Exclusive Dead 6 Renders


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Here you have it, some exclusive renders of one of the Dead 6's vehicles.

Apptly code named "Wolf-Pup"




hmm, not sure of an exact count, we will be shaving the tracks down consderably for in-game, but we are keeping high poly versions for 3d cutscenes...

oh, there, i have said too much...
it is nice, but i guess it's way to high rez for in-game no ?
triangle count please ?
the tracks could be faked with normal maps for the general appearance of thickness. And a transparency map to fake the spaces between, that would save a ton of polygons from the model and look fine, since I'm assuming if you've got too close to one of those to check out the tracks in detail, your likely already dead judging by the weapons on it :)
I like the tracks and the weapons, but I don't really like the rest of it much, looks a little AT-ST inspired too. Hmm, not too bad an idea though :)
Originally posted by mrBadger
I like the tracks and the weapons, but I don't really like the rest of it much, looks a little AT-ST inspired too. Hmm, not too bad an idea though :)

I think its closer to the Goliath (I think thats its name) from The Terminator.. dunno if it was seen in the third film, haven't bothered watching that one yet
Oh, yeah, sorta, I can see that influence in the design ... don't both watching the 3rd Terminator film, it's funny, especially when you see it with a lady friend :p But otherwise, avoid.

Anyway, I dunno, I just don't really like it that much, just hmmm
you gotta be a fan of C&C

its a "proto-type" of the Tiberium Sun Wolverine, before they dumped the treads, and just made it a mech ;)
I've played Tiberian sun, and didn't like it :( (the game I mean, not your mod) I do like the concept behind your mod.. .but I just think, well, they are similar to the Wolverines.. and is that a good thing? IMO, notso good

hey, opinions are good, and you shouldn't be sorry for them, the halflife community is huge, so a couple of "i don't like them" are expected ;)

this vehicle has been on early testing decided to be SP (resecure only) and an "Extra's" vehicle in MP only enabled by the server admin, this won't be the only one like that, but will fall in that category
well i think it looks good...

will you have an earlier version of the titan mech in game?
probably not, this is our need to fill the normal "resecure the prototype" SP mission theme that has been so popular in other C&C campaigns, we just decided to make a non-standard vehicle for the prototype :D
I have a hard time believeing that that thing could generate any amount of tourqe. There isn't really any room for an engine, and the tracks dont even have axles going all the way across. It just looks really fragile to me. Not at all like the deadly machine it is supposed to be.

as with 90% of games, nothing seems as real as it could be, if it where that way, gimme my grav gun!!!!!

anywho, it was modeled using this image as a reference, so you can see where we go the entire theme, with some upgrades/downgrades where needed.
Originally posted by Airsean
I have a hard time believeing that that thing could generate any amount of tourqe. There isn't really any room for an engine, and the tracks dont even have axles going all the way across. It just looks really fragile to me. Not at all like the deadly machine it is supposed to be.

There's plenty of room for a powerplant, and why would it have solid axles? tracked vehicles have independent drives, an axle would hinder this. The trackbase is based on a small earth mover with the central section raised, easily done using universal joints on the axles.
Dante, you should put a little silhouette figure next to it, to show what kind of scale its at, that might help people get a better idea, its also a handy thing to do in general anyway, for yourselves too.
oh yeah, it has one there, it is just not rendered, if you guys want, tonight when i get home i can render the lil guy in there with it...
Good stuff m8! Keep it up.

reply to first post
Hope I can drive that thing...:cheese:
Originally posted by Dante
probably not, this is our need to fill the normal "resecure the prototype" SP mission theme that has been so popular in other C&C campaigns, we just decided to make a non-standard vehicle for the prototype :D

I just remembered that there was preview video (for Tibsun) that came with C&C95 of a strange battle suit thing with a laser... well I don't know where I'm going with this but it was funny to watch.
We thought about doing that model, but decided against it. For one thing it dosent fit well as a prototype for the wolverine, seeing as the wolverine has no lazers, and secondly it's not all that good to look at.
Yeah, Chinook, C-130, Comanche rah-66, Orca, stealth tank, flame tank, to name but a few. All will be up for viewing in the not to distant future.

If anyone thinks they have the talent and time to either skin or model please PM me and I'll give you a contact email to send a couple of examples of your work.

You don't need to be an expert, we will consider taking on a couple of beginers as there is plenty of work that would be suitable for a junior artist to get some work into a pro level mod.

Anyone think they can improve on the skin for this?
I probably could, but the model looks like it needs work as well.
[the propellers look funny, the stabilizer on the back looks kinda akward]
Yeah, now it's half life2 I could put a few more polys on it and make the rotors a bit rounder. Not sure what you mean abbout the stabiliser. You mean the fins the fan or the whole tail assembly?