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  1. -I(!113R 7-

    Killzone 2 or Halo 3

    No...My brother was honestly on. Why would I lie for no reason at all? I also almost got kick off my teachers forum because he told some kid to "munch his cock".
  2. -I(!113R 7-

    Killzone 2 or Halo 3

    That was my brother who was on before!:)
  3. -I(!113R 7-

    Only 40% of Americans accept evolution

    Didn't I.(That's What I'd call. CHECKMATE!)Well maybe stalemate, seeing as noone will talk about FF12.(Preorder now.Before the limited edition metal cases sell out!)
  4. -I(!113R 7-

    Killzone 2 or Halo 3

    Man, what a colourful vocabulary.*cough*sarcasm*cough*(Oh and dreadful is spelled wrong, I'd let it go...but you did it twice.)
  5. -I(!113R 7-

    Only 40% of Americans accept evolution

    Sure it won't...what are you doing now?! Hahaha see everyone loves to hate me or at least argue with me. You just fell for my trap.(The only way to get out of this now is not to respond...then I win.)
  6. -I(!113R 7-

    New DMC4 pictures

    Nicely put. What a lot of people and developers don't realise is that the future of games should involve great gameplay more than focusing on graphics. Ex. Katamari Damacy.(And imagine the possibilities if GTA used low-scale lego models where everything could actually break to pieces and levels...
  7. -I(!113R 7-

    Killzone 2 or Halo 3

    Lmfao wow...
  8. -I(!113R 7-

    Hippie Wars!

    twelvezies(ps SPAM) jkjkjk its really about time we get back on topic or stop altogether.If this goes nowhere please close this poll(If it's here I can't help but talk on it)
  9. -I(!113R 7-

    Only 40% of Americans accept evolution

    Man this still isn't over...well...who's excited for Final Fantasy 12?(might as well see how long we can keep this thread goin)
  10. -I(!113R 7-

    Hippie Wars!

    Tenzies :laugh:
  11. -I(!113R 7-

    Killzone 2 or Halo 3

    I agree we all have our own preferences.
  12. -I(!113R 7-

    Hippie Wars!

    U seem to be the ones trolling up this thread so w/e. I was just stating a game idea. I'm sorry if I bothered or offended anybody, but as I said before if you don't like or care about what I have to say then don't read it!:)
  13. -I(!113R 7-

    Killzone 2 or Halo 3

    I have to disagree w/the co-op statement in Halo 2. I preferred co-op far more in SC:Chaos Theory and liked it just as much in Timesplitters 2 and 3!:E
  14. -I(!113R 7-


  15. -I(!113R 7-


    PSYCHEDELIC MAN \O/ great post:laugh:
  16. -I(!113R 7-

    Which is the best country to live in?

    For me I love livin in Canada, but if I were to move I'd go to Australia or TOKYO!!!!:p
  17. -I(!113R 7-

    Popes comments spark angry protests

    That is very true...well mostly, but you've gotta think it's kinda like if someone were to make fun of your parents or loved ones. Even though it doesn't really affect you much it still pisses you off
  18. -I(!113R 7-

    Only 40% of Americans accept evolution

    Sorry, the Boondocks??...well this thread has gone on long enough. I'm just trying to say that everybody can believe whatever they'd like, just don't criticize other peoples opinions. Continue to talk about me or w/e but I'm peacin'.(It's been a good debate. Later!)
  19. -I(!113R 7-


    Rez is a PS2 game that is hard to find now at a cheap price.But wait theres rez you go into a network to try to bring it(Eden) back online. Its a simplified game w/an old reamped arcade style to it, it uses great sound effects and ryhthms as well as easy 3 button controls(analog stick...
  20. -I(!113R 7-

    Hippie Wars!

    Nicely put Jintor(ps no1 is forcing anybody here to read/be a part of my threads...but if you do, please be more considerate):P