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  1. SlagOps

    Paintball! 'Cept with rubber bullets..

    Unless you want to whip out the real guns and play king of the hill?
  2. SlagOps

    Marines? Army?

    im going for SF my self, been my dream since I poped out of the whom with a m16 and a cigar.
  3. SlagOps

    Marines? Army?

    I thought about AirForce Ground Control.. But im not sure.
  4. SlagOps

    Marines? Army?

    I need some help bad, I'm ready to sign up, but I don't know where I want to go. I like the Marines, you know I could go there then switch to different cores with our going through boot again, or go straight into the army. Any ideas? Any one got any views on any of the services? :sniper:
  5. SlagOps


    I type everything without looking, its like with 2- 3 fingers on every hand tho, I'm only on the comp fo rlike 10 min a day if at all, but I can type well and very fast. I know the keyboard so well I could type with 1 finger and my eyes closed= may sound sad but really I have a good memory.
  6. SlagOps

    Fish Oil!?

    Well back into working out guys, I'm off hitting my heavy bag-pushups-pullups-situps-running-throwups. Yep throwups, the other day I ran for the first time in awhile- 1 mile I ran puked my chocolate milk out all over the place on the track... you know I have no stamina in my legs only brute...
  7. SlagOps

    What if we had a king?

    I wanst attacking nobody! Even if you people are weird :P
  8. SlagOps

    What if we had a king?

    What if we had a king and a queen? What would life be like? Would we be surfs? Or slaves? Maybe knights? Kinda interesting isn't. And what would be the King's palace? The white house? Nah too small... probably a decked out castle.
  9. SlagOps

    New monitor! Whats a good one?

    thanks fellas
  10. SlagOps

    New monitor! Whats a good one?

    yea CRT's are around my money range.
  11. SlagOps

    New monitor! Whats a good one?

    yea I know them mitsubishi ones are the sh*T my buddy has one.
  12. SlagOps

    New monitor! Whats a good one?

    then what kind of flat panel? And what kind of prices am i dealing with..
  13. SlagOps

    New monitor! Whats a good one?

    good for graphics? I know they look good, but I want something FAST
  14. SlagOps

    So.... haha

    only kinda shorts I wear are cut off sweats.
  15. SlagOps

    So.... haha

  16. SlagOps

    So.... haha

    really? Don't be all over someones inhabbitance if you wont even name yours.
  17. SlagOps

    So.... haha

    I'm in Texas baby!
  18. SlagOps

    So.... haha

    you thought I meant fondling guys????? AND LUAGHING?
  19. SlagOps

    So.... haha

    as in, to get darker of the skin, to look sleek and sexy for the women.
  20. SlagOps

    So.... haha

    Any of you tan?