Seeking Level Designers


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
The Mod
The Dead 6 -

Set in the C&C Universe (No need to worry about IP violations, we already had those talks with EA), full single player campaign with over 120 pages of well layed out scenery and storyline completed that forms the team in the front and shadows the formation of GDI. Multiplayer game modes to include DM/TDM/CTF for beta releases, and C&C Game mode. In C&C Game mode your goal to win the match is to destory the other teams base buildings. With land and air vehicles, stealth troopers and tanks, as well as the ability to place your own base defenses, the gameplay on the same map is different with each person you play it with.

The Progress
We are overhauling a huge portion of the base SDK code, and have created weapons, characters, and will be creating vehicles and buildings from scratch.

Currently we have a "no-code" method to add new weapons to the engine, and it will be mirror'd throughout our mod to help other mod teams that are wanting to use our framework for there own mod ( is one of our currently public mods using our base.)

We have quite a few weapons and characters either in completed format (with animations, skins, and scripting) as well as characters being a huge focus for us right now; 1 ready for rigging, 4 more being UVW mapped as I write this.

The Team
Our team consists of the following members:
4 C++ programmers
2 Dedicated Story Writers
3 Concept Artists (2d)
1 Concept Artist (3d) - for buildings and architecture visualization
4 3d Modelers - Our primary modeling is done with 3ds 6.
2 Texture Artists

As you can see, we have a well rounded team, but are seriously lagging in the Level Design sector, I myself have been responsible for getting our Developer maps made for testing, but we are quite ready to start getting some more complex levels for our next large internal alpha release.

What We Would Like
We are really looking for someone who can make elaborate buildings from concept, design outdoor maps using a combination of standard brushes and displacements, have a good understanding for player pathing (in single player), understand that gameplay comes before eye candy. Plenty of experience with Hammer is definately wanted here, but if you pick stuff up quick, and have made maps with other engines, Hammer can be figured out pretty fast.

Who To Contact
Either post a reply here that you are interested, or send me an email to [email protected] .

Thanks for your interest.
I could spare some time for level design, but not the time for mapping. It would be more of an advisory role. My experience in this is most aptly displayed on the NS forums where I have written (am still in the process of writing) a set of guidelines for NS mapping which form an addendum to the Official Mapping Guidelines, including sections on how to use 3D architecture to create an overall balance between the teams (achieving the latter is notoriously difficult and where most Official maps are lacking). For example there's a lengthy discussion on Vent Theory, cataloguing the implications that vent exits (style and placement), and vent bodys (vertical and horizontal corners, or the absence of; length) have on gameplay.

Sadly the Natural Selection site is down at the moment, but do contact me if you're interested in having a supplementary member to the Mapping team.
Thats definately a position we wouldn't mind having, as we are very focused on making the gameplay aspect of the levels very fluid and balanced.

How may I contact you?
crispy [such a mark used in orthography, as above an i] pie [in the area occupied by] gmail [tiny round mark made by or as if by a pointed instrument] com

P.S. I think the bots are getting smarter :p