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  1. Dante

    Which compiler and IDE to use for HL2 coding?

    good to hear, thanks for the confirmation.
  2. Dante

    RTS Project?

    yeah, what that guy said, RTSS game mode we announced a couple days back on our site, its RTS + FPS (build stuff and kill stuff)
  3. Dante

    Seeking Character Modelers

    Renegade X: The Dead 6 ( ) is looking for skilled character modelers to join our already professional team for high and low poly character modeling. Skills required are: A good perception of character modeling. Ability to create from concept images. Ability to...
  4. Dante

    RTS Project?

    Renegade X: The Dead 6 ( ) FPS with an RTSS MP game mode (1 of 7)
  5. Dante

    Which compiler and IDE to use for HL2 coding?

    i'm pretty sure that isn't using the trial as intended, and M$ would probably say something about a company that sells millions of games copies a year only owning one license... they meant cheaper for YOU, not them, 2k3 ent arch is running around $2300 now, im sure valve could afford...
  6. Dante

    Voice Filters?

    silly me, i keep forgetting i am modding for a game where the company actually answers emails :eek:
  7. Dante

    Voice Filters?

    any updates to this, i may be interested in something similar.
  8. Dante

    Half Life 2 Mod Recruitment Open

    if your sticking to continuity, might help if your droids where even named correctly... and you didn't steal SWG publish titles for your news titles... Arakyd <> Probot... silly nerd also, don't be suprised when GL sends you a very nasty letter, i wouldn't be, he is VERY picky about...
  9. Dante

    Mod: Renegade Alert

    wrong forum along with that, i seriously hope that you contact Electronic Arts (the license & IP owners of C&C) and make sure they are ok with you doing this, cause not only are you using there IP, you are directly copying a lot of there content from that game into another game, albiet that...
  10. Dante

    Should teams attempting to make mods of copyrighted works be allowed to post them?

    so what then, a team that does in fact have legal permissions will just be bashed to hell for continuing a franchise and not being original, even though they are developing the entire storyline, characters, vehicles, buildings, music, and lots more from a single paragraph of text about the...
  11. Dante

    Dead Six interview and media

    and C&C Generals wasn't 2D
  12. Dante

    Dead Six interview and media

    its actually a prototype Tiberium Refinery
  13. Dante

    Dead Six interview and media

    thanks :D
  14. Dante

    M4A1 updates

    this would be a lot nicer if we could start seeing a texture instead of the flat black, albeit the flat black makes pretty renders...
  15. Dante

    Dead 6: Recruiting Artists

  16. Dante

    Renegade X: The Dead 6 - UPDATE

    w00t for more concept!! Dead 6 Tactical APC
  17. Dante

    Renegade X: The Dead 6 - UPDATE

    lool, exactly, actually, we are aiming for a "predator" effect with the "stank" when stealthed. *note the huge use of dr. evil "quotation" marks...
  18. Dante

    Renegade X: The Dead 6 - UPDATE

    yes, it will be for halflife2, what you see with the models are the beta models thus far, and photo skins to just get our working library going when we have a sdk, then we will go thru and refine as needed/wanted. More Media Stealth Tank - Uncloaked
  19. Dante

    who is going to E3?

    Please do also remember that with out proper credentials from the electronic gaming industry, whether you have the $500 or not, you won't get in. Last year when i went it took a certified letter, and Mark Surfas to check me in.
  20. Dante

    Dead 6: New Media will help a lot. the above is concept art for the Nod Stealth Tank, capable of going completely stealth when not firing. Only 1 passenger (driver), has predator effect while stealthed, and due to extreme sound protection, will merely hum when moving. a high powered...