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  1. Techercizer

    2 girls struck by train while sunbathing on tracks...

    There's doing stupid things and doing things that are rediculously stupid for no reason at all. Its not like the rails super energized their skin with neutrinos directly from the iron found within their bodies.... They're just rails and that sentence is complete Bull****. Any other 2 foot patch...
  2. Techercizer

    the "OMG we're all going to die" map

    I agree on the questionable sources, These "incidents" seem designed to scare you into thinking you're surrounded by terrorists. If the map said that a Radiation/Chemical hazard was placed over my house I wouldn't bat an eye...
  3. Techercizer


    Whenever Kenpachi touched the blind guy's Zanpakto he regained his senses, that's how the blind guy was immune... By estimating the blind dude's position Kempachi grabbed hold of his zanpakto, held him there, and kicked his ass
  4. Techercizer

    Scammer Busted...

    Internet Justice Go! Kinda awe-inspiring how quickly and efficiently they located him... Scammers everywhere are probably liek "o sht..."
  5. Techercizer

    2 girls struck by train while sunbathing on tracks...

    I wouldn't feel sad for them If they weren't so stupid, because then they would have found one of the billions of 2 foot patches of dirt to sleep on near them that couldn't kill them.... I still don't feel sad for them:cheers:
  6. Techercizer


    I love Bleach, but since I get all my dubbed Naruto from teh cable networkz :x I'm starting to slowly loathe this show through dozen after dozen of constant uninterrupted fillers. the last episode was a F-ING COOKOFF FOR GODS SAKE. I was waiting for Naruto to say "screw this" and punch the guy...
  7. Techercizer

    Vortigaunts healing powers (Spoilers)

    Wonder how "Psychic" they and their army are with a RPG in their face.... (yes I know they could redirect it or defuse it or some wierd crap like that, but HL3 is not going to be Gordon arriving at the Borealis, seeing Psychic solders there, and saying "Well shit... Guess we should turn back...
  8. Techercizer

    CTF_Greystone B1

    Don't suppose Microsoft has a copy for all us LIVEers?
  9. Techercizer

    Most Satisfying/Infuriating Moments

    Most Satisfying: When (on 2fort) I snuck into the opposing basement as a spy, and impersonated an engineer so well that the medic that was guarding the Intel started healing me. I figured he'd know something was up If I tried to get behind him, so I took out my revolver, aimed for his head...
  10. Techercizer

    Vortigaunts healing powers (Spoilers)

    think about it, it's perfict though. A race for time between the Combine and Gordon to get to the Borealis. The second they killed Eli (After they talked about all the things he knew and how important his knowlage was) I knew that would somehow be how they learned of the Borealis. Could you...
  11. Techercizer

    The mathematics/physics/engineering study group thread

    No, he is pulled to the center of the Asteroid by Gravity and does not fall all the way through. In addition, the ball would most likely not reach stable high orbit, and would collide with the asteroid very quickly.
  12. Techercizer

    The mathematics/physics/engineering study group thread

    wwaaiittt a second, that......makes perfect sense? WTF!? The laws of time, space, and mathematics must be falling apart at their seems for 10x-x not to = 9x...
  13. Techercizer

    It's me birthday

    From lolcats everywhere: also, if you hate Lolcats and wish they'd all explode, then good news!:
  14. Techercizer


    Sux to be you guys Yay finals week, 4 day weekends, and Summer!
  15. Techercizer

    How to play the engineer

    I agree, I also thought he didn't discuss the usefullness of Barricades quite enough, I know I can't live without em on 2Fort.
  16. Techercizer

    The Gnome Thread

    Jolly Good!
  17. Techercizer

    The Gnome Thread

    Most unpleasent chaps... Indeed I have a hilarious gnome image within my signature.
  18. Techercizer

    The Gnome Thread

    My word!
  19. Techercizer

    The Gnome Thread

    indeed, many localized events are indeed occurring within close proximity in both time and space to your recent observations buuuuuuuuudyy!
  20. Techercizer

    The Gnome Thread

    Feel free to enjoy the immense vocabular information overload cause your head to explode in 3...2...1... HOWZ AT FOOZ?