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  1. M

    scripting a jump

    Thanks for that it works a treat :) :)
  2. M

    scripting a jump

    Is it possible to do a script to do the high jump where you crouch and then jump if so can someone tell me how the line should be written,I cuurently use my left ctrl to crouch and right shift to jump Thanks Mike
  3. M

    How good would you say you are at CS:S?

    I put myself as a 3.Sometimes I get really good scores for me 3:1 but mainly its more like 1:1. I think a lot of it does have to do with the team I am on (ie they soften them up for me if its a good score).But I tend to autoassign when I join a game as I think its the fairest way of keeping the...
  4. M

    cant play deathmatch

    Thanks for that,its sorted now :D
  5. M

    cant play deathmatch

    This may sound stupid but I cant find a multiplayer option in hl2.Is it an add on or do i need to enable something
  6. M


    Im in work at the moment so I cant try it out till tomorrow but it seems really good.I take it that I can use more than one variation ie a rifle script and a sniper script for example. Is it best to make an autoexec.cfg file rather than paste it into the original config.I know it will work...
  7. M


    Thanks for clearing that up,I have removed the script I made and I still get the message.Its the first time I have really looked properly at what the console said so it has probably done it from day 1 Thanks for allaying my fears :cheers:
  8. M


    Im new to scripting and am trying to get a buy script to work(im using CS Script writer)Im not having much luck at the mo it says my script has loaded but the keys I have bound aint working.Im sure I will get to the bottom of it but whats worrying me is because I am doing this Im using the...
  9. M

    autosnipe and aimbot

    Thanks for clearing that up.I deffo wont be using any of them as I dont see what is to be achieved by cheating.You may get high scores but at the end of the day you still know your not good enough to do it on your own.
  10. M

    autosnipe and aimbot

    Ive seen the phrases "autosnipe" and "aimbot" used a few times and I was just wondering what exactly they are
  11. M

    admin plug in

    thanks for that it is really annoying
  12. M

    anybody have gameplay suggestions for CS2?

    Id like to be able to close my eyes,would leave you vulnerable but if you used it cleverly the flahbang wouldnt affect your vision
  13. M

    admin plug in

    A few times now when one of my team has accidentally(I hope :) ) killed me,I get a box with admin plug in and a few options such as 1-blind player,2-do nothing,3-slay player.The only thing is I press 1,2 or 3 and nothing happens and Im left with this box of options.
  14. M

    favourite servers and autosnipe

    Thanks for clearing that up As for the favourites I found on another thread that in the steam icon they are still there on servers
  15. M

    Im a noob-keep getting me ass kicked

    Thanks to the tips Ive picked up on here there is no way Im gonna give up now,im regularly gettin goodish scores now and have even been top scorer on my team once or twice :D If any other noobs are reading this I would say the two tips that have helped the most are 1- keep moving and...
  16. M

    favourite servers and autosnipe

    Is that a cheat or a genuine option in CS?
  17. M

    favourite servers and autosnipe

    Since doing the steam update last night I have lost my favourite server there any way of getting them back? Also just read in another thread about people using autosnipe,what is autosnipe? Thanks Mike
  18. M


    is there a guide on how to change your sprays,Im stuck with the boring targer
  19. M

    Thank you

    I posted recently because I am a noob and was getting me ass kicked. Well i followed the advice given and I have just had my best game so far (16 kills in 20 rounds) So thanks again tis appreciated
  20. M

    Too many newbs playing source!

    Im a noob and I admit I aint very good but getting better thanks to some help from the posters on here Im sure everyone started out as a noob once,although I will agree that to be kicked for being good is wrong(maybe they should have used noob in their server name and conversely if people want...