who can afford the best gun, of course). Now that is not a slam, in its day that was what FPS games where but engine advancements have aloowed for many other dimensions to be introduced into FPS games and what I find disappointing about CS:S is that it didn't incorporate any of them - it just copied the 5 year old gameplay that was in many ways the result of the limitations that the engine it ran on had.

I know this will draw flames but there are a few big reasons for CS success. One, it was revolutionary in its time doing things no other game did. Two, it is easy to cheat at and easier to exploit in giving the kiddies the ability to be uber and claim ownage. Three, the one dimensional gameplay makes it an easy game to get into even if getting really good takes some time, anyone can play it without any effort to really learn it or to succeed. On top of those reasons the game is cheap and the hardware and internet requirements are minimal - thus you have the broad appeal. Like a McDonalds - it is not the best food by any stretch but it is accesable, cheap, and easy. These reasons attract a very young and immature crowd who cannot run around claiming ownage in games that require a bigger learning curve and a more diverse skillset, thus the UNDYING refusal by the community to accept any changes.
i play socom2 a ps2 game it has a learning curve but when i play cs im like a uber n00b sometimes i get 21-10 somtimes i get 1-14 its just who im playing with but its fun i just started lpaying this year so its not old for me.
Now I will say I was never a CS fan, death wait, buy system, blahblah. But over all I have fun when I'm doing well and get bored/pissed when I'm not. I have noticed that shoting into the body at only 5 feet away can get me only one hit with an AK or I can get 9 hits for 89 points total (handgun so meh). Other times I've watched others get total luck kills with spray and pray. But this reazlly isn't any diffrent then any other game I've played, hell in DoD I've shot prone players in the head with a kar and get nothing (must have shot down the ass crack) so again meh. Like any game sooner or later your get the feel and skill if you keep playing but not in two hours.
actually the hit box thing is a poblem, i was aiming at a wall near a guys head trying to shoot him on the run, i know i didn't shoot him in the head because my cross hair was on the wall, i shot the rifle and got him in a head shot, again, i was aiming head height NEAR his head but not at it. So there is a real visible issue with the hit boxes, i know i'm not that good and i'm quite happy not to be, but when i can do that and see it happen there is definitely something critical that needs attention and fixing asap.
Robinhood_01 said:
actually the hit box thing is a poblem, i was aiming at a wall near a guys head trying to shoot him on the run, i know i didn't shoot him in the head because my cross hair was on the wall, i shot the rifle and got him in a head shot, again, i was aiming head height NEAR his head but not at it. So there is a real visible issue with the hit boxes, i know i'm not that good and i'm quite happy not to be, but when i can do that and see it happen there is definitely something critical that needs attention and fixing asap.

well you are assuming that your bullets will land where your crosshairs are on the move it is a cone effect after all. Now if you were way off a good 2-3 feet then thats a problem.
My Ratio is 1:15, dont hear me complaining. *Pokes Edge, really hard*
I play as long as I'm having fun. I could be 2 kills, 15 deaths, and still enjoying myself. Conversely, I've been 23 kills, 1 death and left the server because I was bored.

Some people play to win. I play to play.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I play as long as I'm having fun. I could be 2 kills, 15 deaths, and still enjoying myself. Conversely, I've been 23 kills, 1 death and left the server because I was bored.

Some people play to win. I play to play.

Great fun with friends :>
well put Pi Mu Rho. I have my good days and my bad but it how much fun I have that matters. If Edge hates the game so be it nothing I can do, but he should word himself better.
From what I have gathered, European servers tend to have more mature, serious gamers. Just an observation on my part. Curious if anyone else has had similar conclusions.
i do think there is something up with cs source.i never played cs b4,but i ordered silver,i tried cs 1.6, CZ,and cs:source.To me cs:source is a bit whack-i def notice the diff between the versions,and i have an unbiased opinion,as i tried all of them for the first time over the same period,the source version looks nicest for sure,but i would def say there are netcode/hitbox issues.
Yes the hitboxes are really shite sometimes. I read someone explaining how to change settings to fix this but he talked about having to change them for every server you play on or something so its probably not worth the trouble.
Edge is right. CS:S is terrible heres just a few major problems which ruin the game.

models- hunchback is not good and the animations are a step backwards compared to the originals. Models look like theyre ice skating the animation does not match the movement in relation to the ground.

