HL2- what "Physics Tricks" are you going to perform ?

so if you win you get $50. If if he wins, he gives you a product worth $50. Yo... Wha.....Are.....hmmmmm...... so you will come out on top with 50 bucks no matter what. I pity you and you strange cheap mall rat tactics ;(
torso boy said:
no, i havent....but i doubt they will have that....

hl2 has chain reaction grenades, throw two close together and when the first one explodes the second one explodes also and you get a larger explosion. (if thats what you meant by chain reaction...)

using the manipulator by getting a piece of flat metal (sign.. door.. etc) jump up and grab onto it with the manipulator at the same time.. you'll quickly be flying into the air.. aim down to lower and try to tilt to go forward and sideways... becareful if your piece of debris brakes you'll be falling to your death.
worldspawn said:

using the manipulator by getting a piece of flat metal (sign.. door.. etc) jump up and grab onto it with the manipulator at the same time.. you'll quickly be flying into the air.. aim down to lower and try to tilt to go forward and sideways... becareful if your piece of debris brakes you'll be falling to your death.

i dont get it
Jeez worldspawn.. You've been doing this for a while now, I can't believe you're not banned yet.
sorry for making a new thread earlier, this one mustve been off the page. anyway as i said in that thread, id like to be able to pick up a grenade with the manipulator and fire it rocketlauncher style.
i'm gonna try to do something with alyx and the "manipulator" gun

lol j/k
RTFMish said:
I will try welding about 6 Propane tanks together, and try to make booby traps..
Strider is about to walk over the booby trap, and set it off!

I also might try getting a few matresses's, wood, and metal to try and make my own little hideout..
Enemy runs by, and bang! bang! bang!

is it actually possible to weld some things together in hl2??!! :cool:
I have a good idea (I think). How about having crazy stunt competitions. You film little videos of yourself (or eachother in MP) doing crazy stuff with the physics and show them on a website. Each week, a winner is voted for and at the end of each month, an over all winner wins a prize.

Maybe build a stack of objects and a ramp, and then drive the buggy into it. Oh throw a tagged body into it, Jackass style. These are lame ideas but you get what I mean. I can see lots of little videos being shot like this - it'd be great if HL2 had a built in video recorder!!

What do you guys think?
A threesome among Alyx, the vortigaunt and the Strider!!!! :afro:
Victor2 said:
A threesome among Alyx, the vortigaunt and the Strider!!!! :afro:

hmm interesting "physics" trick there..
oh my eyes hurt.. i just caught up on 17 pages of posts.... i hope i will be able to see again in time for halflife2
I like all those zombie trap ideas, (Spinning Blade, Gas Flames, Dropping Car) etc etc, Id love to just dive in with hammer and make some really sick contraptions for turning stuff into dog food.
I'd like to use a radiator for a shield...and maybe throw it at a Combine soldier!
Also, if I found a headcrab on top of a box, I wonder what would happen if I picked up the box and threw it with the manipulator before the headcrab reacted...would the headcrab hold on to the box, or just fall off? If it held on, I could toss the box into the air straight up, and then grab it again when the headcrab was on the opposite side of the box from me, and then launch it into a wall...Mmmm, headcrab pancake.
You can use Fraps to record an ingame video... are you giving away prizes for the vids too? :p
i wouldnt mind attaching a gas tank to a combines back, and then shoot the cap off, and watch him fly.....but ...INDOORS!


i wouldnt mind making a dominoes effect either :D
I want to launch the buggy off a ramp, bail in mid-air, land on the gunship, then proceed to blow the crap outta it from on top! heeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaw!
x84D80Yx said:
i wouldnt mind making a dominoes effect either :D

OMG, we should do a competition once the game has been out a month or two, Send us your greatest domino movie! I say movie cause i can see people pushing the CPU strain to the point of insanity!
i would grab a bird and launch it at combines and striders, maybe even allies.
OMG! A flying polygon! Maybe if you hit someone edge-on it would cut them in half. :E
Pendragon said:
Birds are single polies with animated, alpha-channeled textures in most cases.

I'm prpbably going to make a fool out of myself but the birds are .mdl files, fully animated and so on.

Leak material but I guess it don't hurt anybody.
i wouldnt mind attaching a gas tank to a combines back, and then shoot the cap off, and watch him fly.....but ...INDOORS!


i wouldnt mind making a dominoes effect either

LOL, like rocket man!!!
*adds hull headbox damage interface on bird*
*shoots USP*
*headshot on bird*
*bird instantly falls staight down into the water, making a quiet, yet efficient splash*
Actually, you can see a close up of crows in Docks video.
You can almost see their facial animations. :p
I love picking up mines, shooting them high up, and empty my gun on them :p
RoguePsi said:
it'd be great if HL2 had a built in video recorder!!

It does. Outputs as .bmp (don't know about raw avi or mpg) which you can convert to movie files.
You can also make movies that don't depend on your own framerate, the output files will have a proper framerate with properly synchronized sound. So you can make really complex scenes where the only limit is the entity limit.
Aim for combine soldier....

Drop a coin from the top of the citadel using the manipulators secondary fire.....

A massive crater where the soldier was.....

Do it several hundred times to a strider for the same effect.....

Pack up, and chuckle uncontrollably......

Mwa, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!!!
Me? i (using the manipulator) will pick up a Saw Blade and hurl it at the nearest combine soldier chopping him in half and then turning to the nearest NPC such as a resistence fighter and saying to him(or rather to myself: with inspiration from Ahnuld) "He had to split"....
scarecrow1 said:
Me? i (using the manipulator) will pick up a Saw Blade and hurl it at the nearest combine soldier chopping him in half
I don't think you can chop a npc in half with a saw blade and a manipulator. With that you can't even cut through wood. (see the new video, long one)
half alive said:
I don't think you can chop a npc in half with a saw blade and a manipulator. With that you can't even cut through wood. (see the new video, long one)

besides the saw blade (or even explosives/shotguns whatever) likely wont cut anything up that isnt coded to do so.
so far as we know, headcrab zombies (slow ones) are the ONLY creatures that are coded to be able to be cut/blown in two.

dont expect anything else to be able to be blown apart, as Source doesnt have a "ghoul" animation/breakable bits engine (like Soldier of FOrtune1 and 2).
Im just hoping Gibbing when blown up is something similar to Painkiller (actual body parts) and not just random generic chicken leg looking gib chunks.
I am going to weld two light platforms to each side of my buggy and put one of those spinning blade traps on the front and make an air plane.
Dodgeball :)

Somebody should create a small dodgeball mod. Use the manipulator to throw the ball, 1v1 or teams. Would be basic, small, and fun
PatPwnt said:
I am going to weld two light platforms to each side of my buggy and put one of those spinning blade traps on the front and make an air plane.

haha thatd be funny as hell if it worked :LOL:
physics tricks?

grab a trashcan and bang it against a zombie until the yellow ooze starts showing