your ultimate mmo


Jun 5, 2004
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ok, the idea is to tell of the setting for your ulitmate mmo

mine would be a mmo gta game where nuclear fallout has caused a zombie infestation
Me and a buddy were discussing this the other night. Both of us were never into MMO's until WoW, before WoW it was all army/war type FPS's for us. This lead us to the conclusion that a military/war themed MMO like WoW would be the greatest game in the world!! Just imagine you pick a class scout, soldier, medic etc. and level up to gain new weapons and what not. Instances would be intense scripted like battles for loot/tech or what not. Mounts could come in the form of vehicles jeeps tanks what have you. Man I can only hope it happens eventually!
Large world full of zombies. Vehicles. Lots of guns. Perhaps MMOFPS.

Me and a buddy were discussing this the other night. Both of us were never into MMO's until WoW, before WoW it was all army/war type FPS's for us. This lead us to the conclusion that a military/war themed MMO like WoW would be the greatest game in the world!! Just imagine you pick a class scout, soldier, medic etc. and level up to gain new weapons and what not. Instances would be intense scripted like battles for loot/tech or what not. Mounts could come in the form of vehicles jeeps tanks what have you. Man I can only hope it happens eventually!

You should have checked out Planetside about 2 years ago. Now all you'll find is a wasteland. :(
You should have checked out Planetside about 2 years ago. Now all you'll find is a wasteland. :(

Yah I played planetside for awhile its was ok. But Im not even referring to a FPS/MMO Im talking about a MMO that is third person. Basicaly everything like WoW but in a military setting it would be pure pwnage IMO!!!
Yah I played planetside for awhile its was ok. But Im not even referring to a FPS/MMO Im talking about a MMO that is third person. Basicaly everything like WoW but in a military setting it would be pure pwnage IMO!!!

Oh I see. Well I agree with you then. The only reason I don't play an MMO at the moment is because of a serious lack of decent worlds to play in. All this fantasy stuff doesn't do it for me. And superheroes get boring after a while. Auto Assault is supposed to be very middling. And well... there's not much else out there.
An MMO set in the StarCraft universe.

That would probably get me back into the genre that I've otherwise given up on.
PlanetSide was so epic when it was first released. Probably the greatest moments in videogames I ever had with that game.
PlanetSide was so epic when it was first released. Probably the greatest moments in videogames I ever had with that game.

I only played PlanetSide after they did that whole "Play completely free for a year!" dealie, and I was totally unimpressed and let down.

Star Wars Galaxies (HURR HURR SWG SUCKS HURR HURR) and World of Warcraft were the only MMOs that really sucked me in for a long period of time.
PlanetSide was so epic when it was first released. Probably the greatest moments in videogames I ever had with that game.

Best time I ever had was when they just introduced the night-fighting system and we were fighting across a river at night for 3 hours. It was an utter stalemate, but not in the boring sense. Pretty much everyone on Werner agreed it was the best fight ever. NC versus Terran for two hours across a river with about 5 or six Flails either side and teams of Infs crossing the river in Deliverers. And Mosquitos everywhere. And then in the last hour, there was an utter blitz from a naval Vanu team. Ironically, the Vanu took the whole island soon after I logged for the night.

Great times. ;(
I only played PlanetSide after they did that whole "Play completely free for a year!" dealie, and I was totally unimpressed and let down.

Star Wars Galaxies (HURR HURR SWG SUCKS HURR HURR) and World of Warcraft were the only MMOs that really sucked me in for a long period of time.

The game lost its fun a month or so later. Sony started nerfing everything and releasing stupid expansions no one played. But in the beginning, it was pure awesome. Organizing assaults on bases on teamspeak, air dropping out of Galaxies, defending towers from an onslaught of soldiers, huge battles...ugh. I miss it so. Battles lasted over 2-5 hours sometimes. It was just simply amazing.
The game lost its fun a month or so later. Sony started nerfing everything and releasing stupid expansions no one played. But in the beginning, it was pure awesome. Organizing assaults on bases on teamspeak, air dropping out of Galaxies, defending towers from an onslaught of soldiers, huge battles...ugh. I miss it so.

