HL2- what "Physics Tricks" are you going to perform ?

heh :) its gonna be so funny in multiplayer, Im sure some people will manage to take it seriously :dozey: , but Its gonna be hilarious like seeing a team mate welding stuff onto the front of the teams buggy,, and seeing a message from another team mate.. 'wtf is he doing dude?!?'

Gas cylinders on the BUGGY! = Rocket powered car!

Pity it'd only be temporary, though...
what worries me is, will physics be as robust in MP as it is in SP?

Painkiller devs cited not being able to have advanced physics in MP, and no coop mode on account of the interactions taking place to be too cpu intensive to be transmitted via netcode.. or something to that effect.
however they could just say that to be lazy (like Max Payne2 "we couldnt find a decent way to implement bullet-time in MP"... thats after TS for HL had been out for like a year)

Brian Damage said:

Gas cylinders on the BUGGY! = Rocket powered car!

Pity it'd only be temporary, though...

what would really be funny is if, you could weld objects to people... like a gas cylinder to the back of a pal, then hit the valve.
insta jetpack
Painkiller devs cited not being able to have advanced physics in MP, and no coop mode on account of the interactions taking place to be too cpu intensive to be transmitted via netcode.. or something to that effect.

from what ive seen with the leak, it does appear to be as robust as single player.. :D, dunno what the devs are talking about ? :p
Using Gordons allotted weight (85kg I think), I will jump from a ledge, onto a combines head, and hear his neck break from all that weight.

Try and jump a gunship in my buggy
clarky003 said:
its now a known fact you can weld stuff (as mentioned in PC gamer and other articles). I dont think its a spoiler any hoo, whats there to spoil by the knowledge of a weapon that welds, heck ill even say its the alt fire for the physics gun :D.
(Note) The physgun is the one from the techdemo, not the manipulator (physcannon)

And c'mon, no more stuff like that, I know it doesn't spoil any storyline, but the mods still don't like it...
lol, sorry, but it's said all the time :p, and the manipulator is known as the 'Zeropoint gun' not the physcannon, maybe thats just an alias
Mikey Canuck said:
I would enjoy juggling a Combine soldier with various explosives.
"Ooops! Dropped him! Who's next?" :p

Can't wait to see all the stuff people will come up with in MP. Or even screenies from SP. :)
Brian Damage said:
First time I heard about the welding was in one of the few beta spoilers I've seen that I didn't mind. Didn't realise that it was in PC Gamer... I would love to see what we can come up with...

Another thing I'd like to do is to start a kind of "barrel stampede" on a sloping area...

Oh, and Corupter? At least you've got the capitals and full-stops down-pat now :E.

Cheers mate, sorry i havnt been replying i've just ahd a guitar lesson :hmph:
Sprafa said:
I think the physics can be used for more things than I can imagine.

My fav moment would be of the entire Combine Tower crumbling down in thousands of metal pieces.

Well as soon as its released i'm going to have to start a screen capture thread where you can post all the stupid things you've found out you can do.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Same I did in the BETA.

Prop a chain link fence against a solid object, line some gas cylinders at the bottom of the now created slope, get my crowbar and knock the valves off the bottles.

Home made rocket launcher.

BETA, sorry never really learnt much about HL2 theres already a BETA ?
Using Gordons allotted weight (85kg I think), I will jump from a ledge, onto a combines head, and hear his neck break from all that weight.

Try and jump a gunship in my buggy

Sounds like a goo didea to me .. Jumping ramps with the buggy over evil alien space craft thingies.
On a more off-rail post.

i think that personally it would be good if you could play multiplayer around the actual "City17" map although this would mean them having a few servers that could manage to have alot of players on all at once.

A bit like what there planning to do with "The Matrix Online" one big server, One big world and everyone on it at once.
wow thats a record, 5 posts in a row Corupter :p.

but yeh multiplayer in largish City 17 scale map would be nice,. but didnt valve say, max 32 players...?
clarky003 said:
wow thats a record, 5 posts in a row Corupter :p.

but yeh multiplayer in largish City 17 scale maps would be nice,. but didnt valve say, max 32 players...?

Well they might of but i still think a large scale server would be a good way to go.

Can always live and hope. :cheers:
I think the 32 players is just another example of VALVe's classic "It's a design decision, not a technical limitation"...

