HL2- what "Physics Tricks" are you going to perform ?

Branching off of the sledding mod, what about a fun level in which each player must snowboard down a mountain side with trees and other various objects in their way with lots of objects "popping up" through the snow and such. Also, the players could have pistols to shoot each other... I can imagine the wonderous ragdoll effects we would see here :)
Whoa, that would be superfly......... to the max ;)

I can imagine a MOD where you're in a flying ship, and you're sortof a pirate (AAAAARRRRRRR!!!) and you board other ships to get their loot, but all you have is the Zero Point Gun to get the loot, and they've got guns, and you need to drop the loot to shoot at them, etc.

Kinda like capture the flag except there's a 10-million foot drop if you fall.

And there would be cool ways to incorporate physics like you might have to shoot the loot to the ship using the secondary firing of the Zero Point. Maybe you could have it so that the boarding party doesn't have guns, but needs to use whatever they can pick up with the Zero Point to fire at the defending ship people.

You get the point, me thinks.
blahblahblah said:
What would be fun is to create a map that has randomly placed gravity and physic anomalies. Give each person a manipulator and tons of objects that can be picked up and thrown. That would be a fun deathmatch because you have no idea what will happen to your object when you throw it.

Sorry just when i read the word anomalies the word matrix came into my head.

The best thing about this game is that there is so much stuff to change in the actually source that you could probably make a half-life 2 matrix mod i mean i'm pretty sure it would be possible...

I guess the possibilities would be endless.

the amount of mods that we can all imagine will come out or even just adaptations of maps using the new engine will make it possible to have a game of battle ships or even proper racing game where you shoot at each other out of the sides of the car competing for 1st place.

God it makes you Drool <(Not Literally ofcourse)
Glo-Boy, if you haven't already seen it, check out this Havok ragdoll demo:


First time I saw it, the white background and obstacles reminded me of snow. You can imagine people hitting trees, their bodies wrapping around them as they hit; things like that. That'd be a neat mod...you could even encorporate having to do tricks on your snowboard--while being shot at and dodging obstacles--for extra points.

Brokenjago, that also sounds pretty cool. But it seems more like a user-created CTF map rather than a mod in itself, unless you made a mod where the objective was the same (stealing the enemy's <whatever> with the zeropoint gun), but the maps were all different somehow. That'd have a lot of possibilities.

killing enemies while going on a bobsled or rolercoaster that is physically simulated!!!! yeah!!
Oh what I wouldn't give to see a Source-powered virtual version of MXC.
I got curious back when the beta leaked. I regret I played it now, but what's in the point in sulking over something you can't change. However, its fun to knock over barrels and walk on them; if you do it right, they roll right along with you. One bug I noticed is that when you stood on barrels and then used the gravity gun (the one with the blue beam), you would start to slowly float upwards. Also, using the gravity gun to manipulate dead bodies is fun.
or what about a "zero point race": You'll play in a static level (nothing can be moved or so. No gravity, no floor or ground, just a few static things. Everyone starts at the same point carrying a zero point gun. You can grab those static things with the ZP gun, but instead the things come to you, you fly to the objects! When you are at the first object, you can grab the next object etc, so you slowly move forwards. First one to accross about 50 meters, wins :)
I was also thinking that with the new super-advanced AI (sortof), you could add a story and actually make what I was talking about a single player MOD. (with Multiplayer, of course).
OMG, I just thought of the funniest MOD from watching that Havok Ragdoll video:

There are two teams. One is at the base of a hill, while the other is at the top. Niether team, from their starting positions, can see any member of the others' team. What happens is that the team at the top of the hill has a couple of team members with only Zero Point Guns, and they have some team members with them shootin' guns. There is a checkpoint behind the team at the top of the hill, and if any team mamber from the bottom of the hill touches it for 2 seconds (negotiable) they win (the attacking team, the one at the bottom of the hill.) What happens though, is the only good defense against these onslaughts is this: When an attacking player is killed, they use the Zero Piont (or the one with the blue beam, probably a better idea for bodies) to either roll the bodies down the hill for obstacles, or to pick them up and hit other people with them. The hill would have very little friction, so the bodies would roll down them quickly.

What do you think?

Definetly could use some revisement to prevent cheating or using one tactic at all times.
Someone mentioned Gas cans on chain link fences.I wanna set up two fences facing each other at an angle.Then I stand on one and a friend knocks off the Gas.I get launched into mid air and while im doing that another friend launches the other.I meet it in mid air and /me gets squished.

Or set up a junk yards war where lines of gas cans are used as artillery.I wonder can u create grapeshot(Lots of little pieces of metal) by sticking breakable stuff into a cannon type thing then exploding a grenade to send it flying
hmm, Gordon's 85 Kg, along with a chain link fence i doubt youd get off the ground. maybe move a few feet. but you could mod the strength of the gas canisters? right... good idea , for a war though,. :p,. but somehow i dont think people will be that obsessed :D
Well I suppose you could put like 5 on andmake it wood.And are you telling me you wouldnt like to try a junk yard war type thing?Cause if u say yes then your lieing :)

I also wanna see a "Warthog Jump" movie with the HL2 buggy.
domino map....in a random room in one of the maps i will make, a table with about 100 to 300 domino pieces, cant wait

Catapolte...launch humans, jeeps, boxes, a shack!?
What about waterskiing?
Make a boat on a river, get someone to drive the boat while you stand on a plank thats tied to it.

