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  1. S

    Demo Question

    Yes, you can make demos of you playing hl2/hl2:dm/cs:s by typing record 'NAME' in console, then type stop when you want it to end. To view it just type playdemo 'NAME'. Oh and thnx shift+f2 brings up the player.
  2. S

    Demo Question

    How do you bring up the demo player? (that shows where you are in the footage/play/stop/rewind ect.)
  3. S

    Explosive barrels

    City 17 (mainly around the canals) is a pretty industrial place, you would probly expect to see alot of barrels in. But they wind up in weird places for no reason.
  4. S

    Half-Life Blue Shift?

    How do you set max fps in Blue-Shift? Is there a way? -Oh and btw at E3 Gabe said valve will remake BS in source so there is no reason why it shouldn't be on steam.
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    Proof - Player: Gordon Freeman

    Maybe when the g-man says "this is where I get off", he refers to him leaving Gordon to take care of the rest of the job himself. All of hl1 was simply Gordon working up to hl2 (his first mission), now he is stuck doing missions in the time of the combine.
  6. S

    How the hell does Xen Work?

    According to scientists another dimension such as xen really exists (11th dimension or something of the sort). I'm pretty sure bordering dimensions touch ours and others in a wave pattern, like DNA. This is a VERY complex subject in science.
  7. S

    How the hell does Xen Work?

    There are a bunch of quotes from hl2 I have no idea what they're talking about.. I hope we go back to a combine controlled xen in hl3.. but the graphics will be better than killzone 2 by then.
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    Enemy Emotions

    They don't show facial emotions though.. no enemy in half-life has facial emotions.
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    If you had a headcrab on your head what would you do?

    You can't defend yourself the nerotoxins neutralize you instantly.
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    6/24/05 Steam News!

    It is more than likely you will be able to play lost coast without HDR so calm down. HDR will just be an option you can check when Lost Coast is released.
  12. S

    How the hell does Xen Work?

    Maybe Xen exists in a gaseous planet such as Jupiter with an atmosphere that holds in oxygen/nitrogen/carbon. I know most of the wildlife existing on Xen was manufactured (such as the Grunt, the latest invention of the time). My guess is Xen was an abandoned unused space (maybe with a few...
  13. S

    How the hell does Xen Work?

    Whatever.. they're soo cuuute thooough.. too bad if I ever had one as a pet it would gib me.
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    Enemy Emotions

    Wouldn't it be cool though to have a predator-type of monster, six times your size, sniffing around for you sounding more enraged by the second as you hide under a broken table? Then it gives out a sharp growl to signal it found you. Enemy emotions is what really makes games scary.
  15. S

    How the hell does Xen Work?

    Actually bullsquids do hop but it's not nearly high enough to make it to another platform. It was quite hilarious watching the bullsquids hop back in the day when I played hl1. Houndeyes also do a small hop. If you watch houndeyes without them knowing you're around VERY RARELY they will stand on...
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    He's A Government Man.. Omgz0rz!!
  17. S

    How the hell does Xen Work?

    I mean.. what is the gravitational center of the floating platforms? How do the aliens get around if they can barely jump? How do plants grow if it never rains and no atmosphere exists?
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    G-Man: New apparition II

    I think for the g-man sighting in the box, if you make it there in time you can hear the g-man say to the vortigaunt "we are all free", or something like that.
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    Alien Swarm: Infested Releases Concept Art

    Is this like a hl2 ripoff version of NS?
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    Antlions...Are they new

    He's talking about pitdrones, not antlions, which go along with shock troopers, shock roaches, and voltigores.