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  1. G

    Deathmatch Gaming Site Idea

    I've been looking around for some servers to play some old games online (Quake 2/ UT2004), but they often seem to be empty. However I'm sure there must be plenty of people around who want to play them. So I have this idea for a gaming site, that would help people find other players who are...
  2. G

    Looking for Playtesters For a HL1 Single Player Episode

    Ok, guys. I'm pretty certain I'm done with finishing off this mod now. There's just one thing left to test. Basically I added a logo to the menu screen, and I want to be sure it works on other people's computers. If anyone would be willing to download, install and activate the following, and...
  3. G

    Official Hadron Collider / New Resonance Cascade thread

    This thing seems pretty cool. But if I had to bet on the outcome, I would bet on it being dull.
  4. G

    Looking for Playtesters For a HL1 Single Player Episode

    Thanks mate. Yeah I'm gonna upgrade my PC this week and then get started on a HL2 episode pretty much straight away. Since finding out how to meet voice actors I've become a lot more enthusiastic about making single-player HL stuff.
  5. G

    Looking for Playtesters For a HL1 Single Player Episode

    Go back up to Barney and he'll tell you what to do. As Barney and the Scientist said before you went down the elevator shaft, that plunger is connected to explosives beneath the SAM launcher.
  6. G

    HL2 improvements..

    Nah, Half-Life had plenty of variety- office rooms, huge warehouses, the subway system, weird labs for experiments, sewage system-related stuff, as well a load of outdoor stuff, too like the dam, cliffs etc., and Xen. With the examples you mentioned, canal was pretty similar to beaches, and...
  7. G

    HL2 improvements..

    I didn't say the goals/ objectives were the entire story. I only implied they were a really important point of it- which they are in a game, more so than a novel/ film etc. As I said, "In Half-Life 2, it seemed like you often just did stuff to get to the next area.". In your list, the...
  8. G

    Buying a Cheap PC in the UK

    I really want something reliable, that's the only thing. But say, from those guys, I wanted something that is basically the same speed as my current Athlon 64 3000. What's the cheapest I could get something like that? The thing is, I could actually probably just keep the memory/ graphics...
  9. G

    Buying a Cheap PC in the UK

    Hi, I'm thinking of buying a new computer, basically because the one I've currently got has a few problems with it (keeps restarting itself if I have it on for more than a few hours, and I've been trying for ages to figure out what's wrong with it but to no avail), and it's not worth spending...
  10. G

    silent or speaking?

    I dunno, I don't think if it's left up to the player's imagination it's a bit difficult to come up with complex relationships that develop over time. It's not like you're there thinking "oh earlier, I imagined Freeman spoke to this person like this, so now that something else has happened, the...
  11. G

    HL2 improvements..

    I'd have liked to have seen more variety in the monsters. It got a bit repetitive killing grunts all the time. Also, I don't think the game's storyline was quite as inspiring as the one in Half-Life 1. In Half-Life 1, you always had a cool, interesting goal in mind, such as to launch a...
  12. G

    LEAST favorite character

    I'm not really a big fan of Alyx. She's a bit too bland. Also, I just don't find the relationship between her and Freeman convincing, due to Freeman's permanent silence. As a few other people have said, I think Freeman works better as some kind of strong, tough-minded type of loner, rather...
  13. G

    Looking for Playtesters For a HL1 Single Player Episode

    So does it work with the Steam version then?
  14. G

    Favorite Weapon

    I like that big meaty Combine assault rifle. The bass on it is awesome. Probably my favourite weapon in any FPS game.
  15. G

    Looking for Playtesters For a HL1 Single Player Episode

    Do other mods work with the Steam version of HL? I'm curious as to what I'd need to do to get Operation Nova to work with it. If it's easy maybe I'll do it.
  16. G

    Looking for Playtesters For a HL1 Single Player Episode

    Unzip it, then get the folder called "nova" from inside this zip, and put it in your half-life directory, so that if you're in your half-life dir, and you double click on nova you see a few sub folders inside it. Then just load half-life and go to custom games, activate it and start a new game.
  17. G

    Looking for Playtesters For a HL1 Single Player Episode

    You mean that you went down the lift shaft, then pushed that little detonator thing, right? After that you have to go back to the SAM launcher, and smoke should be coming out of the front radiator. Barney tells you what to do... but basically you just shoot it in the front radiator where the...
  18. G

    Looking for Playtesters For a HL1 Single Player Episode

    You mean in the room with the drunken Barney? Here's a hint: in the big warehouse, there's a keypad at one end of it that you can't access yourself. I always do that with puzzles myself, I spend ages thinking WTF? and then I get through them and I was like.. man I was stupid. Anyway thanks...
  19. G

    Looking for Playtesters For a HL1 Single Player Episode

    I'm not really sure what to say about the Barnacles puzzle. I've had very mixed feedback about this. Some people love it, other people hate it. But I really think that if you solve the puzzle, it's quite satisfying. If you're really stuck, look in the readme file. There's a hints section...
  20. G

    Favorite Song in Half-Life?

    Yeah that's a good one. I used it in my episode for HL1, Operation Nova, just as you're about to fight some grunts for the first time.