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  1. Dante

    Want to be a coder, or try it...

    agree with sams as i stated in an earlier post, this was the framework that got me started programming oh so many years ago.
  2. Dante

    Limitations on Source engine

    to me, it looks like you are playing with the idea of an MMO type of mod. In this situation, with the maps and areas you need a type of zoning server, which is a server that handles different parts of different maps. With source, it would involve some way for the client to communicate with...
  3. Dante

    Want to be a coder, or try it...

    .Net Being able to work in multi-language environments has become so crucial to the way that i work. c++ math processing dll's with C# code library dlls', all the way to the vb gui. Why do i work in so many languages? each has an advantage. c++ is fast c#.Net has a lot of coders...
  4. Dante

    Seeking Level Designers

    bump for good measure
  5. Dante

    custom water

    actually, farcry uses low level shaders to get that water effect.
  6. Dante

    changing weapon_xxx.txt problem

    actually, in programming it is standard practice on relative paths to put a / slash and a \ for full paths, examples are web coding for instance My Page or Its not a mistake in his coding, its proper referenced pathing.
  7. Dante

    Want to be a coder, or try it...

    ermm... no, c++ is the language that the Mod SDK is programmed in, as well as the game its self (including engine). He wants to learn to program, so we are recommending items for him to read and do.
  8. Dante

    Panel hierarchy

    ok... 1. make sure that your texture has a 100% transparent alpha layer except where you want the texture to show, thats a common problem, secondly, you need to (if memory serves) set the alpha in code. 2. command for that, $ignorezindex or something or other 3. i assume this means you...
  9. Dante

    Want to be a coder, or try it...

    get sam's teach yourself c++ in x amount of hours. does wonders, read it first until you are at utter confusion, then on your second read of the book, work along with it, you will start to pick up the basics, then from there, just like all programming, its 90% trial and error, 10% syntax and...
  10. Dante

    Compiling in Visual C++

    did you do a nasty vb issue and do a for loop without declaring the variable i? just wondering, a lot of vb6 coders do that, because you don't have to declare all your variables, makes you lazy. otherwise, i would attempt a full rebuild, if it still fails as said above, declare i right...
  11. Dante

    Seeking Level Designers

    sent out an email... i think...
  12. Dante


    can you unwrap?
  13. Dante

    Incorperating MYSQL

    It would be better to use sqllite or a csv or tsv type of file, expecting a server host to host a secondary server technology would probably shy people away from wanting to play your mod. Where as sqllite, csv, and tsv are very widely accepted db file formats, and can easily be coded and...
  14. Dante

    Seeking Level Designers

    Thats definately a position we wouldn't mind having, as we are very focused on making the gameplay aspect of the levels very fluid and balanced. How may I contact you?
  15. Dante

    Seeking Level Designers

    The Mod The Dead 6 - Set in the C&C Universe (No need to worry about IP violations, we already had those talks with EA), full single player campaign with over 120 pages of well layed out scenery and storyline completed that forms the team in the front and shadows the...
  16. Dante

    The Dead 6 - New Render (C&C Welcome)
  17. Dante

    Dead 6 Art - Need Comments and Critique For Modeler

    Yeah, the angle is kinda finicky, and with the kneel lock position they do look a little flat, once rigged and animated they should fluff out a bit at the knee to look more realist, who stands that way anyway lol... Thanks for the feedback !
  18. Dante

    Dead 6 Art - Need Comments and Critique For Modeler

    I posted this over in the Modifications forum, and in advance, sorry for double posting, I just know that regular people look over there, and artists look here, and quite honestly, we want input from both.
  19. Dante

    The Dead 6 - New Render (C&C Welcome)

    Well, with lots of working going on in the background, and about 3 months since we even poked our heads out, I thought for I would simply post the following... Modeled & Textured by AgentGibson GDI Basic Soldier TODO: Rigging - Texture compression/consolidation. C&C welcome (thats...
  20. Dante

    My Copy Protection concept

    already done, except it stores the registration key/value pair on a hidden sector of the hard drive. CrypKey