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  1. V

    Desert Eagle

    That's funny hearing that from the person who originally was the one that was being rude. Also im confused as to what this means "p43@r teh pwn@g3 lolololololol1111111 etc."? Is it a term you use often? Im sorry I thought you were the one that called yourself an asshole. Because that...
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    Desert Eagle

    lol this is funny shit I wonder if thier this big a assholes on other cg forums?
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    A weapon i made

    8 Hours!!! :o
  4. V

    Desert Eagle

    Your reminding me of that more and more.
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    any character modeling tutorials?

    HURAY for xsi!! im not shure where any tutorias are for that exsactly but I always use a system when making people. The torso is as long to the hip to the knee. The knee to the foot is about at long as the hip to the knee. The size of the head is eqaul to half the size of the hip to the...
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    Desert Eagle

    aw take it easy on him hes new
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    How do i model first person models?

    lol there I go again with incorect terms. Yea ive already learnt how to make hands I just do that to save time (im realy lazy lol).
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    A weapon i made

    thats dam nice work If you got textures before hand please tell me where you got your base texture before you started using photo shop to weather it. Those are the exsact type of ones im looking for. If not just tell me how long it took you to make them from scratch.
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    Mindless Read This!!

    yes that exsactly what im saying. Mindless seems to know his stuff so I wanted to see some of his stuff. Through knoledge comes wisdome. Through wisdome comes greatness. (lol dont mean to be an ass licker) He dosnt need to "proove" himself hes already prooved himself to me by his large...
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    Mindless Read This!!

    I was wonderin if youd show me some of your models Mindless modder. Since you seem to know your technical terms I asume thier prety good. :P :cheers:
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    normal map

    yea i know im a bit of a lazy bastard
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    How do i model first person models?

    my segestion is to use a prerendered hand in max thats what i did in soft image for my hands and beleive me it saves alot of time.
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    Antlion Queen

    nice work I hope i get to that level somtime
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    normal map

    lol mindless I thought you were mean to everyone but I can see im the only one who you dont answer my questions and complain about noobs cloging the forums. :P Because I asked the exsact same question and I didnt get help lol
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    For The Emperor (space marines :D)

    lol mindless is there a reason you directed me to my own thread :P also the storm trooper is even more detailed now its got all it little bits on it now.
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    For The Emperor (space marines :D)

    hey everyone just started making this model of a space marine youl be fimiliar of this if youve played dawn of war or played the table to game (front) (back)...
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    Broken edges

    actuly I think thats how it happend I pressed a acedently and it was like that later when i noticed. But it seems reseting the camera view with R has seem to have fixed it thanks guys :)
  18. V

    Broken edges

    hey guys I get this problem where certain parts of my model do this and i cant fix it got eny ideas enyone?
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    [Vehicle] Citroën 2CV

    looks redy to eat :P
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    Need Help, thx :)

    xsi rules :P also I dont mind the cool aid as long as you dont put in too much cyanide and animal tranquilizer lol