Proof - Player: Gordon Freeman


Jun 12, 2004
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Out of the recently released screenshots, I took notice of this one

So I went back to the second-last chapter of HL2 and took a screenshot (check attachment, sorry for mspaint's poor compression quality)

Look at the gloves, exactly the same. Unless Valve hasnt created the new first person models.


  • d3_citadel_030000.jpg
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I don't think valve have made any new first person hands as even in deathmatch when u hold the crowbar/stunstick you have Gordon's gloves on. Not that im trying to say that you are not playing as Gordon in Aftermath.
It's already been confirmed in repeated interviews and announcements straight from Valve that Gordon is the player character.

The more important info here is that you get to keep the hyper-mega gravgun. :D
Mechagodzilla said:
It's already been confirmed in repeated interviews and announcements straight from Valve that Gordon is the player character.

The more important info here is that you get to keep the hyper-mega gravgun. :D

It's unlikely you'll keep it in ass-kicking mode, as the citadel is what powers it.
We get to keep the blue gravgun, but i dout it will be for long, otherwise the rest of the game will be easy. You wouldn't need anyother weapons.
Valve will not own themselves. You will not play as Gordon in Aftermath.
bvasgm said:
Valve will not own themselves. You will not play as Gordon in Aftermath.

Keep thinking that, keep knowing your wrong
Yes bvasgm. Even though they've stated clearly that you DO play Gordon Freeman, over and over again, and despite the fact that since you don't seem to be playing Alyx there's no-one else up the citadel you could possibly play as.
Quiet, be quiet! They're lying to us! To ensure our gaming pleasure! ...Yes, my precious, they lies, they lies, and then they'll give us a COMPLETELY AWESOME STORYLINE AND NOT PWN THEMSELVES!!

...i need a drink. And a hug. =(
ok for one thing they've already confirmed that you do play as gordon. secondly, even if they are the same gloves, youre telling me that gordon freeman has the only pair of that type of gloves in the world? so basically you were correct in saying you play as gordon but didnt prove anything with the whole glove thing.
sorry to rub it in.. :)
For ****s sake why not wait to see how they deal with it when its released!?
youre telling me that gordon freeman has the only pair of that type of gloves in the world?

Yes. They're HEV suit gloves. I think Valve would have told us if Aftermath starred Gina Cross or Collette Green, the only other people in recorder history to be wearing HEVs during Black Mesa. :p
Sulkdodds said:
I think Valve would have told us if Aftermath starred Gina Cross or Collette Green, the only other people in recorder history to be wearing HEVs during Black Mesa. :p

and why would Valve tell us? to spoil the fun right? ;)
anyway i hope Gina Cross is somehow a part of Aftermath :p
Anyone played decay? I never have been able to get anyone to tell me what the ending was.
Sulkdodds said:
Anyone played decay? I never have been able to get anyone to tell me what the ending was.

i have it...but i am not much of a console gamer.
i find it very difficult to play decay because the aiming is so awkward and stuff.
been wanting to clear it tho...the awkwardness turns me off tho :|

It's got auto-aim!

Although I admit it's very hard.
Sulkdodds said:

It's got auto-aim!

Although I admit it's very hard.

for someone who rarely plays console games, its 10 times more difficult :p
hmm...theres options for cheats...maybe i should look into that huh? :naughty: :E
Sulkdodds said:
Yes bvasgm. Even though they've stated clearly that you DO play Gordon Freeman, over and over again, and despite the fact that since you don't seem to be playing Alyx there's no-one else up the citadel you could possibly play as.
It just doesn't make sense!! Why would the G-Man put you in the stasis at the end of HL2 just to take you back out immediately? I say again: Valve will not own themselves! You will not play as Gordon! They're lying to us'll see!! YOU'll ALL SEE!!!
bvasgm said:
It just doesn't make sense!! Why would the G-Man put you in the stasis at the end of HL2 just to take you back out immediately? I say again: Valve will not own themselves! You will not play as Gordon! They're lying to us'll see!! YOU'll ALL SEE!!!

