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  1. J

    Some NPC help needed.

    Ahh thanks i figerd most of it out.. im just wanna get it looking sweet ^^! Like atually like a hl2 map it self! basicly nothing wroung with it at all... Still downloading Hl2 Again.. due to the problems i had.. so.. thats being a bit gay.. only on 30% :x ahh well ill hopfully get things done...
  2. J

    Some NPC help needed.

    Ok basicly on my map im currently making i want it so the marine's blow open a door or a wall.. then storm in to the building say.. 3-4 at a time. I can figer out how to do it so you look at a wall.. then the wall blow's up ... all this junk flys evreywhere.. matix style :P but i get stuck on...
  3. J

    Hammer Error Fix.

    Yeh.. well i have to reinstall all of hl2 ._. because i tryed to change its dir.. n i lost the damn hl2 cache files so i got re download the hole damn thing and source sdk all over.. so imah go get angree n punch a wall for a while! :P
  4. J

    Hammer Error Fix.

    thanks mate ^^ get a error doing that though due to a space in program files :x >_<! grr i hate win xp >_< guess ill just wait for steam to get there act together and fix it :( (fixed it just cuted the valve folder to the c:\ drive without program files bit :P wanted to map)
  5. J

    Hammer Error Fix.

    Is it just me or does this fix not work :/ "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe" "-beta SDK" Was how i added it because i was not sure how to do it.. since i havnt had to add a command line to steam ever.. only time i had to do it was back when hl was on wan >_<.. so if u could help...
  6. J

    hammer dont work

    >_< everyone has the error.. i been told that steam team.. are atually having problem's fixing it as well! grrz.... and that it might take some time to fix.. I dont see how it could be that hard since it was just done in the last update.. :/ so cant be that many file's to go threw tbh.. Ahh...
  7. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    Thank you for them tips! I will be changing the tile texture from the windows because i see where u are coming from with that.. I was mainly aiming to make the map quite smetrical due to that is pleaseing for the player's eye. But i wasnt thinking about the pratical use in real life so thanks...
  8. J

    An excercise in mapping

    Is anyone elce geting same error as me after last update?
  9. J

    An excercise in mapping

    Yeh i wanted to join in .. but now i got a error after the last damn sdk update.. when i open hammer ed it just says FATAL ERROR : Extra App ID 211, but no SteamAppid >_> so i cant :(
  10. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    Started on the out side of the map the building it self.. its not all that good yet just really started it... been playing with the sun effect alot as well.. >_< here is a few pics..
  11. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    Heya all i had a free hour.. so i started on the new map here is a quck few screen shots ingame.. btw made it so it's raining out side.. but havnt got around to building the out side bit yet.. anyway enjoy :) I got alot more to do to this room... just a quick start and tryed to use more...
  12. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    Yeh im restarting and doing it over.. and gonna take some idea's from hl2 it self to help me.. :P so i wont use so many props then.. but tbh :P im no pro by far! lol
  13. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    Well for a start it is a square room with 2 door's one leading to a bathroom >_< but like i said its my first map .. and i only did it for a day so far. Well here is the ziped version of the map files u need to play it.. so you can see what i have doen so far. The rar has to be extracted to...
  14. J

    My first map waht do you think?

    Hello all i just started my first ever map. I have so far got 2 small room's done. taken me a while to do it. And geting it looking how i want it to look. I would also liek to know how they made the radiator stick to the wall and be phisic at same time if anyone can help anyway here are some...