SOE loves to nerf left and right, period. The big reason that I ended up leaving Galaxies was that they literally would do nerfs on classes every other week. It was really frustrating to dedicate hours to build up a good PVP build, only to have it shot to shit a week or two later.
Hitman meets GTA meets the MMO genre.

Seriously. Best ****ing game ever.
STALKER (as it was once intended at least) in MMO shape.
WW2 MMORPG like WW2Online but ALOT better graphics and millions of players.
Dead Rising meets GTA (all the stuff from all 3 of the later GTA's, like helicopters, bikes, trains, planes, etc, so not just one set time-era of a GTA) actual GOOD FINAL FANTASY MMO lol...perhaps based in midgar...or a huge unexplored sandbox type of 1 would b nice, a total freedom based game where u can do missions for the Shinra org. or Rebel against them...o and addcutsman to cut every1 apart.(DL Cutsman by HORSE The Band) NINTENDO HARDCORE MUSIC ALL THE WAY!!!!JKJKJK but really a cool FF game would be nice. or a virtual TRON UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!YEA YEA YEA or a REZ UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!:cheese:
A huge farking sandbox with no assholes playing and no subscription.
Would like to see something akin to City of Villains/Heroes, but not quite. Hmmm. But CoV/H covers the superhero genre really well... i have to say I'd really love to give Planetside a try, but these days it sounds craptacular. The thing about MMORPGs is that I love the MMO side, but not always the RPG side...
I would adore an MMOFPS done right.

Basically, Planetside not done by Sony, who are terrible post-release developers, have shit support, and should die in a fire AND go bankrupt.

Planetside kicked ass until they started "balancing" through making everything suck in equal amounts. The opposite of the other balancing mistake, one prevalent in WoW, which was making everything (except those poor hybrids) able to one/two-shot everything else, before alot of people had epic gear, and the players figured out that stamina is loads better than spirit (on everyone, though it was only a problem for stupid casters) Even with the new gear, damage is still miles ahead, and it makes battleground pvp frustrating and repetitive.

Real balance is a more complex form of rock paper scissors, where with enough skill/gear you can take out any single player, but it's damn hard to beat certain classes alone. An MMOFPS, probably sci-fi with variety on it's continents, lots of players, built in things like squad voice chat so it's less of a hassle to have coordinated groups, the works for a good fps, but with lots and lots of people :D.

Oh, and it would have to actually be optimized, unlike a truckload of new games that can't run on DX7/8 settings. It might be a hassle to program and have some balance kinks, but it would probably double the people that can run your game with good performance.

Waiting on Huxley betas/trials... but I'm not holding my breath, it doesn't sound that amazing.
A game where you start out in LA, and just walk around and chill out. You can get a job and make money to travel around the world, join an army, start a rebellion in south east asian, etc etc.

And, there's a small sidequest you can follow, and this mage dude in compton tells you to kill fifty cent, and he gives you the ability to fly, and change sizes, like, become an ant, or a ****ing molecule SL:DFJL:DSJ

really looking forward to the warhammer mmo, but i wouldnt mind a c&c type mmo(loved renegade) or maybe an evil genius type.
A game where you start out in LA, and just walk around and chill out. You can get a job and make money to travel around the world, join an army, start a rebellion in south east asian, etc etc.

And, there's a small sidequest you can follow, and this mage dude in compton tells you to kill fifty cent, and he gives you the ability to fly, and change sizes, like, become an ant, or a ****ing molecule SL:DFJL:DSJ


I wholeheartedly agree.
Garry's mod with 5000 people playing in a giantic world full of crap and stuff. Buliding cities and stuff.... Although I can imagine the garrypoopers will be aweful :(

The only 'perfect' thing would be the matrix. That would rule.

Edit: oh oh oh a good spacemmo.. X4: Online?
A game where you start out in LA, and just walk around and chill out. You can get a job and make money to travel around the world, join an army, start a rebellion in south east asian, etc etc.

And, there's a small sidequest you can follow, and this mage dude in compton tells you to kill fifty cent, and he gives you the ability to fly, and change sizes, like, become an ant, or a ****ing molecule SL:DFJL:DSJ


change drugs lol
Mmmm... Stubbs... that was a weird game.

But i'm fairly sure Bliiink means a zombie infected post-apocolyptic wasteland.