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  1. jister

    whats wrong with these textures?

    i get some strange errors in some texture, like they stay at fullbright or something... i have it since yesterday, before the same textures just worked fine...? i don't get errors in my log so... and i did apply any drastical changes? if put an extra "$surfaceprop" "snow" in the vmt but it...
  2. jister

    triggering brushes in level?

    thanks i'll try that.
  3. jister

    triggering brushes in level?

    here's the deal, i made a huge displacement (a valley with a lake and a village, surrounded by mountians filled with some forests) now i wanna save out on the engine so i'll use models for the most part, like forests and the village from a further view. i would like to make them entrable...
  4. jister

    HITCHHIKER MOD MEDIA + recruiting

    here's an up date! thx crackhead for joining the team!! so now WE GOT A CODER WIHAA!!!! to bad one of our mappers left! so if you are (or think you are:)) a talented mapper, ready to deliver huge outdoor eyecandy maps, come by our forum show some rescent stuff and hopefully join us in what...
  5. jister

    HITCHHIKER MOD MEDIA + recruiting

    joint the forum if you think you can make yourself usefull!!
  6. jister

    HITCHHIKER MOD MEDIA + recruiting we got some good texture and model artists. its my first mod i joint, teamwork kicks ass i tell ya... what the mod needs most urgent: CODDERS!!! (0) ANIMATORS!!!! (0) mappers (2) modelers (2) texture/skinners (3-4) compilers (2) voice actors (1-2)...
  7. jister

    reflective material help

    still 512 doesn't work... it gets all blurry again??
  8. jister

    reflective material help

    ok that did it thx a million man!!! i finnaly get some sence in these cubemap things tx again!! btw visit thats what its for... but im not the texture guy, and i couldn't reach him so thx fo the help
  9. jister

    reflective material help

    i got this buildingcubemaps on 128x128 wich it does allow my lights go beserk?
  10. jister

    reflective material help

    msn me if you want on [email protected]
  11. jister

    reflective material help

    i put 1 to 256x256 and get this in my console Cube map buffer size 1024 x 1024 is bigger than screen! Run at a higher resolution! or reduce your cubemap resolution (needs 4X)
  12. jister

    reflective material help

    ok srry for over looking your tut, i will look for it. i'll try what you say, thx
  13. jister

    reflective material help

    hey all i'm trying to make a good reflecting mirror in hammer (although it won't reflect characters) i took all necesary steps to make the texture and it works but in such a low resolution... i did the vtf at 1024x1024 300dpi? and this is the result...?
  14. jister

    Writer looking for MOD work

    hey bumblebee, You can have a look at this thread, it ended with finding a writer to start work out the detailed version, if you find this intresting, i'm sure we'll hear from eachother... (btw did mail this writer, but had no reply yet...
  15. jister

    mod idea in need of critic!!

    I mailed kebean so hopefully he'll rewrite the whole thing! otherwise (and I totally forgot) my girlfriend is an excellent writer. so the full story version will come definitely.
  16. jister

    mod idea in need of critic!!

    hey kebean thx i'll mail you fo sure tonight.
  17. jister


    copy paste the url in a new window or klick this one
  18. jister

    Mod Story Idea!!! World War 4

    yow kuwl idea! but make the humans the bad guys for ones (wich we are!) so the year is 3100 (orwhatever) and they find this perfect planet to live on and they just start killing all that they encounter! (check out this link some where...
  19. jister

    mod idea in need of critic!!

    guess i'll put up a writer wanted thread soon...!
  20. jister

    mod idea in need of critic!!

    and still active in drawing and things, you have a can you take some pictures of recent drawings? i'm concept artist for 2 hl2 mods at the moment hitchhiker and territory (didn't make any work for the last one yet) i also map and do level design... i'm alway intressted in the work of...