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  1. -I(!113R 7-

    Killzone 2 or Halo 3

    I think that Sony may be trying to keep Killzone 2 on the DL so that it'll intruige ppl more when it finally remember how exciting it was to finally hear everything about the wii? And I can't wait to see what Guerilla can do w/next gen gaming because I loved the blooming effects in...
  2. -I(!113R 7-

    Hippie Wars!

    and brick thats directed at who???
  3. -I(!113R 7-

    Hippie Wars!

    hahahaha see I luv ppl on this forum man. DAMN COMMIES hahaha great ideas. O they could like eat a m.mushroom and fly above dropping bong bombs and stuff. And they could have like a high meter that gives them a power boost, but if there too high they cant move and u lay down some serious...
  4. -I(!113R 7-

    Killzone 2 or Halo 3

    yea same here...Killzone 1 wasnt exactly fully polished and Halo, is kinda too out there for me, like its too futuristic and that doesnt really give u a sense of an actual war being played out as Killzone does. After we get through this prerendered phase i'll decide but so far I agree w/Killzone...
  5. -I(!113R 7-

    Hippie Wars!

    Would'nt it be the TITS to have a game where you fight hippies or fight as hippies online against army infantry? The commando dudes have guns knifes everything you'd expect and hippies...well they have their pixie dust and rainbow beams..i dunno im kinda pullin this outta my ass here. Anyways...
  6. -I(!113R 7-

    Killzone 2 or Halo 3

    I think that Killzone 2 will be a totally sick game but will be somewhat underrated compared to Microsofts "monster series" Ps PS3 WILL KICK ASS!!! anyways your comment...
  7. -I(!113R 7-

    Best year of gaming in the past decade?

    correction...HELLLLLSSSS YEAAAAAHHH!!!
  8. -I(!113R 7-

    Only 40% of Americans accept evolution

    Yeah, but my point is that none are 100% proven. And thats why ppl have there own beliefs that get in the way of fact(which I can admit creationism has the least amont of facts to support it)There are knowns knowns, and known unknowns,as well as unknown uknowns therefore you must account for...
  9. -I(!113R 7-

    Only 40% of Americans accept evolution

    Well what it really boils down to is they are all theories as none have been proven absolute fact. Just go with what suits you. Like I am a Christian not only because I was brought up that way but also because it teaches you to respect your fellow man.As evolution I guess gives you an...
  10. -I(!113R 7-

    Only 40% of Americans accept evolution

    well..those were all good points u had.PLZ keep in mind that when I said most of that sh!t it was towards the more rude and less logical ppl, but u seem alright so I have no problem saying u make quite a bit of sense and I see how you see things!!!:D and remember I just meant that towards ppl...
  11. -I(!113R 7-

    Only 40% of Americans accept evolution

    hey hey hey like i said i didnt try to restart the arguement just tell u my opinion...but I do actually agree that ppl have their own rights and opinions that they should b able to express(for the most part)and there are a lot of overprotective Christians but i definitly understand where to draw...
  12. -I(!113R 7-

    Only 40% of Americans accept evolution

    no I said that meaning that version. thanks for the info though!! I always thought it was between the 1000-1050's :) U know wat I mean...actual english as in back then without slang and such. But thnx again for correcting me(i probably looked real dumb with that misleading comment)
  13. -I(!113R 7-

    Only 40% of Americans accept evolution

    Clever remark there indeed.well not really... I honestly dont care wat u think of me or whether or not i use proper english, and in fact the bible has the oldest most proper english so even for that just being a joke I still think u should get ur facts straight. But, really I am not trying to...
  14. -I(!113R 7-

    Only 40% of Americans accept evolution

    TO ALL NON-BELIEVERS..Whos to say that god didnt create us to evolve? Isn't it more comforting to believe and have hope for the afterlife, then to just not bother or search ways of proving god to b fake? If ur sooo sure that there is no god, y bother wasting wats left of ur life w/this sh!t or...
  15. -I(!113R 7-

    Which is the best country to live in?

    Canada!!!!! although outta anywhere I do prefer Midgar or Hoth(yes not countries IK IK IK)
  16. -I(!113R 7-

    your ultimate mmo actual GOOD FINAL FANTASY MMO lol...perhaps based in midgar...or a huge unexplored sandbox type of 1 would b nice, a total freedom based game where u can do missions for the Shinra org. or Rebel against them...o and addcutsman to cut every1 apart.(DL Cutsman by HORSE The Band)...
  17. -I(!113R 7-

    Best year of gaming in the past decade?

    2 WORDS(well...abreviations, but they both end in 7!)'97 FOR FF7!!!!YEA GURRLLLL YEAAAA COME ON WATS GOOD!!!:laugh: jkjkjk but ff7 kicks soooomuch ass its not even funny 1 more thing...2nd is w/e X-Com came out...I was sooo hooked on that sh!t, honestly it rocked. If u dont have it, buy it...
  18. -I(!113R 7-


    awsome...sellin it was my biggest mistake, well i think it was to get FF10 so not really LOL:p
  19. -I(!113R 7-

    MGS Subsistence

    yea yea i know w/e:D
  20. -I(!113R 7-


    man that game was sooo hard to find again. did u buy it rite away or recently?:p