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  1. Azner

    I will now introduce my self dot dot dot

    Welcome. Although we say its safer here, it probably isn't.
  2. Azner


    Welcome! Damn, you're cool.
  3. Azner

    Official site of North Korea

    Holy sh*t. Thread derailed horribly. Anyway, those uniforms look puffed up due to the cold?
  4. Azner

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    When doing the Dee Colon that is.
  5. Azner

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    I'll catch you two during spring break, yes i will.
  6. Azner

    Happy Sheepish Birthday!

    WHERE THE F*CK I DON'T EVE- Happy birthday once again Evo.
  7. Azner

    global warming is bleeding the ice capes,literally

    And Japanese people who eat whales will be transformed into DEATH METAL JAPANESE PEOPLE. wat
  8. Azner


    Ah, i see. The head was photoshopped onto the other body.
  9. Azner

    Introducing myself

    Congrats Munstrone. I await Sulks to sketch a comic depicting the clash at the end of Munro's reign.
  10. Azner

    Probably fake, but cool nonetheless

    jverne, this is advice. Listen to it.
  11. Azner

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Ninja Academy (Ninja on the left)
  12. Azner

    Happy Sheepish Birthday!

    Happy Birthday Evo!
  13. Azner

    (hey Danimal) I've seen The obama deception

    I'm sure when sarcasm and snide is added in, people don't mind.
  14. Azner

    (hey Danimal) I've seen The obama deception

    Danimal. It seems you have to watch that plastic documentary now. I pity you.
  15. Azner

    Skating is awesome.
  16. Azner

    Skating is awesome.

    Like that 180 Kick?
  17. Azner

    Skating is awesome.

    Skateboarding is fun. Popshoves give you nice bruises on your shin and ocassional crushing your toe with your deck while landing your other foot on it.