
Who is Gman

  • Some guy from the future

    Votes: 9 10.5%
  • Gordon in the future

    Votes: 8 9.3%
  • Some guy who's trying to do everything right

    Votes: 21 24.4%
  • Some random guy in a suit.

    Votes: 23 26.7%
  • Other, if so, say what u think.

    Votes: 25 29.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I want to see what other people think about Gman, some people have really annoyed me with their suggestions. So vote. Now. Quickly. At once. NowNow. Quickly. At once. NowNow. Quickly. At once. NowNow. Quickly. At once. NowNow. Quickly. At once. NowNow. Quickly. At once. NowNow.
i think it's Gordon in the future...why would he show up everywhere that he needs to go?...besides the fact that Gman looks nothing like
It's Leonard, the Russian briefcase salesman.
have you tried the search feature on these forums? there's already a poll
there are alot of ideas but i think hes just a normal guy ... maybe has sum new technoligy that hes using the most bs theory iv herd is GORDAN FROM THE FUTURE AND GOD.... thats just not fullfilling enough to be a half life story
we all know that he's Kenith from the accounts department of the Sulsbury branch of Marks & Spencer.
Beerdude26 said:
It's Leonard, the Russian briefcase salesman.

I thought he was the leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics......

btw, i think he's just a hallucination.
Beerdude26 said:
It's Leonard, the Russian briefcase salesman.

We could be one of them stupid people that come around to your door trying to sell you usless rubbish you never need and will never use....mmmm....he could be selling Firarms and ammo :sniper:


Maybe he has all the answers to all the questions in universe in the little briefcase, or it could be like Pandora's box

* Steals the briefcase and opens *
this has been done several times before.
my stance is the same.
definatley not gordon from the future.
or anyone from the future for that matter.
he's a freakin alien.
A once-human government agent (ie a g-man) who was assimilated by the aliens known only as the g-man's race.
He's just some bloke who can stop time and is manipulating Gordon's life and the course of events that surround it.
The best parrallel i can draw for you guys is probably that he is similar to Lord Vetinari of Ankh-Morpork fame.
For the 8765456th time, it's Gordon from teh future!
Who rele cares wat gman is? If any thing, he's some gay alien! He cant even speak english properly. And for the last time, stop saying that he is gordon in the future! He isnt!
why does people say he cant speak english properly? I think he speaks just perfect...just with an weird accent.
Ravioli said:
why does people say he cant speak english properly? I think he speaks just perfect...just with an weird accent.

I agree, it's just the same as if someone has got a lisp, they can still speak english properly, they just sound different.
i know that some people have lisps but come on, this guy has immensly abnormal stutters and pauses. yes, he does speak english properly, it just sounds VERY different. Almost sounds like some kind of android or something, the way he doesnt keep a consistant tone of voice. even people with impaired speech still speak in a properly changing tone of voice that is naturally implemented by learning to speak english from the first time you are born. there is deffinitley something odd and almost unearthly about the way he speaks. thats just a small reason why i think he's not from earth.
Soz about that message about Gman being gay some guy has gone onto my account and made new polls and stupid messages. I like Gman and he can talk fine
Spike said:
Soz about that message about Gman being gay some guy has gone onto my account and made new polls and stupid messages. I like Gman and he can talk fine

That was the most pathetic excuse ever....

Bullshit detector *Explodes!
I think he is a hallucination that gordon creates in his mind whenever he blacks out... and who randomly appears in his vision while consious. Perhaps the combine "benefactors" are sending images into his head making gman give gordon instructions, so that they may further continue their plans through Gordon, whom nobody will suspect. Much more subtle than the combine leaders going in themselves to do the dirty work.
---------------------------------End of lies----------------------------------

It was my brother and i type "really" as "rele" and sometimes i spell it correctly.
Perhaps if I had a new computer, I could investigate these lies :monkee:
Come on guys, yall are retarded. Only one person has been able to travel through the future. Its obviously jesus.
Anyone who belives that "Gordon is teh gman from the future!" has an IQ similar to that of a piece of bread.
willyd said:
Come on guys, yall are retarded. Only one person has been able to travel through the future. Its obviously jesus.
Next time you have a thought, just cease to speak it.;)

This is my idea of Gman. He is a leader of, or part of, a Universal Alligence trying to stop the combine invasion. Since the Combine have already taken over other planets and systems, there must be a force out there prone to stop the Combine.

Gman is part of this force. Gman simply finds a character on the planet the Combine is trying to take over, and leads that character to destroy the Combine in that world and mabe even stop the Combine completely elsewhere. Gman found Gorden, a suspect worthy to stop the Combine invasion since Gorden has proved his power before. After the Gman lead Gorden through the Combine forces on Earth, and as Gman predicted, Gorden defeated them.

Now, in Gman's mind, Gorden kinda owes Gman for showing him the time and way to stop the invasion of Earth. Gman will use this and force Gorden into defeating the rest of the Combine elsewhere.
It would sort of explain how the GMan knows every move that Gordon is going to make. For example just 5 minutes before you get the Rocket Launcher, the GMan is there talking to the guy who gives it to you. The GMan is either aware of everything that is going to happen, or he is aware of everything that Gordon is about to do. :)