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  1. M

    Weird Error

    and how do I validate it? ::edit:: never mind, found it... thx
  2. M

    Weird Error

    This morning I was happily mapping... then I went to school and when I came back I can't start up the SDK anymore... I can start up Steam but when I click on the SDK it starts loading very long and eventually gives me this error... all I can click is 'ok'... Mount Filesystem( 206 )failed...
  3. M


    How did you do the textures on that first house and the walls inside the house?
  4. M

    WIP dm_urban_killzone

    how'd you do the 'custom hole' in the ground?
  5. M

    Saving Private Ryan inspired map

    Well I don't see the resemblance between your map and the SPR scene but you're making better progress then I am with mapping :)
  6. M


    Hey I'm making some buildings just to get my skills up a bit and I want to put an elevator in the building... It doesn't have to work, I just want to know if the elevator in HL2 in the beginning of the game (when you're running from the Combine) was made with brushes or if it was a model.
  7. M

    Hammer lock-ups

    I am getting so sick and friggin tired of Hammer locking up... I can't work like this... I make one wrong keystroke and hammer locks up... I only have to do as much as mildly touch another key when I use shortcuts and Hammer locks-up... does anyone have the same problem?... I'm so friggin...
  8. M

    Want to start mapping, Advice needed.

    or you could not act like a jackass and actually be a nice guy and help new people out...
  9. M

    When to use brushes, and when to use models?

    I know, I am a total noob... what do you mean by 'split brushes' or something?
  10. M

    How will the menus look for new mods?

    This brings up a question in me too... I and some guys are going to make an MP mod for HL2... but actually I have no idea how we are going to make it Multiplayer if HL2 itself doesn't have it... anyone know how this can be solved or will be done by Valve for the modmakers?
  11. M

    We need a HL2 prop_phys map ^_^'d you even make an HL2 map instead of a CS: S map? I always test my maps in CS
  12. M

    Your Map Making Process

    I was kinda wondering the same :) thanks for that... I haven't really started making any maps really... just trying to make some seperate buildings to see what I can do... This brings up a question for me btw... If you see this screenshot... the house in the middle right corner... Pic it...
  13. M


    Thank you... do you happen to have an idea when the full SDK will be released?
  14. M


    I know how to add a light to a room for instance but when I start a new map... make the skybox and terrain... and I test it out the map stays dark... how can I make sunlight? Another question I'd like to ask is, can I use any other skybox then the CS ones? I'd like to use one from HL2 but I...
  15. M


    Don't want to start a hundred new threads for everything i don't get so... I'll just go on with this one... Ok so i think i've got at least the basics under control now... so I made a room and everything is just fine... except the table model I put in the room doesn't show up... it's there and i...
  16. M


    nevermind nevermind i got it to work... thanks so much guys...
  17. M


    Thanks alot for the quick replies everyone... One more thing though... when I made the sort of box and added the skybox texture and did the map properties thing... I can't see the skybox in the camera view... all the other textures are showing however... is the skybox applied now or not? I'd...
  18. M


    I'd like to ask if someone could explain to me how you make a skybox from the start... I just can't figure out how to make that darn skybox... could someone please explain it in detail.