HL2- what "Physics Tricks" are you going to perform ?

We only have hl2 physics demo movies to go on, nobody knows just how much (or how little) physics will lend to actually finishing the game, except valve, yes?
VALVe and the betaheads.

Oooh, that sounds like a rock band.

Seriously, though, I feel that, what with a physics-manipulating weapon and all, HL2's gameplay is going to be heavily physics based. Even the reviewers seem to think so...
I want to get 5 sections of chain link fence, weld them together to make an open topped cube, load it up with a bunch of unsuspecting NPC's (combine or otherwise) and some sort of remote explosives (is there remote C4 in the game?), then weld as many gas tanks to the sides as i can fit and then figure out a way to cut off all of the tops simultaneously and then launch, BOOM!...Homemade Human Fireworks show!
carramrod said:
BOOM!...Homemade Human Fireworks show!
More like home-made computer crasher!

Yeh I guess that would be neat, but, speaking of... npc's.. I guess...
How does the Source/Havok engine handle falling NPC's? Like i shoot the floor out of a catwalk or I somehow push someone off a ledge, simply put, he is falling. Does he just go right down? Like in HL1? I assume he will sustain damage this time, but will he have some falling animation?

Once again, whatever it is, I trust Valve they know what they're doing. :)
vegeta897 said:
Yeh I guess that would be neat, but, speaking of... npc's.. I guess...
How does the Source/Havok engine handle falling NPC's? Like i shoot the floor out of a catwalk or I somehow push someone off a ledge, simply put, he is falling. Does he just go right down? Like in HL1? I assume he will sustain damage this time, but will he have some falling animation?

Well some sort of ragdoll action would be cool but I doubt that will be the case. Seeing as the NPC would technically still be alive in the air, they wouldn't be as 'loose' as a ragdoll, however upon any impact I'd hope to see them react with a ragdoll effect.

Perhaps a sort of semi-ragdoll effect could be used to show a stiffer yet uncontrolled movement of an NPC. This could be implemented for a fall, or perhaps if you ran them over and they rolled up the bonnet or something.
When HL2 goes gold I will go to Hl2.net and when someone posts "Hl2 has gone gold" I will post "This is old news! We knew about this 30 seconds ago! Get with the times! You are so behind! You are a noob loser! Go kill your self Headcrab!"

Then when I buy the game I am going to turn gravity really low so people will be up in the air then I will post screen shots and say "HL:2 SUX Look at THESE STOOPID PHYSIX! FAR CRY IS BETTER THAN THIIISSS!!!"

Then all the Far Cry fans will praise me and I will be a celeberity then I will rent a bus with megaphones and we will drive around GameSpot stores and laugh at people coming out of the store with HL2 copies then when they are unsuspecting I will drive the bus off a cliff and on the way down the HL2 haters will say "ALEHM HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?" Then I will turn around and say "HOW IS THIS FOR REALISTIC PHYSICS!!!!" Then I will say "YOU WON'T DIE AND WAKE UP WITH 72 VIRGINS BUT I SEE 72 VIRGINS ON THIS BUS WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE" Then jump out with my parachute and look at the fiery crash below.
WOW, fabulous. You should write books. No, no, I'm serious.
Quite funny indeed. (Even had a plot!)
KurtCobain said:
Was jus wondering if u think its possible to flip cars with grenades (Like Halo) into Trees , Buildings or enemies :)

By this i mean placing copuble of HE nades at one end of car seeing if it flys :)

Haha, yeah I think you will be able to do that in a similar way, and yeah that'd rock! :D
KurtCobain said:
Was jus wondering if u think its possible to flip cars with grenades (Like Halo) into Trees , Buildings or enemies :)

By this i mean placing copuble of HE nades at one end of car seeing if it flys :)
yeah, throwing jeeps in halo was alots of fun, but halo had low gravity. HL2 doesn't, so cars won't fly so much. that means less fun...
The gravity could be easily changed for whatever tricks you want to do...
Im gonna build a FORT! outa boxes and jus sit and play with my crowbar in it o_O kinky :D
A Redux of the classic Halo Vehicle Stunt Video sounds like a nice idea ;)
Brian Damage said:
Y'mean... with the jeep and the grenades?

