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  1. -I(!113R 7-

    New DMC4 pictures

    o and on a lighter note. Sick pics!!!
  2. -I(!113R 7-

    New DMC4 pictures I luved the original DMC. well 2 of course was sh!t and 3 was pretty good but not as fresh and a bit harder to get into. u prob cant handle the insane difficulty
  3. -I(!113R 7-

    Half-Life 1 Is Killing Me!

    every 1 calm down, diff ppl have diff. skills then each other...and some r just well ....une nubberinos
  4. -I(!113R 7-

    MGS Subsistence

    Who Plays MGS Subsistence?....If u do and ur ACTUALLY GOOD PLZ leave ur name here or email or somethin.i've had no challenges so far...
  5. -I(!113R 7-


    Any1 still play Rez...i rebought it last nite and i still luv it/....REZ REZ REZ YEAH!!!
  6. -I(!113R 7-

    A forum u cant join!!!

    My teacher has a site called cool huh? lol hahahahha im on it hahahaha im also in my comp. sciences class now hahahah crazy kids w/their crackpot conspiracies
  7. -I(!113R 7-

    Probably THE BIGGEST n00b question...jme dont make fun

    ummm i may or may not have been drunk twhen i put that...
  8. -I(!113R 7-

    Ah, an update!

    WOOT! WOOT! WOOT!!! I can take a break from CSS 4 a while now! o and i really didnt get bthis til now lol
  9. -I(!113R 7-

    Do you miss the melee bell?

    kk thnx...luved that sh!t lol...addin it now
  10. -I(!113R 7-

    The Simpsons has "no plans to end anytime soon"

    I agree that the Simpsons r gettin a little stale, but its good if ur bored...or stoned lol:dork:
  11. -I(!113R 7-

    Who LOVES Aqua Teen Hunger Force???

    ...Leave ur comment...I dare u to try to dis. it
  12. -I(!113R 7-

    Proof that the Hitboxes are wayoff

    WOW that vid. is like a million yrs old, but really, i have found minimal problems w/it. Not even worth mentioning though...
  13. -I(!113R 7-

    HORSE The Band

    DL any of there songs...they are good...and they are Nintendo "Hardcore" ex. the song 'Cutsman' WOOT WOOT WOOT
  14. -I(!113R 7-

    I am now wanted in 16 provinces.

    WOW...and by wow i mean World Of 4 ur situation....hahaha I DONT CARE!!! jk.jk.jk....but really i dont quite get ur situation...and this isnt the best place to find legal info answers lol
  15. -I(!113R 7-

    Should i buy XBox 360 ?

    bought 1 broke 1 hate 1...they r cheap and explode if not on hard flat surfaces...PS3 ALL THE WAY...o and Wii is cool 2 i guess
  16. -I(!113R 7-

    What Next Gen System Will Be Best?

    k every i am sorry that the thread was here LOL...But yes the PS3 will b in some ways "a computer" which will offer constant upgrades...turning most casual system gamers off. but...eff em!
  17. -I(!113R 7-

    girlfriend problems

    umm...while ur talkin bout that picture this(yes it'll ruin the moment) GAY ANAL SEX
  18. -I(!113R 7-

    Could The Physics Be Better?

    o and yes i thought of all those games on the spot...(well took about 3 mins) Point is, I KNOW MY HAVOKS
  19. -I(!113R 7-

    Could The Physics Be Better?

    Someone PLZ tell me I am wrong...I DEFY U!!!....but really who agrees w/me
  20. -I(!113R 7-

    Could The Physics Be Better?

    ps. u guys all make really good points here. almost all of u*cough*costyn elite*cough* wat is wrong w/havok? they do shaolin monks,psi ops, Halo 2,Rainbow 6,Full Spectrum Warrior,Dead Rising,Ghost Recon,24,Dungeons & Dragons,AOE,Armed & Dangerous,Condemed,Darkwatch,Mercenaries,Max Payne...