And Corupter, the beta so often refferred to here is a load of tacked-together stolen code, levels and models. It was nicked by an idiot hacker from a computer at VALVe sometime last year.
I'm getting a root beer from that vending machine!
Brian Damage said:
I think the 32 players is just another example of VALVe's classic "It's a design decision, not a technical limitation"...

And Corupter, the beta so often refferred to here is a load of tacked-together stolen code, levels and models. It was nicked electronically from a computer at VALVe sometime last year.

I knew it had been stolen, but i never new they had managed to make it into a BETA.

Shows what i know :rolling:
Well, technically it's not even an alpha. It's just a cludged together set of stolen bits. A lot of it doesn't even work, apparently.
Brian Damage said:
Well, technically it's not even an alpha. It's just a cludged together set of stolen bits. A lot of it doesn't even work, apparently.

Rofl, sorry the way you said that was really funny for some reason. :bounce:
every crate in the game is going to one area in the game....preferably a location with the buggy/car...

build a nice tall tower with them, then plow the buggy though it. :D
i didn't know you could hit the caps off of the bottles to make a rocket...weld one to a door or something big you can stand on...rocket surfing!
I'm just going to do the typical 'put people in awkward positions' thing.
VALVe have said that you could actually go sledding in Source, if you had a slope and something flat to stand on...

Ooooo... a tobogganing mod! Now that'd be cool!
Brian Damage said:
VALVe have said that you could actually go sledding in Source, if you had a slope and something flat to stand on...

Ooooo... a tobogganing mod! Now that'd be cool!

lol, a nice snow-covered mountain...hmm...you could really use the source to make a snowboarding mod...
Brian Damage said:
VALVe have said that you could actually go sledding in Source, if you had a slope and something flat to stand on...

Ooooo... a tobogganing mod! Now that'd be cool!

Well, If you're positivly suprised by sledding, you will be blown away when the game hit the shelves.

(Yeah, I'm a beta player.)
I'm hoping that you can grab a grenade out of the air with the zeropoint gun (thanks to Clarky for the name; sounds way cooler than "manipulator"), and fire them back at their source. That'd make for a tense five seconds in multiplayer, tossing a grenade back and forth like a hot potato.

"You take it!"
"No, you take it!"
"I'll take it!"
"No, me! Oh, shi--"


Also, I want to try that rocket car thing that Brian was talking about. The buggy can support two or three people, right? I can imagine in Team MP, welding gas containers to the back of the car, have one person drive, and another person crouching on the back of the buggy, crowbar at the ready. Driver shouts, "Hit the NOS, dude!" and the guy on the back swipes the caps off the containers. :E
edit one of the levels and build a ladder all the way up the citadel :D
Darkside55 said:
I'm hoping that you can grab a grenade out of the air with the zeropoint gun (thanks to Clarky for the name; sounds way cooler than "manipulator"), and fire them back at their source. That'd make for a tense five seconds in multiplayer, tossing a grenade back and forth like a hot potato.

"You take it!"
"No, you take it!"
"I'll take it!"
"No, me! Oh, shi--"


Also, I want to try that rocket car thing that Brian was talking about. The buggy can support two or three people, right? I can imagine in Team MP, welding gas containers to the back of the car, have one person drive, and another person crouching on the back of the buggy, crowbar at the ready. Driver shouts, "Hit the NOS, dude!" and the guy on the back swipes the caps off the containers. :E

hehe, Give me HL2! lol.. I like the idea of the grenade chucking :p,. never thought of it. and as for the buggy, who knows :LOL:
What would be fun is to create a map that has randomly placed gravity and physic anomalies. Give each person a manipulator and tons of objects that can be picked up and thrown. That would be a fun deathmatch because you have no idea what will happen to your object when you throw it.
Darkside55 said:
Also, I want to try that rocket car thing that Brian was talking about. The buggy can support two or three people, right? I can imagine in Team MP, welding gas containers to the back of the car, have one person drive, and another person crouching on the back of the buggy, crowbar at the ready. Driver shouts, "Hit the NOS, dude!" and the guy on the back swipes the caps off the containers. :E

OMG, I can't describe how cool that would be :D
That would add a whole new dimension to stunting.
"Boulder run" letting combine's follow me up a hill and push boulders downhill after them :naughty:
i already have preformed all the "physics tricks" i wanted too.