weapons in game with max


Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
EDIT: Cleared this post, the problem was that I had the origin in the qc set wrong.. It works fine now..
But now I need help woth some more stuff.. How do I make the "fire" comming from the barrel when I shoot and the ejection? I thought that the engine did it by itself but its not..

It has something to do with this im sure
//Muzzle flash
$attachment "muzzle" "ValveBiped.muzzle" 0 0 0
//Shell eject
$attachment 1 "ValveBiped.eject" 0 0 0

and also.. When in game my weapon is zoomed in like, the "ingame camera view" is placed to long forward or the weapon is placed to much back..
This isn't a coding problem, it's a setup problem. Use your own rig, It is much easier to do that than follow some one elses, it's not hard either. The hands should be left alone as long as they are already rigged and UVW mapped. The bones on your gun should have a heirarchy, branching like a tree from the leaves to the base. From what I see, you only need a trigger, bolt, magazine, fire, eject, and handle bone if it is a sniper rifle. All but bolt and magazine can be directly connected to the handle, for the bolt and magazine, use link constraint from those bones to the handle. This way they still move with the gun, but be moved individualy without moving the other bones. Then link the handle to the hand that will be holding it. Now I could get into animation but that's a whole other process. If you want we can get in contact through MSN IM. I just don't know how to get models in-game.
I would allso like to know how to do the W_modell..

I just replaced the w_smg1 with a model of my weapon that I named w_smg1. it works for the weapon on the ground and the npc's are having my modell, but they are not holding in it, its just gose straight throu their bodies from left to right, and they doesnt shoot.. how do I do this?
I belive, in the QC, you have to let the game know that the handle of the gun joins with the hand of the person. The bones should be in the exact same place as the hand bone is. Or, the handle bone of the gun needs to have the same name as the hand bone of the person holding it. This is a 3P view model right. Anyways, like I said, I don't know too much about getting things in-game to work.