HL2- what "Physics Tricks" are you going to perform ?

kaf11 said:
i still find it hard to believe that this welding stuff is possible. of course id love to do it, but it seems like its too cool to be true.

Its true, I was trying it out wayyyy back. [Beta Spoilers Removed] amazing stuff, cannot wait for this technology to come out in all its glory.
You guys do know that in order to weld two things, they both must be made of metal. You cannot weld anything to Alyx, you will just end up lighting her clothes on fire. You can' weld anything to a chair because chairs are made of wood. If the chair was metal, it could work.

You are incorrect--

Polykarbon said:
You are incorrect--


Okay, well then I guess you could weld plastic together, Anything that melts rather than burns is able to be welded together.
Hmm... I want to do jousting using 2 shopping carts with gas cans welded on, 2 people with manipulators and 2 support people The manipulator people both pick up an object, get in the shopping cart and then the support people knock off the gas caps and the person left in the cart is the winner.
In the game - is the welder like.... you know, a real life welder that uses flame to melt metals and plastics? Because I had imagined it more like a futuristic prototype that fused basically any material to another by means of elemental deconstruction or the likes. Can anyone shed light on this without giving too much info on the game? Non-beta player here...
I want to make a See saw from a plank of wood and a barrel, get one of my mates to stand on one end, then I climb up to the top of a building and jump off, hopefully hitting the other end of the plank and propelling him up in the air, then he comes shooting back down and makes me go flying.
Polykarbon, here's a fun fact:
Specifics from the stolen build are largely frowned upon here. People already had welding spoiled for them, but you just took it a step further :)
I have never played the beta. I have only seen the typical lot of screenshots, that most have likely seen.

I made an intelligent assumption, from a developers point of view. I myself am a software engineer, and from the screenshots I have seen, and the information posted on these forums already[and kept open], I posted what will seem like the factual final view on welding.

If I spoiled welding, which is likely not to be released in the final build without cheating, then I apologize.
I don't care, having played the stolen build, but other don't want stuff like that spoiled for themselves.

I must add, don't BS your way through this saying you've seen screens; it'd be very hard to see screens of what you described in such detail. Considering it was 100% accurate, your story is even more fishy :|
Polykarbon said:
No, you are incorrect. The game welds set objects together; using shot out model world models[red orbs]. When two of these orb models touch each other, the objects which have the "glue" orbs on them turn blue, and are joined/snapped together.

Put one orb on an exploding barrel. Put one orb on a buddy. Drag the barrel to the buggy and they snap together.

Anything in theory that is tagged with physics can be welded together. Do not expect to be able to weld a car to a living version of Alyx. Unless Alyx is tagged with the physical attribute, which again would also let you pick her up and throw her with the manipulator.

I don't expect the welded blue beam to be added in standard multiplayer or singleplayer. I am sure Valve will leave it in though for sv_cheats 1.

I was talking about in real life Polykarbon. I have yet to play the stolen build. I will not download the stolen build until after HL2 is out, just so I can see what I missed.

But, yeah I was talking about real life, not game welding. Anyway, thanks for spoiling the welding system for me. :rolleyes:
Sorry, but I indeed have never touched the beta. From screenshots gathered and information provided by valve, you can piece together a lot of things for the game.

Around the time of the beta release, there were so many media outlets of beta screens, you could learn so much about the games open mechanics. Especially the orb like welding, which was shown in many a screenshot.

Assumption, a powerful word format.

Again, if I spoiled, I am sorry. Do not assume though, that I have played the beta. As I only pirate MP3s, which I will openly admit to downloading.

[Beta Spoilers Removed] Oh, I suppose that might be a spoiler also. :stare:

:rolleyes: Indeed
Polykarbon said:
Sorry, but I indeed have never touched the beta.

[Polykarbon's Beta Spoilers Removed] Oh, I suppose that might be a spoiler also.

It's okay. Just please, please, please do NOT mention anything at all in any way, shape, or form about the stolen build. It is against the rules of HL2.net and it spoils some of the key interesting aspects of HL2 to people who want a surprise. Sometimes it might be a good spoiler, letting you know that they are doing it right, or it could be a bad one, letting you know that they are not doing what you thought they would. Either way, good or bad, spoilers are frowned upon by the site and by those who want to be surprised with the final product.

Oh, and we know about the buggy thing from the coastline video.
Respected, and entirely noted for the future.

Oh and by the way, that was a joke =p. Even if you didn't see the buggy do that in the coastline video, calling it a spoiler would be laughable. It is common sense of the engine; which I assume you were poking fun at with sarcasm =p.
Thanks Polykarbon.

Yeah, the buggy thing is common sense. :stare:
Not really physics related, but I like to be able to record movies with an ingame camera:). So everything the camera sees is recorded in .avi format.
That way you'd be able to create ur own movies with hl2!!! :cheers:

Or, throw the camera away with the manipulator and see where it landed :p
You're supposed to be able to record .exe bink movies from the HL2 engine...
Buggy + Steel Plates = Car with extra armour and a cow catcher.
Shuzer said:
Polykarbon, here's a fun fact:
Specifics from the stolen build are largely frowned upon here. People already had welding spoiled for them, but you just took it a step further :)

Im strong, im not going to cry anymore :x

but still... :stare:
Crikey im asleep for a few hours and you all come out to talk, Typical.

anyway theres a few posts that i'd like to reply to as i thought they were great ideas.

G.Freeman said:
What about waterskiing?
Make a boat on a river, get someone to drive the boat while you stand on a plank thats tied to it.

Or hot-air balloon fighting, players are in the baskets and let them be able to shoot at each others balloons. POP!!!

Sounds awsome especially the hot air baloon one !

