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  1. Dante

    Dead 6 Update - New Vehicles

    damnit, did you have to ruin the element of suprise?
  2. Dante

    OES cross-platform development?

    ok, just reminding you that cross/platform, let alone console conversion isn't to be taken lightly, its a huge pain in the arse, and most likely all of the dx code as well as removing what ever q3 stuff still exists would have to be done, which essentially means completely redoing the engine to...
  3. Dante

    AK-74 [Wip]

    quick q... how does your bullet come out?
  4. Dante

    Dead 6 Update - New Vehicles

    also to point out, there won't really be any time that those rotors are stationary, they will be at least spinning idle speed at all points of the game. So detail would really be lost in the motion blur of the blades. As far as rotor flex goes, we are waiting on the sdk so i can play with some...
  5. Dante

    Neotokyo: New media

    weapons great... but give that poor guy a smaller ass and some eyeballs right now it looks like he will be constantly teased by his fellow teammates for having such a large ass and flat eyes. Use some head modeling techniques, and make eyeballs, not just a mesh "pretending to be an...
  6. Dante

    OES cross-platform development?

    not to be finicky, but yes, the idea sounds kewl blah blah, but we only see a shotty website at best with very few items posted up (most in progress). With the conversion to XBox, i talked it over with some of my associates that i have here and there... and without the core source engine...
  7. Dante

    OES cross-platform development?

    personally, i would work on my web appearance and some content before i started thinking about another system to put it on.
  8. Dante

    Dead 6 Update - New Vehicles

    :P :afro:
  9. Dante

    Dead 6 Update - New Vehicles

    they are shaped wierd, the camera angle doesn't do much for the blades, they are well formed to actual rotor blades, as for the ends being blocked out, thats reserved for our modeler still deciding how to cap the ends.
  10. Dante

    Dead 6 Update - New Vehicles

    Well, we finished modeling some vehicles, and i will be putting up some renders here through the weekend. here is the first: *beta skin to be redone
  11. Dante

    Exclusive Dead 6 Renders

    oh yeah, it has one there, it is just not rendered, if you guys want, tonight when i get home i can render the lil guy in there with it...
  12. Dante

    Exclusive Dead 6 Renders

    hmm... as with 90% of games, nothing seems as real as it could be, if it where that way, gimme my grav gun!!!!! anywho, it was modeled using this image as a reference, so you can see where we go the entire theme, with some upgrades/downgrades where needed.
  13. Dante

    Exclusive Dead 6 Renders

    probably not, this is our need to fill the normal "resecure the prototype" SP mission theme that has been so popular in other C&C campaigns, we just decided to make a non-standard vehicle for the prototype :D
  14. Dante

    Exclusive Dead 6 Renders

    hey, opinions are good, and you shouldn't be sorry for them, the halflife community is huge, so a couple of "i don't like them" are expected ;) this vehicle has been on early testing decided to be SP (resecure only) and an "Extra's" vehicle in MP only enabled by the server admin, this won't...
  15. Dante

    Exclusive Dead 6 Renders

    you gotta be a fan of C&C its a "proto-type" of the Tiberium Sun Wolverine, before they dumped the treads, and just made it a mech ;)
  16. Dante

    Renegade X: The Dead 6

    already on that one, talking to them and Lou Castle, will be presenting Demo Level to them, but since we are 100% recreating, and approving script via EA, its all good
  17. Dante

    Exclusive Dead 6 Renders

    hmm, not sure of an exact count, we will be shaving the tracks down consderably for in-game, but we are keeping high poly versions for 3d cutscenes... oh, there, i have said too much...
  18. Dante

    Renegade X: The Dead 6

    thanks alot :)
  19. Dante

    Exclusive Dead 6 Renders

    Here you have it, some exclusive renders of one of the Dead 6's vehicles. Apptly code named "Wolf-Pup"
  20. Dante

    Renegade X: The Dead 6

    Zombie anti terrorist? lol