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  1. Stertman


    What are those different run map options? and which of them are you supposed to use? Run BSP Run VIS Run RAD If I set BSP to normal, VIS to fast and RAD to fast my map compiles fine and it doesnt take to long. If i set all of them to normal the compiling takes forever and then it...
  2. Stertman


    I use this .bat file but it just makes the folder tgas, it doesnt place any .tga's in it.. @ECHO OFF echo Usage: Place all vtfs to be converted and this bat file echo in the same directory with vtf2tga.exe. The converted echo tgas will be in a folder called tgas. pause mkdir tgas for...
  3. Stertman

    Anyone know how to use vtf2tga?

    Sorry for bringing up an old post but this is just the problem I have.. Anyone who knows what I should do?
  4. Stertman


    When i drag the vtf file onto the vtf2tga tool, where does the tga file goes?
  5. Stertman


    anyone? please? noone who knows how to do the world model of the gun?
  6. Stertman


    Okey.. I have my gun, its a ak5. I have it in game but I want to do the world model for it.. I have the model itself but can anyone post the qc file for worldmodels? I dont know how to do it at all.. Thanks
  7. Stertman

    weapons in game with max

    I would allso like to know how to do the W_modell.. I just replaced the w_smg1 with a model of my weapon that I named w_smg1. it works for the weapon on the ground and the npc's are having my modell, but they are not holding in it, its just gose straight throu their bodies from left to right...
  8. Stertman

    weapons in game with max

    so you now how to do the rigging right? add my msn [email protected] Thanks
  9. Stertman

    weapons in game with max

    EDIT: Cleared this post, the problem was that I had the origin in the qc set wrong.. It works fine now.. But now I need help woth some more stuff.. How do I make the "fire" comming from the barrel when I shoot and the ejection? I thought that the engine did it by itself but its not.. It...
  10. Stertman

    Weapons in game..

    Anyone with max who I can send my rig to and have a look for me? Have tried all night but cant understand how this is supposed to be done. I have been folowing this tutorial that comes in 7 parts (I think) where he animates some kind of sniper rifle, He uses the CZ_rig for the hands and those...
  11. Stertman

    Weapons in game..

    but how do I animate it if its just one part? this sucks, have done all my animations with every moving part of the guns as its own mesh..=(
  12. Stertman

    Weapons in game..

    I need some help here.. crackhead told me that all parts on my weapon have to be merged together? He doesnt use max so I dont really understand how o do this.. anyone who knows how to do this with max? 3 weeks until my project have to be finished, have to get this to work or my project will be a...
  13. Stertman

    Displacements leaks

    Another question by me, I think I ask to much.. well. Every single time i do a Displacement on a wall I get leaks. How the hell are you supposed to do? Im doing this cave, and I want to make it look more like a cave with some displacements on the walls, but nope, leaks every time.. Are there...
  14. Stertman


    As I said, I dont want it there.. its a cave, god damn
  15. Stertman


    lol, can anyone tell me why there is ****ing grass growing on my floor and wall? havn't done anything to it, its just a wall with a rock texture on it..
  16. Stertman


    I have done a lamp and made a lightswitch for it.. when I press it it turns on and off as it should, the problem is that the lamp is on when you spawn.. I want it do be off, and when you push the button it lights up... how do I tell it to start OFF?
  17. Stertman

    yellow boxes

    Can i turn of those yelow boxes that appears around a prop when I'm a bit away from them in hammer? They really disturbes me:P
  18. Stertman

    Weapons in game..

    Thanks allot=) have added you.
  19. Stertman

    Weapons in game..

    Ok.. I'm getting a little stressed up here=) We are doing a mod as a shool project, We have maps and have got our props to work and so on, but the last thing we need is to get our weapons in game, How do I do this? our project has a deadline in a couple of weeks, and it would be really anoying...
  20. Stertman

    ambient sounds?

    If I have my own .wav file, in what folder am I suposed to put it to use it in Hammer?