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  1. Retrocide

    My Mase

    Gmax doesn't have a renderer, it is a run down version of 3DS MAX. I also do not think you can even make models for the source engine seeing as Gmax can only export a limited amount of formats, unless you had another application that accepts 3DS formats and can export as SMD. As for the mace...
  2. Retrocide

    Paintball Model?

    Yes wer fully up and running, however there were two Paintball mods at one point. The older Source paintball and Xtreme paintball. Source paintball died so I moved to the Xtreme paintball team and they had to change their name due to a copy right law so now were Source: Paintball. Were also...
  3. Retrocide

    envelopes and weight

    Give the inner part to the upper arm, so that way it folds into it, not with it. Then it's set.
  4. Retrocide

    envelopes and weight

    O.K for that you will want to have the lower arm bone grab up to the middle part of her elbow, give the verticies you want to flex nicely a low strength number, you will probably want the verticie to appear blue or dark yellowish and have it gradually get stronger as it goes down. That should...
  5. Retrocide

    envelopes and weight

    I will explain a bit about Verticie Weighting. Normaly when you have a character/weapon/vehcile/ or *something else* they require bones to move with a specific heirarchy assigned to them. However making the mesh move with the heirarchal skeleton requires a "Skin" process in 3DS MAX. So to...
  6. Retrocide

    3d studio settings

    You really shouldn't make a new thread for every problem you come across.
  7. Retrocide

    need better ref pics

    I usaully go directly from planes, create one side (Except the cylinders and odd shapes.) then clone and mirror it. However that's just me, have you tried ? They have pratically every gun listed there.
  8. Retrocide

    "cannot find bone in bbox"

    Did you give all your bones the name that matches in the .QC? Also bbox could be your collision, did you assign the verticie weights to your collision model?
  9. Retrocide

    Boning and Animating

    OK when assigning verticies to the bones through the mesh, the outer part of the envelope includes which particular verticies you want moved, and the inner part gives it the movment strength. Check the verticie box in the skin modifier tab and select the ones you dont want or want andpress...
  10. Retrocide

    Biped Example for 3DS Max? (Motion Mapper)

    Yes there is infact, called Biped lol, you have you get it through the character studio 4.2 and register it. Although I really dont recomend it since it adds so many more polygons than needed. I make my own skeletal structures.
  11. Retrocide

    character questions

    There's several but there are different ways of going about it. You kind of have to find which one fits best for you, but prepare, you will need patience for this. At the moment I can't point out any specific tutorials (Since I was taught it.) hopefully some one else can direct you.
  12. Retrocide

    character questions

    Well to start with your texture problem, do you know about UVW mapping? That is usually the surest and best way to get things to look right, and if it is UVW maped the textures should go right on it without a problem. As far as modeling the character itself, it would be best to get side and...
  13. Retrocide

    3dsmax importer and exporter updates

    Is this exporter suppose to transform all meshes into a bone and distort the skeletal frame? Becuase when I exported it and then imported it back into 3DS MAX 6 that was the end result.
  14. Retrocide

    B Splines vs. Catmull-Rom Splines

    It's a shame, so much more could be done with NURBS.
  15. Retrocide

    B Splines vs. Catmull-Rom Splines

    I was wandering a bit about Splines myself. Does the source engine use these?
  16. Retrocide

    3dsmax6 to CS:Source?

    The problem is this requires a series of compiling, and unfortunatly, none of the tutorials can completely tell you how to compile your model correctly. From what I've tried all of them were either incomplete or would only get you so far, so unless some one here can give a real explanation, your...
  17. Retrocide

    Do you have to be artistic to know how to model?

    Well heh "Mesh tracing" is what I called it, no exact name for this. What program are you using? If you have 3DS max then its easy.
  18. Retrocide

    Do you have to be artistic to know how to model?

    In my opinion I belive 3D art uses alot of artistics in it, to be able to model something in 3D you have to have at least an insight of what you want to create, how to create it, and creating it. Sure you can do it other ways..If your extremely good at math, or you use a reference in the...
  19. Retrocide


    It's going to be harder to model things in Gmax as opposed to 3DS max, but it is still better than XSI in my opinion. Now about it importing and stuff like that, search up on what you can find, plugins of any sort would be good and if you can hit .SMD on the spot even better.