Vicefredav444 said:
I hoping they will create a real live earthquake, with the land deforming all around u in real time. People falling into the cracks, oh yeah, definitely yeah.

Also, since they said you can grab things with your hands, maybe we can play basketball. I would love to throw that watermelon thru some hoops. The first basketball game with realistic physics and no scripted animations.

I also absolutely need a playable helicopter. I've played so many games where a chopper just isn’t simulated right. Operation Flashpoint is the only game with a perfect chopper simulation where it just feels right. Maybe with Source's physics and the wind entity we might be able to get perfectly simulated planes and choppers.

They also said blades can cut people so maybe the rotor blades will actually cut someone who tries to jump into it.

Love the sound of being able to play basketball with a melon cus like if it turns into a multiplayer map you'd get pissed off at your oponent and throw the melon at them and it would explode with melon juice all over there faces.
And the helicopter idea is bound to be awsome i mean battles in the air people flying one helicopter into someone elses, Sheer brilliance.

WillH said:
Hmm... I want to do jousting using 2 shopping carts with gas cans welded on, 2 people with manipulators and 2 support people The manipulator people both pick up an object, get in the shopping cart and then the support people knock off the gas caps and the person left in the cart is the winner.

Jousting sounds fun ... specially high speed jousting :naughty:

Mr.Magnetichead said:
Buggy + Steel Plates = Car with extra armour and a cow catcher.

Just wanted to pop this quote up again .. "Cow Catcher" hehe :D
Hey... I wonder if you could use the editor to make a gigantic pinball machine...
I wanna revise my idea. Someone needs to make a model of Doug Lombardi and then I can through him off the citadel =)
Darkside55 said:
You're supposed to be able to record .exe bink movies from the HL2 engine...

well.... yeah, something like that. but not how you see it, but the camera that you hold(with your hands or the manipulator, or zero point gun) or lies at a table to get a good view of yourself:).
Brian Damage said:
Hey... I wonder if you could use the editor to make a gigantic pinball machine...

I don't think we need Havok for physics on that....
Pardon? Why not?

It's a big tilted plane with a ball rolling on it. Should work well with Havok physics.
Brian Damage said:
Pardon? Why not?

It's a big tilted plane with a ball rolling on it. Should work well with Havok physics.

I meant that we can perfectly do it with much simpler physics...
I still think that it'd be cooler with Havok, though... It'd be a good demonstration of the physics engine's capabilities...
Brian Damage said:
I still think that it'd be cooler with Havok, though... It'd be a good demonstration of the physics engine's capabilities...

A rolling ball isn't the best way to show off the capabilities of a physics engine, especially not the source physics engine.
hey I would like to see a maze with mirrors everywhere... all so a giant building made out of wood and have tons of bridges made out of wood aswell then you could have multiple levels so if one way was blown up you could find another way. But the tought of hearing some one above you, then shooting a giant hole above you and seeing the guy fall would be cool.... also see a guy on a rope or wooden bridge and setting a trap or just shooting one side of it, then see ing the guy fall and hit a wooden floor then falls through the floor because he is going so fast would be great...
It'd not just about the rolling ball, it's the swinging flippers with actual mass, and the elastic collisions with the bumpers...
Ashton said:
hey I would like to see a maze with mirrors everywhere... all so a giant building made out of wood and have tons of bridges made out of wood aswell then you could have multiple levels so if one way was blown up you could find another way. But the tought of hearing some one above you, then shooting a giant hole above you and seeing the guy fall would be cool.... also see a guy on a rope or wooden bridge and setting a trap or just shooting one side of it, then see ing the guy fall and hit a wooden floor then falls through the floor because he is going so fast would be great...

I think I'm gonna rip an idea off of someone elses post earlier on in this thread. I shall build a tower to rival that of the citadel! Except, instead of being made out of metal...it's gonna be made out of wood! mwhahahha

Then I'm going to put lot's and lot's of c4 in it, and blow it to hell :sniper: . Seriously, you can't deny that that would be the coolest thing to watch.
I also hope there will be different types of explotions... there needs to be differnet sizes aswell as the shape of the explotion.... I have seen to many games that have the same explotion over and over.... when the need a big explotion, they just put the same 5 foot expolotion in 5 or 6 close areas around at the same time rather than a bigger explotion..... does this make any sense? ..... so I guess what I am saying is I wish there will be a physics with expoltions and depending how much and what is in it aswell as the direction and other stuff, that there would be a different effect every time rather than the same dumb explotion no mater what happens..... any thoughts?
Ashton said:
I also hope there will be different types of explotions... there needs to be differnet sizes aswell as the shape of the explotion.... I have seen to many games that have the same explotion over and over.... when the need a big explotion, they just put the same 5 foot expolotion in 5 or 6 close areas around at the same time rather than a bigger explotion..... does this make any sense? ..... so I guess what I am saying is I wish there will be a physics with expoltions and depending how much and what is in it aswell as the direction and other stuff, that there would be a different effect every time rather than the same dumb explotion no mater what happens..... any thoughts?

I'm not sure, but the particle engine is going to be very advanced. The one thing I know that they don't is simulating smoke, but that can be done in source though.
but wouldn't that be great to see a huge explotion rather than a whole bunch a small ones put together?
Ashton said:
but wouldn't that be great to see a huge explotion rather than a whole bunch a small ones put together?

omg, I know exactly what you're talkin about, and YES it would be great.
does any one know if you will be able to shoot at different areas of a rope, and then at that area the rope will break? what would be cool to see is a power cable hanging over a group of bad guys standing in a pool of water..... you shoot the cable anywhere, it falls into the pool and poof electified bad guys...