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    Looking for serious Machinima team.

    Machinima is the fusion of cinema and the machine, hence the term. In short, it is digital animation conducted entirely in a real-time 3-D engine, essentially standalone cinematics.
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    24 Season Finale!

    Who else saw it? I thought it wrapped up the best season so far, and the last episode was pretty damn good. And what a lead-in to next year!
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    My favorite part about that is that I was on a UBRS raid recently (pickup groups suck), and someone decided he needed recreate that.... needless to say, we wiped.
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    Das Keyboard

    (Apologies it's it been posted before.) For the truly elite...
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    Quick question [Cookie inside]

    You could try opening it in a program like OpenOffice, which might bypass the password, but other than that I don't think so.
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    Paintball anyone?

    I voted Re-Ball because I play paintball but not tourney ball. Where's the wooodsball option?
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    Recycle Bin Files in Use?

    I just attempted to empty my recycle bin, only to be informed that files therein were "in use." When I tried again, the error went away, but this has happened a few times. I was just wondering how exactly files that are ostensibly on death's door can be in use? Any ideas?
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    Copyright and Intellectual Property: Biggest Issues?

    I'm working on a teaching a class (45 minutes or so) on Copyright and IP (an assignment for a class on Current Events I'm taking). I was wondering if people could point me to articles, summaries, etc on the topic. Obviously I have done, and will be doing, my own research, but I figured, seeing...
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    Free FTP Space

    Awesome, thanks man! You are my hero!
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    Free FTP Space

    The problem with paying is the method - I have no credit card, otherwise I'd easily fork out 5$/month. Free = possible, paying = impossible. ;(
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    DVD: Team America

    I thought the first hour was the better of the two by far, but I thought the whole thing was pretty damn funny. And the puppet sex was hilarious!
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    Free FTP Space

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a free webhost that offers just a simple "blank slate" sorta deal - FTP account and you hit the ground running kinda deal. I don't want any browser-based uploader/page-maker/crappy tripe, just a simple efficient host. Domain names and things like that are...
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    My Close Shave with the Mumps

    Wow, and I used to think mumps was one of those illnesses that sounds just scary enough to use in cartoons and kid's books and not bad enough to actually matter... yet another way society has failed me. :p
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    CMD and Run Commands Failing

    OK, I'm not sure what the deal here is, but thankfully it's not a huge problem per se. It is however, baking, as they say, my noodle. Some of the native windows commands aren't working on my mom's laptop (the most irritating piece of hardware ever built by man). Ctrl-Alt-Del being the biggest...
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    New to HL2 Mod

    Mods work on the same principles regardless of platform, so I feel justified taking Red Orchestra as an example here. RO is a WWII game designed to realistically "simulate" combat from that period in time. It is a mod for Unreal Tournament 2004, meant to realistically simulate combat from some...
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    XSI Mod Tool Users..

    Or it's pretty clever, seeing as how it reminds every time you start up that you're using the free version, without actually impeding any workflow or taking up more than a few seconds of time. But still a dick thing to do.
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    MMOs an utter waste of time

    If I wasn't a touch away from 60 and guild Onyxia raids, that's where I'd be.
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    First Look: Ninja Gaiden Black (Xbox)

    If it weren't for it being XB only... but WoW has all my love right now anyway.
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    classic 80's/90's

    Wouldn't the GTA games be the perfect inspiration here?