Half Life 2 Mod Recruitment Open



Hello, I am the leader of a total conversion for Half Life 2 called Star Wars Empire. A mod based on the Star Wars Universe.

A little about myself...
I am the project leader, Nimion. I do everything from draw concepts, model, code, sound production and really everything that deals with creating a game. I've been modding games for 3 years now, none I have actually released because they have all been for practice purposes and teaching myself. I have with friends in the past modded the original Half Life, C&C Generals, and the Unreal series of games. This will be my first public total convertion and I am glad to say it is running smoothly!

A little about the mod...
Star Wars Empire is a MMOFPS. That is right a massivly multiplayer first person shooter. Don't confuse SWE with Star Wars Galaxies which is a MMORPG.

Star Wars Empire takes palce in the time period between ESB & ROTJ. Our goal is to allow players to actually live the Star Wars universe and act within it. We are following Star Wars continuity 100% to allow players to really feel like they are living in the universe. Players can be almost anything they have seen in any of the movies or have read in the Expanded Universe, bounty hunters, smugglers, criminals, weaponsmiths, dancers, etc... We are offering avid Star Wars fans a real chance to play as anythign they have dreamed of. We are implimenting over 100 different weapons, over 10 differnt real Star Wars armor types, and many ground vehicles and starfighters. Players can take on missions, not your typical kill lair missions either. Preform quests and other odds and ends. The amount of player content will almost be endless as there will be dynamic quests and dynamic events which will provide entertainment and fun for all players.

Think lounging in the Mos Eisley cantina when an npc comes in, walkes over to you and your buddies relaxing and asking for your help to evade Stormtroopers or local thugs. You could kill him, turn him in, kill the pursuers, hide him, or even leave him to fend for himself. Dynamic missions will be a major part of the game and help immerse players!

Utilizing a totally new type of skills system players can easily be anything and since it is based on the FPS genre, all activity within the game is "twitch" based. Everything is controled by the player, from player bounties, missions and quests to even the overall story arc of the curent Star Wars timeline.

You can see us at moddb via: Moddb Version
You can see our offcial site via:Official Site

Why the Source engine was chosen
Source was chosen because of its advanced software. It is truely a reinventing graphics engine. It allows people even with low computer specs to play at no to low lag and still experiance good graphics. It has an innovate AI system which no other game engine has avaliable, this will be used tremendously as a part of the mod. It also allows for large scale maps, even if the map sizes arnt what we are looking for we are able to scale down model sizes to make the map psudo-bigger.

What we have accomplished
Currently the mod has 3 staff members. Duff our Public Relations Manager, Dizzy our Star Wars conceptual documentor & Continuty Checks n' Balanaces, and Me the Project leader who is the main source of created content.
I have been able to create many models, music, and test items in UT2K4 for prototype purposes.

What we are looking for...
We are looking for people to fit our many positions.
-Weapon Modeler
-Player Modeler
-Vehicle Modeler
-Model Animator
-World Mapper
-Sound & EX Creator

If you are interested in joinning the mod team please submit an email to [email protected]
When submitting please put SWE Application in the subject, tell a bit about yourself, what position you are applying for and if applicable a link to any of your work.

We are looking for new talent and skilled talent. We hope to entice many Star Wars and non Star Wars fans to the mod!

Thanks for reading!

Project Leader,
- Nimion

ps did you even get permission? I DOUBT IT!
Massively Multiplayer? Who's paying for the servers?
Pi Mu Rho said:
Massively Multiplayer? Who's paying for the servers?

LucasArts of course :) They'd be happy to approve and pay for this mod ;)

i'm a mapper who works with worldcraft (hammer)
i've been mapping for about a year now and have learned alot about it,

i would love to help with this project, i think i can map pretty ok, i know all the basics and am good at things like texturlighting and stuff that realy creates a good atmosphere in a game (that i think a massive multiplayer online game should have :) )

i can also make good map desings so if u don't like my mapping, maybe u'll like my map desinging hehe

i think it would be a good idea if we contacted eachother on like irc or msn so we can talk and i know more about what you are looking for, and maybe ican make a sample map or something for you so i can show off how i map.

so if you are looking for a mapper, well i would like to join the team

my msn adress is [email protected] (also my e-mail)
and i have a channel on irc that i'm not posting here coz it might be concidered advertising ;)

something about myself:
age: 16
location: holland
ocupation: student
interests: mapping for half life and when tools are released half life 2

i am fully aware of the hard work , effort , and time that goes into making a mod and i am willing to work long hours to get this thing ready if you pick me for the team :cool: :thumbs:
if your sticking to continuity, might help if your droids where even named correctly... and you didn't steal SWG publish titles for your news titles...