Or hot-air balloon fighting, players are in the baskets and let them be able to shoot at each others balloons. POP!!! :LOL:
I hoping they will create a real live earthquake, with the land deforming all around u in real time. People falling into the cracks, oh yeah, definitely yeah.

Also, since they said you can grab things with your hands, maybe we can play basketball. I would love to throw that watermelon thru some hoops. The first basketball game with realistic physics and no scripted animations.

I also absolutely need a playable helicopter. I've played so many games where a chopper just isn’t simulated right. Operation Flashpoint is the only game with a perfect chopper simulation where it just feels right. Maybe with Source's physics and the wind entity we might be able to get perfectly simulated planes and choppers.

They also said blades can cut people so maybe the rotor blades will actually cut someone who tries to jump into it.
vicefredav444 said:
I hoping they will create a real live earthquake, with the land deforming all around u in real time. People falling into the cracks, oh yeah, definitely yeah.

The E3 techdemo with the pachinko machine shows off the land-deformation ability of source.
A flat room suddenly turned into a hilly area, just like you're describing.
So, that earthquake thing is very possible.
It's probably even in the game somewheres.
you could have an earth quake in hl2 not sure if u could have cracks and stuff tho wouldnt that break the map! (map makers will know wot im talkin bout)
maybe the cracks wont be holes in the map, but instead the land would deform all the way down and end somewhere. So I can see people falling "ragdoll" style.

Oh coruptor, when u said anomalies and matrix, I was thinking of the animatrix episode where the kids come across the area that had a glitch in the matrix. The one where the girl was flying then fell from a certain height and stopped 2 inches from the ground and she was doing flips. good shit
I'm going to flip the buggy over onto its roof and weld one gas canister to each corner of the bottom of the car. They will be sticking out far enough for the caps to be knocked off. When the passenger flicks off one, the car bounces high into the air. He then knocks another cap off and the car continues to fly.

Man it will be so much fun. Welding will make so many things to do. I'm going to make a large tower of varoius pieces of scrap metal with the welder, inluding barrels, entire cars, pieces of sheet metal, guns, road signs, window frames, trash cans, dumpsters, washing machines, cans of propane, soda cans, window blinds, vending machines, manhacks, fences, engines, beams like the swinging one in traptown, and For the final touch, I will weld my crowbar to the top.

The tower will rival the combine fortesses in size :D
Moto-x_Pat said:
Man it will be so much fun. Welding will make so many things to do. I'm going to make a large tower of varoius pieces of scrap metal with the welder, inluding barrels, entire cars, pieces of sheet metal, guns, road signs, window frames, trash cans, dumpsters, washing machines, cans of propane, soda cans, window blinds, vending machines, manhacks, fences, engines, beams like the swinging one in traptown, and For the final touch, I will weld my crowbar to the top.

The tower will rival the combine fortesses in size :D

Its gonna take alot of creativity, you gotta know exactly which pieces to use at certain spots, its art. When you finish this "Tower of Stuff" you must let us experience it in all its glory.
I just thought of another thing I'm gonna do:

I will get some more of those oh-so-useful gas canisters we all want to use for propulsion, and I will weld them to the sides of a chair. Crouching on the chair, I'll break the caps off the canisters and yell, "To infinity, and beyond!"

I wonder how high up I could get doing that...
3D Bridge Builder. Can't go wrong.

(Bridge Builder is an old simulation game about building bridges)
This is testing a combination of physics and AI but meh.

I know that at some stages Combine soldiers will start dropping down to your location by sliding down ropes. I want to see if you can light the rope on fire while hes sliding down, and if thats possible then see what the combine soldier will decide to do about it.
I want to go to the top of the citadel, and through things/people off.....


Also, why use gas canisters! You guys should know better! You know those damn scientist are gonna have a plasma inducting tachion power shifter somewhere, just hardwire it to the buggy, turn it on, enjoy the fireworks..

Throwing stuff at Alyx to see her reaction, using the manipulator on alyx, trying to weld things to alxy...
Plant many sticky explosives under a barrel and then go inside it and detonate it. The barrel will lift off like a rocket with you inside it, enjoy the ride.
I've mentioned this before, but only because it's one of the best things anyone's said on these forums. Sadly I don't remember who said it, but the topic was on screwing around with the manipulator...
"I'm going to scream "Cover me!" pick up one of my comrades and use him as a meat shield"
If only you could use the manipulator on the living. <sighs>
You guys do know that in order to weld two things, they both must be made of metal. You cannot weld anything to Alyx, you will just end up lighting her clothes on fire. You can' weld anything to a chair because chairs are made of wood. If the chair was metal, it could work.
How would one "weld" things int' first place anyways?
i want to make a realistic gas station, where you shoot a rocket at the oump, and the whole thing blows sky high, including cars, trucks, and players.

i would like to see a multiplayer level that is flat, and there is random stuff like chairs, tables, dead bodies, matrises, and watermelons :) etc. and everyone just has the grav gun, or that other one, and we build forts wif the matrises and fling watermellons at eachother etc :D thatd b fun as
i still find it hard to believe that this welding stuff is possible. of course id love to do it, but it seems like its too cool to be true.
Bling said:
i want to make a realistic gas station, where you shoot a rocket at the oump, and the whole thing blows sky high, including cars, trucks, and players.


That is the coolest idea I've seen so far, except for mine of course :LOL: