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  1. J

    Looking for a mod

    Its not so much my attitude towards working in a mod team.. i just dont find it relivant that i got to advertise my self. when if people need help and i can do what they require.. then thats sorted tbh :P cripy u are a perfectionist :P u need to carm down abit.. the point of making a mod is to...
  2. J

    Looking for a mod

    :P lol.. well im to lazy to be like BLAH BLAH BLAH i worked on hl one and quake 2 when they first came out .. done some work on halflife 2 have 7 year's mod experience.. been in about 3 mod's and been modeling for around 7 year's. I just latly started to map for halflife 2. but i am improveing...
  3. J

    Looking for a mod

    ERm a noobie? No im new to maping u muppet i have been coding / modeling / skinning for aroudn 7 years now
  4. J

    Looking for a mod

    Of course
  5. J

    Looking for a mod
  6. J

    Looking for a mod

    Heya, I am just a mapper/modeler/skiner but i am looking for a good team.. that are making a future or present aged mod.. I am hoping to find one with a strong team and wont join the mod enless u have a coder. If u are intrested in me then leave a message. thanks
  7. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    Sorry for doble post just i update the small things and here is a small release for u to play with your self n tell me now shit it is :P
  8. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    Yeh i understand that as for the light from the window that was just me testing out that kinda way of produceing light in a set area :)! and also the lampost ill fix in abit.. i prefer the darkness around that part of the map.. it makes it feel alot more high secruity in a way even with just 3...
  9. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    Did abit to it made it dark.. added street lights.. added in the path :) looks better now i think with some more lighting effects tell me what u think.
  10. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    Thanks ^^! I couldnt think of anythin lol ^^
  11. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    What can i add to this area?
  12. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    ^^ DAMN CRISPY IS ONE SMART MOFO! :) Thanks mate! I really do need to improve on my textureing skillz im still very limited find it hard to match textures my self! I wish there we a site.. that just said what texture's go well together hehe
  13. J

    My first map waht do you think?

  14. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    :) thanks.. Just done some more on the inside.. did some of the hall way.. stair's going up and a small closet in the hall way ^^;
  15. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    first time mate.. just read alot of tutorials and trail and error alot.. :) just added rain etc.. to it :P gonna complile now and see how it looks ^^ (edit) Looks good see for your self :) (ow yeh and i did do buildcubemaps just i got a old lap top that doesnt render that well... ill add the...
  16. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    Ok i have added the ENV_CUBE Maps stuff like i was asked to ^^ Enjoy.. Front of building: Behind to show im not a nub and use nodraw :x! Some funny angel :P! Close up
  17. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    havnt used env cubemaping yet :x havnt read up on how to do that yet :x.. got any good tutorials?
  18. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    Some small edits tell me what u think :)
  19. J

    An excercise in mapping

    Sorry but i got to agree.. this is not been created right at all.. its all been carved and everything i got to do same :( *Puts it in bin*
  20. J

    Hammer Error Fix.

    isnt beta the orignal version :x