Only 40% of Americans accept evolution

hey hey hey like i said i didnt try to restart the arguement just tell u my opinion...but I do actually agree that ppl have their own rights and opinions that they should b able to express(for the most part)and there are a lot of overprotective Christians but i definitly understand where to draw the line. I give u full support other than that christians are shit holes(as u may be able to see I am not)o and I will inform ppl of Christ but not push it upon them
no I said that meaning that version. thanks for the info though!! I always thought it was between the 1000-1050's :) U know wat I mean...actual english as in back then without slang and such. But thnx again for correcting me(i probably looked real dumb with that misleading comment)

wowzers, wasnt expecting a pleasant reply. my apologies. just in a bad mood.


Whos to say that god didnt create us to evolve?

Who's to say that? Nobody in particular. You can believe that if you want. It just isn't something that can be supported scientifically, so you'll have to believe it on your own.

Isn't it more comforting to believe and have hope for the afterlife, then to just not bother or search ways of proving god to b fake?

It's not my job to search for ways of proving god to be fake. If you think there is a god, you prove it to me. I don't see any reason to believe it. It's more comforting to believe that our President knows what the hell he is doing, or that I am a world-famous rockstar, but believing things doesn't make them true.

If ur sooo sure that there is no god, y bother wasting wats left of ur life w/this sh!t or to prove a theory wrong instead of doing something better w/it

Why? Because we care about truth and accuracy, and because good science is its own reward both in terms of fascinating knowledge and the technological advances that come from understanding the world around us better.

Or religion a chance and yes i know ur comeback will b something about reading the bible being a waste right?

I don't know why you are setting things up as if these things were mutually exclusive. One can learn science and beleive in god, or be religious.

I don't think reading the Bible is a waste: it's a crucially important historical and cultural text. I just don't believe its the word of any God.

Well just think about it and think about wat makes ppl happier to believe.

As we've already covered, what makes people happiest to believe has very little to do with what's true.

o and does trying to prove ppl wrong make u feel better about urselves.

When people make bad arguments, they need to be refuted. When people lie and slander other, someone needs to stand up to that. And when people have sincere questions, they need to be sincerely answered.

Its wrong to make fun of any1s belief(ex.being a christian i dont make fun of say buhddism)

I'm not making fun of anyone's belief.

all of u none believers have ur own oppoinion and i accept that, but dont go trying to change any1 elses opinion or make fun of them, just try to get along.

What is or isn't good science isn't up to mere opinion.
well..those were all good points u had.PLZ keep in mind that when I said most of that sh!t it was towards the more rude and less logical ppl, but u seem alright so I have no problem saying u make quite a bit of sense and I see how you see things!!!:D and remember I just meant that towards ppl who are'nt out seeking the truth(as I can see you are scientifically)but who are harrassing ppl instead(o and to mastag thats alright, we all say things we don't mean :))
If ur sooo sure that there is no god, y bother wasting wats left of ur life w/this sh!t or to prove a theory wrong instead of doing something better w/it

I may not believe in the existence of any gods, but I know that such beliefs do exist and they heavily shape the world we live in. It's not a waste of time to encourage critical thinking.
Well what it really boils down to is they are all theories as none have been proven absolute fact. Just go with what suits you. Like I am a Christian not only because I was brought up that way but also because it teaches you to respect your fellow man.As evolution I guess gives you an interestion outlook on life and may help out with self evolution or something. Well I dont agree w/scientists "playing god" or "messing w/nature/natural evolution"(hey imagine if future generations prove us all wrong :))ps...this poll closing soon or what?!
Well what it really boils down to is they are all theories as none have been proven absolute fact.

That's the creationist view of things. The scientific view of things is that there are no absolute facts, but that evolution and an old earth are what all the evidence supports to a very very high degree of certainty. If you want to talk science, then it's not really a matter of opinion or all "just a bunch of different theories."
Yeah, but my point is that none are 100% proven. And thats why ppl have there own beliefs that get in the way of fact(which I can admit creationism has the least amont of facts to support it)There are knowns knowns, and known unknowns,as well as unknown uknowns therefore you must account for things that we don't know we don't know because we don't know it exists from the start.(Like my point of both creationism and evolution possibly being wrong)
Jesus Christ -I(!113R 7-, if you are going to say something, make sure you take the time to spell the words right and use correct grammer. Your posts are almost unreadable. Make your ideas flow instead of having us grasp at what you are trying so very hard to say.
Yeah, but my point is that none are 100% proven. And thats why ppl have there own beliefs that get in the way of fact(which I can admit creationism has the least amont of facts to support it)There are knowns knowns, and known unknowns,as well as unknown uknowns therefore you must account for things that we don't know we don't know because we don't know it exists from the start.(Like my point of both creationism and evolution possibly being wrong)

there's no possiblity that creationism could be wrong ..there's zero possiblity that it could be right
Obviously, the 60% are the ones that are descended from apes.
"Yeah, but my point is that none are 100% proven and thats why [people] have th[eir] own beliefs that get in the way of fact ([because] I can admit creationism has the least amont of facts to support it)[.] There are [known] knowns, and known unknowns, as well as unknown [unknowns] therefore you must account for things that we don't know we don't know because we don't know it exists from the start. (Like my point of both creationism and evolution possibly being wrong)."