Yeah. It'd be interesting to see what HL2's rockets, grenades, and vehicles can pull off.
One awesome trick would be to see whether you can jump over a Strider.
when i finally get hl2, imma make a map with a strider and a long beam(wood), take the manipulator, and trip the damned thing and watch it come tumbling down, from 100 feet away, all while capturing it w/ Fraps.
Javert said:
A Redux of the classic Halo Vehicle Stunt Video sounds like a nice idea ;)

wow, sounds fun:) I'd like to see that Halo jeep movie. Can anyone post a link?
half alive said:
wow, sounds fun:) I'd like to see that Halo jeep movie. Can anyone post a link?
TONS of Halo recordings of all types, like warthog jumps, mod chip fun, serious fights, music videos and more. :cheers:

Yes teh fizzix ar koool in my skool. :|
Best Thread Ever!

I'll want to test out the good 'ole rocket (RPG, Nade, Gluon) jump! See if they stil allow ppl to survive point blank hits and still keep your feet ;)
I would LOVE for there to eventually be some sort of site dedicated primarily to strange, awesome, and hilarious hl2-related videos.
create a truck from metal pieces/fences and barrels, power it with gas canisters jump in the back shoot the valves off and shoot through a canyon filled with ant-lions

= teh squish.
An awesome tool/inventory in HL2 would be a motor that just has a spinning part and a button that turns it on or off and that can be welded with anything. You could make your own weapons or vehicles in game!
I will try welding about 6 Propane tanks together, and try to make booby traps..
Strider is about to walk over the booby trap, and set it off!

I also might try getting a few matresses's, wood, and metal to try and make my own little hideout..
Enemy runs by, and bang! bang! bang!
Think of a war-mod in like some urban areas where you can use mattresses and stuff to make your own shelter in a floor of a building, make a sniper hideout and a place with medi kits and ammo.. MMMMMM
CrazyHarij said:
Think of a war-mod in like some urban areas where you can use mattresses and stuff to make your own shelter in a floor of a building, make a sniper hideout and a place with medi kits and ammo.. MMMMMM

Yea, reminds me of WWII Sharpshooters..
(ever seen a movie - "Enemy at the Gates" or some shit, and its about an Allied Sharpshooter, and a Axis Sharpshooter)
Javert said:
A Redux of the classic Halo Vehicle Stunt Video sounds like a nice idea ;)
only problem is Halo is the only game with chain reacting grenades
RTFMish said:
Yea, reminds me of WWII Sharpshooters..
(ever seen a movie - "Enemy at the Gates" or some shit, and its about an Allied Sharpshooter, and a Axis Sharpshooter)

That's the movie I was thinking of.
torso boy said:
only problem is Halo is the only game with chain reacting grenades
Erm... have you played all these new next-gen games? I doubt it. :sleep:
torso boy said:
no, i havent....but i doubt they will have that....
Oh, you doubt it eh? Well... I'm gonna tell my mommy on you!!1
Let's place a bet, 50$ says HL2 will let you blow up grenades off the ground when they are in pickup-able form.
vegeta897 said:
Oh, you doubt it eh? Well... I'm gonna tell my mommy on you!!1
Let's place a bet, 50$ says HL2 will let you blow up grenades off the ground when they are in pickup-able form.
I thought HL1 would let you do that.

Anyway my daddy will beat up YOUR MOM!!!111!one!1
The Mullinator said:
I thought HL1 would let you do that.

Anyway my daddy will beat up YOUR MOM!!!111!one!1
Nahh it didn't.
Someone should send an email to Valve asking if they will implement it.

Well my Grandma could take your daddy AND ur mommy!!!112
vegeta897 said:
Nahh it didn't.
Someone should send an email to Valve asking if they will implement it.

Well my Grandma could take your daddy AND ur mommy!!!112
Maybe it was if a soldier was going to use a grenade but then you killed him before he could pull the pin and it just drops to the ground. Then again maybe I was thinking of Goldeneye. Either way it will most likely be in HL2.

Oh and Ill go dig up my Great grandma and she'l beat up your WHOLE family!!11111!1one221two!

But that will have to be for tommorow. Good night everyone!!
vegeta897 said:
Oh, you doubt it eh? Well... I'm gonna tell my mommy on you!!1
Let's place a bet, 50$ says HL2 will let you blow up grenades off the ground when they are in pickup-able form.

ok fine if i win you give me 50 bucks, if you win you buy me a copy of HL2 to prove it to me!

im gonna tell YOUR MOMMY on you!!!1one!!