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  1. G.Freeman

    HL2 in german print-mag

    :cheers: :bounce: :cheese: :eek: :rolling: :thumbs:
  2. G.Freeman


    I hope to max out my motherboard - 512mb to 1gig ram, cpu from 1400 Athlon to 2400 XP, and get a 9800 pro to replace my geforce 2 pro. Seems more sense to buy a level or so below the very latest equipment as it works out much, much cheaper.
  3. G.Freeman

    HL2 in german print-mag

    I held myself back for 10 minutes then had a look. They contain nothing that will spoil your enjoyment or that we probably won't find from E3 in a few weeks.
  4. G.Freeman

    New ATI card this monday (tomorrow)

    Doesnt the new Nvidia require its own power station? Anyone know how much power the new ATI will need?
  5. G.Freeman

    That's kinda pricey...

    That may be the recommended price but I expect places like Amazon will be are much cheaper. They are selling basic HL2 for 37% less than recommeded.
  6. G.Freeman

    The entire game is playable - Gabe

    I think the entire game was playable last September.
  7. G.Freeman

    Zombie Skin WIP

    That made me :laugh:
  8. G.Freeman

    Dead bodies in Xen from HL1

    Theres no way Gman is an older Gordon as they have completely different features and hair. Could be his evil, turned to the darkside, father though.
  9. G.Freeman

    HL2- what "Physics Tricks" are you going to perform ?

    What about waterskiing? Make a boat on a river, get someone to drive the boat while you stand on a plank thats tied to it. Or hot-air balloon fighting, players are in the baskets and let them be able to shoot at each others balloons. POP!!! :laugh:
  10. G.Freeman


    Makes sense, Valve know full well how popular CS is, so it would be insane of them not to cash in on it.
  11. G.Freeman

    New HL2 highres vids

    I have a feeling they'll just be the same old 10 binks that are already available.
  12. G.Freeman

    Half life 2, doom 3, and far cry beater

    I can see why they decided to call it STALKER instead :laugh:
  13. G.Freeman

    Is it possible to preorder a 6800 ultra?

    Whats the point though. By the time games actually make use of 512mb the card will be probably be outdated.
  14. G.Freeman

    Postal 2... need i say more?

    "Oh please God make it stop, arrrrrrghhhhhhhh*chop!* :laugh: 'And one to grow on' Only played the demo and its good fun. Nothing like sneaking up behind people and chopping their heads off. Totally sick though.
  15. G.Freeman

    Something I would like to see in HL2...

    I'll be jumping on his head. Lets see him tell me to be careful then. :laugh:
  16. G.Freeman

    Amazon on HL2

    Amazon UK say November 12th. What its doesnt say on Amazon is if its the SP, SP+MP or super duper edition. I only want the full to busting edition with real crowbar and HEV suit t-shirt :naughty:
  17. G.Freeman

    HL2- what "Physics Tricks" are you going to perform ?

    Not a physic trick but I'll have fun just running off down the street in the opposite direction to where I need to go. Hope to find a quiet pub for a cool beer. Few pints later I'll think about finding my way back or just decide to let Barney fight the combine himself :laugh:
  18. G.Freeman

    Something I would like to see in HL2...

    I'd like to see a 5+ min, movie style, view of the original HL1 events but with the latest graphics. They'll have to let the people who never played HL1 know what the situation is.
  19. G.Freeman

    hl2 not so far off in the future...

    British me :rolling: Even though its set in eastern euro land, the cars look like the type they drive now give or take a year or so. So obviously its not set 20-30 years into the future as these cars would not be there or rusted to bits.
  20. G.Freeman

    Anyone use Gmax?

    Anyone use Gmax? How does it compare with 3DSmax and XSI? I've recently downloaded it and worked through half of the tutorials, as I currently can't use XSI HL2 - dont have Win XP yet. ;( Would getting used to Gmax give me a good grounding for XSI HL2?