Hitboxes lag behind player models BADLY

- Hitboxes don't register hits properly

general feel. - while the original cs feels solid and plays solid. cs:s is so loose its not funny.

Jumping- is retarded now why was it changed?. The jumping wasnt like this in the HL2 stolen build.

- Shotgun does the most random damage on the planet, you can shoot someone from really far and kill them with a headshot, other times the shotgun does 30 damage when you hit someone standing deadstill in the chest 2 feet away. (related to the crappy hitboxes?)

Sounds -sometimes don't play so you can't hear enemies near you or gun fire

- the sound in general is screwed up , sometimes its impossible to tell where the enemy is,, is it mono sound or someshit? so bad

In all these areas the game has been taken backwards. final score : 0%
Thankyou for providing your opinions.
Edge said:
BTW I am not going to revisit this thread because you CS:S fans are all little ****wads anyway. This thread is a direct result of 2 hours of playing CS:S online.

I'm a CS fan, and you're calling me a ****wad just like that? seems to me like you're the asshole around here.
I agree with Edge to a certain extent, for instance last night i was playing on some server and there was a guy called [A-LAN]AxeR. He was talking over the mic like he was some ind of london Gangsta, innit, and repeatedly calling almost everyone a p*ick. He would run in behind me going into a tunnel or something, throw a greneade against the back of my head, and the proceed to scream at me for 'getting in his way' lol. The funniest thing was that we wasnt even a very good player at all, i would consider myslef absolutely crap at CS, and most of the time he was only like 2-3 kills ahead of me. He would also shout at people for firing before he did, claiming that 'you've given our position away d*ckhead' lol.

Now its not a big deal at all, but it is extremely annoying to have some pre-pubescent psychopath who thinks he ACTUALLY IS A COUNTER TERRORIST WORKING FOR THE GOVERNMENT ruin the otherwise friendly atmosphere of a game.

However when you are on a decent server with other people who dont take things too seriously i think the game is great, had a couple of really fun games with people from here. My only beef is that there just arent enough servers with people actually on them so you can switch around and find a good one. Because on the whole most of the CS;S players ive encountered so far are pretty friendly, but it only takes one tit on a server to mess things up.
What did he expect? Valve said it was 1.6 using the source engine.
Before I D/L'd it I never played and had a simmering, mocking hatred for the bunny-hopping crosshair slaves that are CS players. I was into realism big time CS is definately not that - no balistics, rock solid aim placement, cone fire, crosshairs, no iron sights, movie sounds. I thought the game is excrement. Try Infiltration for UT sometime (infiltration.sentrystudios.net) if you want hard core realism.

Upon purchase of HL2 (gold) I gave CS:S a try and found it was all that I said above, yet it was still fun! in fact it has been a great ride so far. With Steam, the updates I am sure will correct most of the issues that we see in game, however do not think this is realism, think of this as fun. If you are not having fun, why come in here and complain - other than for the tremendous edification you must be having trolling. I've found there is much more to like about CS:S than there is to dislike. This coming from a n00b bunny-hopping crosshair slave CS player. Thanks for the fun Valve, I know good things are in store for this game
I like it, but i think it'll take time till I enjoy it to the fullest.

I would have still prefered HL2DM, since the enphisis on that is fun, CS:S is on competition
cs:s was great when it was first released but now its just as terrible as i remember 1.6 was. but i havent played 1.6 for a long time so maybe its worse than i remember.
but when you're in a server and you die and you say "damn it." then the guy who killed you says "cry", that annoys me, and is definitely not a sign of a good community
I agree with Wesisapie on that at least..the smartass comments from some people do get rather annoying..but oh well..

