LEAST favorite character

She pissed me off so much
I wanted to snap her neck so badly

And Barney
He still hasn't given me the beer
He is from Blue Shift, he is sitting in the gun range eating a donut.

Lamarr, for messing up the transporter.

I think he was also in OP4, most notable for the "Stupid machines! Why don't these ever seem to work!" quote.
I'm not really a big fan of Alyx. She's a bit too bland. Also, I just don't find the relationship between her and Freeman convincing, due to Freeman's permanent silence.

As a few other people have said, I think Freeman works better as some kind of strong, tough-minded type of loner, rather than someone who is supposed to have lots of complex relationships with other characters. Unless you can actually experience him communicating with them, it's just too hard to imagine how they grow attached to him- what's Alyx supposed to be thinking? "I really like the way Gordon shot the crap out of that guy, or how he moved those crates around. It really helps me understand his character at a deeper level...".