He never put you in stasis, however the Gman did mention that "This is where I get off", this could be a cryptic clue to show us that Gman will NOT appear in Aftermath
Although Valve have clearly stated several times that you play as Gordon in Aftermath, I must admit I'm a bit uneasy with that thought for the same reason as a bvasgm has already suggested. It would confuse HL2's ending somewhat if that was the case, an ending that was very much echoing HL1's, i.e. "right you've done your job, now back into stasis you go!" If G-Man gives you that whole speech about interesting offers and the arbitrary imposition he's imposed upon you and then you turn around and carry on where you left off from in HL2 regardless, it'll ruin a lot of the potency of HL2's ending for me and weaken the impression of the G-Man's control over you. Gordon should be gone, stuck comatose in the darkness until the G-Man decides he's ready for HL3.

G-Man: "I apologise for what must seem an arbitrary imposition ... Dr. Freeman. I trust it will all make sense to you in the course of ... well ... I'm really not at liberty to say. In the meantime, this is where I get off ..."

*G-Man walks through a light-filled gap in the darkness, which closes off behind him*

*Gordon stands there in the darkness*


Gordon: "Pfft, whatever. So anyway, where were we?"

*Darkness immediately fades back out and we're back in the citadel*

*Cue HL2: Aftermath*

No, as massive a fan of Valve and their games I am, that scenario just doesn't sit comfortably with me. I'm very interested to hear how the game explains it, and more specifically, how the G-Man explains it.
It is very odd I'll admit.

Perhaps Breen really wasn't kidding about your contract being up for grabs.....
Well if Gordan's contract really is up for sale, then maybe a new employer will buy his contract and have a different set of plans then the last contractor did. If that was the case then maybe the new contractor wants gordan in action now instead of leaving him dormant. Just a thought though...
The Voice of Morgan Freeman said:
Hello, Mr Freeman. I see you've been left here in this nonspace, this...nothingness between the worlds. I can see you're quite angry about it. Well lighten up, buddy. I represent your new employer. Now I am not, in fact, Eli Vance: I am just using his image as a...psychological catalyst if you will; a mask. I'm sure you're very eager to get back to work, Mr Freeman. Well, your wish is granted. Do what you will. I will see you up ahead...

Okay, not very likely. I just thought replacing the G-Man with Morgan Freeman would be a pretty funny thing for them to do. :p
Maybe when the g-man says "this is where I get off", he refers to him leaving Gordon to take care of the rest of the job himself. All of hl1 was simply Gordon working up to hl2 (his first mission), now he is stuck doing missions in the time of the combine.
Sulkdodds said:
Yes. They're HEV suit gloves. I think Valve would have told us if Aftermath starred Gina Cross or Collette Green, the only other people in recorder history to be wearing HEVs during Black Mesa. :p

I'm sure that other gloves in the HL world look the same as the ones on the HEV suit. the ones that you wear in hl2dm look the same. yes, they're made specially for the HEV suit, but I don't think they are completly unique.

and yeah, it never said that gordon went back into stasis...
Sulkdodds said:
It is very odd I'll admit.

Perhaps Breen really wasn't kidding about your contract being up for grabs.....

i think Valve has that scene about the contract there on purpose...i mean if they just wanted to throw gamers off or something, they could have easily just had Breen riddle something off just like the Gman does,

another thing to note is: we know nothing about the Gman and about these powers he seems to have...these things are hinting towards bigger things...aliens? *shrugs* the theory is out there.
I just made a thread on this topic, explaining that instead of 'owning' themselves, Valve probably owned the doubtful folks. :p
I would've posted it here, but I hadn't read these new posts at the time.

Anywho, the gist of it is that the G-man Ending Speech makes it very clear that Gordon't contract was up for grabs, and had been bought by an outside Client.

Thus, Gordon's new masters have paid the G-man to keep him in City 17 for an extra few days.
Mechagodzilla said:
I just made a thread on this topic, explaining that instead of 'owning' themselves, Valve probably owned the doubtful folks. :p
I would've posted it here, but I hadn't read these new posts at the time.

Anywho, the gist of it is that the G-man Ending Speech makes it very clear that Gordon't contract was up for grabs, and had been bought by an outside Client.

Thus, Gordon's new masters have paid the G-man to keep him in City 17 for an extra few days.

and i responded...and ur welcome to try and clear up my question :p