I encounter just as much annoyance going to a theatre and having to listen to the illiterate idiots make comments during the movie

I wish you could turn off the chat feature,that is MY biggest complaint..TEAM SAY is one thing,but the general crap that is typed..worthless
AgentSmith said:
But lets face it - CS requires skill to be sure, any game does. What is annoying to me about the skill in CS is that it is one dimensional. It boils down to who can twitch thier mouse the fastest (after factoring in who can afford the best gun, of course).

Holy shit! You couldn't be more wrong than that, it's actually quite the opposite. Maybe on publics is sort of boils down to aim, but in matches it's more often the guy with the brain who scores the rounds, not some idiot with a quick wrist. I mean, anyone can aim, right, but most lack in the brain department. A highly-skilled 5on5 is more like a game of chess, not a twitch-fest, which is why, I assume, many people think high-level CS is so damn boring to watch.

Heck, now that I think about it, even on pubs a clever player with merely average aim is likely to score more kills than a skilled aimer with no brains.
perrkele said:
Holy shit! You couldn't be more wrong than that, it's actually quite the opposite. Maybe on publics is sort of boils down to aim, but in matches it's more often the guy with the brain who scores the rounds, not some idiot with a quick wrist. I mean, anyone can aim, right, but most lack in the brain department. A highly-skilled 5on5 is more like a game of chess, not a twitch-fest, which is why, I assume, many people think high-level CS is so damn boring to watch. .

I think that it is fair to say that CS (and CS:S) encompass very little of the strategy and technique that other realistic type FPS shooters these days do. For one the maps are allways the same, takes X amount of time to get to the one or two chokepoints, you know EXACTLY where the other team can get in X amount of time and it rarely changes from round to round. Games like BF and even some of the more arcady shooters like COD have non linear maps and require a more diverse skillset for success. IN BF for instance advanced weapon physics apply bullet drop to all weapons so it is not the point and click laser rifles that CS is, shooting from a distance requires adjusting AIM to account for the range.

Look, I am not saying CS doesn't take skill - it just takes a concentration of one dimension of skill and many other new games (spurred on by new engine capabilities) have expanded the skills to other levels. You can see in Source and the HL2 binks how that expansion has affected the HL2 SP, it is just a shame that they didn't expand the MP as well.
Edge said:
I tried to give CS:S a chance. Nope just as ****ing gay as CSv1.6 if not worse. All these little shitheads ruining gaming for others. The community sucks but the game sucks even more. I watch people.. myself included shoot at a wall near someone and get a headshot but other times I aim at the body and don't hit shit. The game is purely random. I will sometimes get headshots and kills and other times I do exactly the same thing and can't kill shit.

Boring... wish I would have waited for the retail and skipped supporting VALVe and Steam. Because in the end I got ****ed.

**** you VALVe.

CS was capable of doing bullet physics, leaning, going prone, any number of the more "realistic" features when it was on the HL engine. In not doing so, it is purely a design decision - why fix what isn't broken? CS has it's own particular style of play - a kind of "cartoon realism". It must be doing something right...
Pi Mu Rho said:
CS was capable of doing bullet physics, leaning, going prone, any number of the more "realistic" features when it was on the HL engine. In not doing so, it is purely a design decision - why fix what isn't broken? CS has it's own particular style of play - a kind of "cartoon realism". It must be doing something right...

Not to seem like a mod-suckup but that hits the nail on the head, it's about fun. (period) If you want uber realism, take yourself to another game (try paintballing or airsoft, or enlist for craps-sake!) CS:S is meant to be mildly realistic, but not at the expense of entertainment for the casual player. We need to embrace those that are new to the game CS:S's gameplay made it very easy for me to join the servers and have a good time.
Pi Mu Rho said:
CS was capable of doing bullet physics, leaning, going prone, any number of the more "realistic" features when it was on the HL engine. In not doing so, it is purely a design decision - why fix what isn't broken? CS has it's own particular style of play - a kind of "cartoon realism". It must be doing something right...
Also they probably didn't want to find thousands of whining CS purists comming to various forums complaining about the changes.
Why? Because if you are going to sell people a new game it should be , well, new. Jesus - if you think CS was so perfect then keep playing it - but to say the same game should be repackaged and sold over and over and over is just stupid.