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  1. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    Well he will probably just sign a notecard with it, unless he has a micro-laser etching machine with a diode small enough to carve his signature into it. (Which he probably does.)
  2. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    Sold! I just need to get it signed. I already emailed Gabe and he hasn't sent the shipping address back but I sent him the picture and he said "Cool"
  3. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    Does anyone want to buy? 37.00 for poster, frame, twig (maybe painted orange) and autograph. I know that is a little bit higher than my previous offer, but I need a profit. Shipping is included. This is the perfect package for a valve shrine.
  4. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    No. Do you want it?
  5. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    Ok I will be mature about this. Poster... 10 dollars. Frame... 14 bucks. Twig... 3 bucks. Autograph on the twig... 5 bucks. Spray painted (upon request)... 1.50 $32.00 For the package.
  6. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    You guys are not die hard fans of Half-Life 2. I am going to post this on a different forum
  7. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    Shut up
  8. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    You guys should make like a tree and f*** off. This thread is for serious fans who want a natural wonder to add to their Half-Life 2 Shrine.
  9. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    Okay, you want a starting bid? Forty-five US dollars. I don't mess around. You will be getting the twig preserved in a case (spray painted orange upon request by the winner.) A poster in a frame (signed by Gabe Newell). You've seen the twig.
  10. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    You are out to get me! It is the same shape on a sightly different scale! I can't believe you actually took the effort to make that image.
  11. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    Yeah that's what you get haters! I don't mess around BITCHEZ!!!!!!!!! The best package I will sell is this: Spray painting it orange (upon request) Putting it in a frame with a Half-Life 2 poster I can also get it signed by Gabe Newell. How much will you bid for it?
  12. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    Here are the pictures. Starting bids?
  13. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    Okay. I will post a picture today around 3:45 today when I get home from school (the twig is in my locker.) I will not show a picture of it painted orange, because a big buyer might not want me to do that yet. I want to see people's price ranges if I... 1. Just sell the twig. 2. Sell it in a...
  14. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    Well, I did not grow out of it but I overcame most of the symptoms. Now I just don't always look people in the eye when I talk to them.
  15. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    I don't have a disease I am what I am. Just a little bit hard to talk. Anyways, die-hard cult followers of Valve, this fifteen dollar offer is for you.
  16. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    Responding to several replies: 1. I actually do have antisocial disorder and grew out of aspergers. I am not a troll. 2. I am considered a comedy genius by my class. 3. This is more than a lambda shape tree growth. It is an EXACT lambda tree growth. 4. For at least fifteen dollars, I will put...
  17. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    I don't play Half Life 2, and I did register for this forum just to write this. I am serious. A true fan of this game would buy it. I will post a picture upon request
  18. K

    Half Life Twig Found

    Today I was walking down the street and something caught my eye. A twig which looked EXACTLY like the Half-Life 2 logo. EXACTLY. How much would a crazy cult follower of this game pay for it?