I call troll bullshit. That nonsense speech is straight out of The Boondocks:

Gin: So you understand the words I'm saying to you?
Riley: Yea..
Gin: WELL WHAT IM SAYING is that there are known knowns, and known unknowns. But there are also UNKNOWN UNKNOWNS. Things that we don't know that we don't know.
Riley: ..What?
there's no possiblity that creationism could be wrong ..there's zero possiblity that it could be right

You shouldn't call it 'creationism' any more Stern. These days it's called 'Intelligent Design'. Same bullshit, in a new jacket and attempts to avoid links with Christianity, but fails. But ID's paint is also wearing thin, expect a new kind of pseudo-science soon.

And isn't that the perfect irony? I mean, that it's evolving? That's ****ing sweet. The virus of religion evolves when the cell (education) it is trying to infect, resists it (courts ruling against ID). The virus adapts and tries again.
-KILLER 7 said:
y bother wasting wats left of ur life w/this sh!t or to prove a theory wrong instead of doing something better w/it
The same could surely be directed towards the anti-evolution lobby.
Sorry, the Boondocks??...well this thread has gone on long enough. I'm just trying to say that everybody can believe whatever they'd like, just don't criticize other peoples opinions. Continue to talk about me or w/e but I'm peacin'.(It's been a good debate. Later!)
Yeah, but my point is that none are 100% proven.

Nothing is "100%" proven: the very cocnept has no place in science. However, things like gravity and evolution are as CERTAIN as anything can be: all the evidence supports them. That's why it isn't just a matter of opinion.
KILLER 7 said:
Sorry, the Boondocks??...well this thread has gone on long enough. I'm just trying to say that everybody can believe whatever they'd like, just don't criticize other peoples opinions. Continue to talk about me or w/e but I'm peacin'.(It's been a good debate. Later!)
You really are bonkers.
Man this still isn't over...well...who's excited for Final Fantasy 12?(might as well see how long we can keep this thread goin)
Asking people about something completely off-topic won't get the thread started again.
Sure it won't...what are you doing now?! Hahaha see everyone loves to hate me or at least argue with me. You just fell for my trap.(The only way to get out of this now is not to respond...then I win.)
Stop destroying civilization. Right now. Or the President of Asia will have something to say about your existence.
Well, now that we've determined whose opinions aren't worthwhile, lets get back to the topic at hand.

I propose that people who preach the abandonment and perversion of scientific principles should be relocated to some sort of amish colony.

After all, no-body loves a hypocrite and people who are genuinely disdainful of science will be far happier there.
This thread isn't over: people like Asus and t047 and M1CH43L need to come back and respond again.
Asking people about something completely off-topic won't get the thread started again.

Didn't I.(That's What I'd call. CHECKMATE!)Well maybe stalemate, seeing as noone will talk about FF12.(Preorder now.Before the limited edition metal cases sell out!)
Didn't I.(That's What I'd call. CHECKMATE!)Well maybe stalemate, seeing as noone will talk about FF12.(Preorder now.Before the limited edition metal cases sell out!)
On topic please. One is very forgetful ;)
Creationism is like the retard kid in your school. Anytime he ****s up, that's okay, because he's retarded. If he doesn't shit himself, then it's like V-Day in 1945.
Ok, so seriously, what happened to all the big talk and questions from evolution skeptics? Did ya all simultaneously decide to never use the internet ever again?
Ok, so seriously, what happened to all the big talk and questions from evolution skeptics? Did ya all simultaneously decide to never use the internet ever again?

How Come? Evolution is a fact. I don't need the internet to know it for sure.
Dig a hole in your garden. You'll find some fossils. The deeper you'll dig the more variations you'll find in one specie. So species evolve in time (depth)...
If people don't believe evolution then they are:
A: Stupid
B: Thinking they are 'special'
C: Still believe in some fairytale that involves a snake and a apple.

Get real...The evidence is spitting in your face and you say it's raining...

Pfft...last post in this tread, anyone who still doubts evolution is one of the above.
:eek:ops apparently I misunderstood his sentence.
I taught he was backing up the creationists and asking the evolutionist if we stopped looking for sources on the net...

So consider my previous post as backup.