Arakyd <> Probot...

silly nerd

also, don't be suprised when GL sends you a very nasty letter, i wouldn't be, he is VERY picky about this stuff, and btw, Sony doesn't own the game license for SW, its an open license given to game studios based on there current title and if GL likes them or not.
Sorry to say, you cannot use the Star Wars title in your modification name. However, you don't really need to get permission from Lucas Arts, why? Simply put, and old Battlefield 1942 modification, now named Battlefield 1942 was named with the Star Wars in the title, Lucas Arts kindly contacted them simply asking for a name change, nothing about not using the Star Wars universe for a non-profit modification. Right now, all they care about is you don't have Star Wars in the name, and not making a profit out of this. Now Troopers...if they win the contest for UT2K4, this will be a whole 'nother story. Just thought I would inform you mate...and doesn't this sound a lot like Star Wars Galaxies...or is it just me? :upstare:
Well just to repond to the first post responce. How many WW2 mods are there...10 to 1 there are more WW2 mods then Star Wars mods.

Also on the server deal I have many people offering hosting and I have my own contacts as well for fast server hosting, so I'm not to concearned with the hosting power much as I am with the networking code.

Also the Imperial Probe Droid has many different names. Arakyd Prode Droid is one of the official name it has. The droid making company is named Arakyd, just in case you didn't know that lil tid bit. The only main resaon it is so affiliated with the Empire is because Palpatine treats Arakyd like it was his new born child. Yes they are also called Imperial Probots, Arakyd Imperial Probe Droids and many other names. They were used by Bounty Hunters and mercenaries as well.

Also thanks for clearing that up prankster, I was wondering about that myself since obviously Star Wars is Lucas's. I just wasn't able to find any real jist on the useability. Also yes it does sound a lot like SWG but if you have played SWG it isnt really Star Wars, its more like an alternate universe so to speak. That is why I've started up this mod to give players a real MMO many fans have been dieing to play.
Nimion said:
Also thanks for clearing that up prankster, I was wondering about that myself since obviously Star Wars is Lucas's. I just wasn't able to find any real jist on the useability.
There is no "usability."

Think of this.

You own a large corporation that has the rights to a certain piece of intellectual property (Star Wars). You give those rights to your game company, which makes games that they sell for money. And then you get money from them. Then some guy comes around, makes a clone of your games, and then allows people to download it free. You lose money because people get the free game instead of the game that you made. (which costs money) On top of that, the Half Life guys (your competitors) get more money because of another new mod for them.

Why in the name of god would you allow that?


Even if you change the title, its still the same game. It is still stealing. So, if you are going to change the title, you might as well change everything about it to a more original, interesting idea. Meaning, no Star Wars. Just come up with something yourself, and it will be hundreds of times better, automatically.
Nimion said:
Well just to repond to the first post responce. How many WW2 mods are there...10 to 1 there are more WW2 mods then Star Wars mods.

atleast they don't need the copyright ...
Sorry to say, you cannot use the Star Wars title in your modification name. However, you don't really need to get permission from Lucas Arts, why? Simply put, and old Battlefield 1942 modification, now named Battlefield 1942 was named with the Star Wars in the title, Lucas Arts kindly contacted them simply asking for a name change, nothing about not using the Star Wars universe for a non-profit modification. Right now, all they care about is you don't have Star Wars in the name, and not making a profit out of this.

In actual fact i can clear this up for you.

Lucas Arts contacted the Star Wars Battlefield 1942 mod for a number of reasons a) it was called Star Wars: Battlefield b) it had content which was copied from films b) It also clashed with plans for their own Battlefield type game (apparentley, called Star Wars BattleFront, hence why the bf1942 mod is now called galactic Conquest).

In order for a mod to be accepted by Lucas Arts legal department it must be Non-profitable, it must not include characters from the films and you must also meet a criteria fo theirs in order for it to continue. Oh, and you cannot clash with one of their own projects.

how do i know this.... Well, i founded Galactic Conquest, and whilst im not neccessarily a dev anymore, i handled most of the Lucas Arts issues throughout Galactic Conquests Survival.

I havent read all of the plans for this mod, but if its MMO, it will require money to maintain, and unless LA take it on, which im doubtful they will, im sorry to say its not happening :( I am however, intrigued to know how you will make an MMO with the havok 2.0 engine :p
Thank you Wrafe for clearing that up. Plus it will not need money I've tried very hard to find server hosts and use my own connections and I've gotton some very generous offers. My only concearn is the network code and how to write that up so it works with npc and syncing, if its not already in the code somewhere. Very appriciative Wrafe, there is a little spot in my heart about 1% that hopes they'll take it up but in most realistic terms they will not, and using the Havok 2.0 engine :) I too will be intrigued as to what we can get it to do!