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  1. stewe231

    Something we missed? *spoilers, obviously*

    yess i have beeteen it a hundred times, il prove it in the middle thay get abourd a combine train and there are stalkers an d then thay creash and alyx get tackled by one [or some thing like that] and she getts freaked out for a while then you fight the zombines!
  2. stewe231

    hidden vorts

    ahh sry but i just noticed it out of the ordinary, the only other one i have seen in the game was in nova prospect :o
  3. stewe231

    Something we missed? *spoilers, obviously*

  4. stewe231

    Something we missed? *spoilers, obviously*

    wait thay guy in the back ground looks alot like G man! and teh vorts are teleporting him so that odviuosly can c him :eek:
  5. stewe231

    hidden vorts

    well her ine is the story...i felt like looking for easter eggs in the game, and on the first level right when you get off and take a left then to the spinny gate thing, stead of taking a right where breen is talking on the monitor take a laft and there will be a captured vort cleaning the...
  6. stewe231

    Eli & G-Man

    this thread is so....mysterious...i mean it makes me think :hmph: o ya this thread is ther best i have seen its eye opening and gives you strange thoughts like what will happen to gordon, is gman real, does alyx LOVE gordon or pitty him, and when will the next episode come out :P i love this thread
  7. stewe231

    What ever happend to our little Houndeye and Bullsquid buddies?

    i wounder if there will be any of the old aliens in ep 2 or 3 or beyond :upstare: also i wish those little flying things from hl 1 would come back, i loved blasting them out of the sky with the rocketlauncher :laugh: :laugh:
  8. stewe231

    Black suited guys

    ya know what i dont get, were were the combine in the first halflfife, becasue i was confused, when the combine were not in halflfie 1, thay should of been, and why dont thay have the black ops or the marines in hl 2, valve should of had them all in both games -_- why black ops or marines in...
  9. stewe231

    What do you really want from Valve?

    i mean like, hl 1 hl 2 hl 2 ep 1, ep 2, ep 3, like that not just hl 1 then after ep 3
  10. stewe231

    If Gordon were ever to talk what would his first words be?

    i think it would be shut the f**k up alyx, be casue she talks the whole time in ep 1
  11. stewe231

    What do you really want from Valve?

    a half-life movie i would really like-no love a halflife movie! going threw hl 1through hl 2 ep 3
  12. stewe231

    half-life movie!!!!!

    i think valve should join up with a movie company and make a half-life movie, that would be the best movie ever, haveing the story from halflife 1 to ep 3, man that would be an awesome movie
  13. stewe231

    HL2 Coop Mods?

    ya i did, no mods eva work exept dodgeball alpha, which is pretty fun
  14. stewe231

    What do you think HL3 will be like?

    ive have bought every halflfie that is out so far, just bought ep 1 and cant wait till ep 2
  15. stewe231

    gmod probs

    ok i just got gmod and it wont work, it wont pop up on steam, i have halflife 2 and counterstrike source
  16. stewe231

    HL2 Coop Mods?

    i cant get that mod 2 work! i installed it and it doesnt pop up on steam!