Gordon Freeman Needs You!

I'm still pissed that /v/ turned on Douk. The plan was to get Bub & Bob to knock Master Chief out of the running so that all the Halofags would cry, which was accomplished. Then Bub & Bob were supposed to beat Samus, so /b/ and /v/ were voting for Bub & Bob until /v/ suddenly turned on /b/ and voted Samus. /b/ got mad and had a hissy fit because "/v/ just wanted to vote for their imaginary waifu," so to spite /v/ they started voting Link over Duke. Then /v/ got mad, went back to their original position of "Fuck Gamespot and fuck this contest," and either didn't vote or voted for Link.

Duke was supposed to take it all, or at least go up against Freeman in the finals.

It was a silly plan.

Although I agree Duke should have done better. The amount of votes he got was pitiful.
Damn, I forgot to check Link vs Gordon yestaday and Gordon's votes went up by 19 percent?

Now Gordon is also up 19 percent against Mario?

When did Half Life become so well respected? Is it because Gordon Freeman is technically suppose to be the player, which means when we're voting Gordon we're voting for ourselves?

Makes sense. No other hero in the competition is "suppose" to be the player themselves, so technically we're voting ourselves as the greatest hero of all time.
Damn, I forgot to check Link vs Gordon yestaday and Gordon's votes went up by 19 percent?

Now Gordon is also up 19 percent against Mario?

When did Half Life become so well respected? Is it because Gordon Freeman is technically suppose to be the player, which means when we're voting Gordon we're voting for ourselves?

Makes sense. No other hero in the competition is "suppose" to be the player themselves, so technically we're voting ourselves as the greatest hero of all time.

It's because Steam decided to put it in their news.
If they hadn't done that, Link would have won.
It's because Steam decided to put it in their news.
If they hadn't done that, Link would have won.

Makes sense. I just checked the forums and it appears Valve got the word out the day I forgot to check the votings.

At least I can assume Gordon did not win this through hacking and cheating.


Found this off another site.

It's because Steam decided to put it in their news.
If they hadn't done that, Link would have won.
Might have won. Link and Gordon were close just before the Steam announcement, Gordon was in fact ahead by a couple of hundred votes iirc.
I doubt even 1% of Mario fans know this competition exists. In Japan alone there are millions of Mario fans who have never heard of Gordon Freeman, which is pretty much the case everywhere. Despite being in great games, Gordon isn't famous at all. If this poll was representative of all gamers rather than gamers that hang around forums and Steam I suspect Gordon would have struggled at Yoshi. He wouldn't have got anywhere near double figures against the bigger hitters. Let's face it, Gordon won due to PC gamers clubbing together and voting for their chosen format - by fair means or foul - in a competition held in their back yard.

However, even voting against a fraction of Mario/Link/Snake etc fans requires a hell of alot of votes and the effort put into the vote for Freeman movement has been impressive - I have never seen so many spam bots and people passing on the word in an online poll before. It's great to see PC gamers rising up together to stick it to console kiddies if only to say '**** you, we're still here'!

Yeah, i'm a little bitter :p Guybrush should have won anyways.
The Nintendo fanboys who know about it can only blame themselves and their beloved company. Valve stepped up by getting their community involved, nobody else did.
It's more not knowing/caring, and not hanging around on gaming forums and online in general. For Nintendo to rally their fans would require adverts on the tv.
It's not like PC gamers are the only people with an internet connections. The poll's there for anyone to vote on and for any company to link to should they so choose - or should they have an effective means of contacting their fanbase.

Valve are able to rally HL fans due to Steam and their close relationship with the community (even without which Gordon still may well have come out on top against Link), but it's not like Freeman is just an obscure hero for slavering PC fanboys either. 20 million units sold, boyee, and that's through only a few triple-A titles, as a result of which lovers of the HL series are likely to be more focused in their support of Gordon than someone who knows of Mario simply due to Nintendo having overexposed him as a mascot.
That's 20 million units vs Mario's 210 million. Pokemon has 186 million. Do you think Gordon would have got close to Pikachu if a fraction of Pokemon fanatics (fanatics who have never even heard of Gordon Freeman) were voting? I realise he's not an obscure hero, but in the scale of things he is a minor player. And sure, everyone has an internet connection these days, but few people frequent games/pc forums, sites, irc etc, which have been the bastions of PC gamers since Doom.
/me is not really sure why we're arguing over this
That's 20 million units vs Mario's 210 million. Pokemon has 186 million. Do you think Gordon would have got close to Pikachu if a fraction of Pokemon fanatics (fanatics who have never even heard of Gordon Freeman) were voting? I realise he's not an obscure hero, but in the scale of things he is a minor player. And sure, everyone has an internet connection these days, but few people frequent games/pc forums, sites, irc etc, which have been the bastions of PC gamers since Doom.
You missed my point because you've focused on only one part of that sentence - 20 million through only a few triple-A titles (as opposed to Mario's 210 million bolstered by titles like Mario Paint and Mario Teaches Typing or whatever). It's easier for Valve to reach out to buyers of one of their two top class full length titles than it is for Nintendo to galvanise a mixed bag of people, which includes many long time Nintendo supporters but which may also include people who played SM Bros. a decade or so ago (contributing to the 210mil. sold) but who haven't touched games since. Even if Nintendo could reach out like that (and presumably there are at least a few hundred thousand people knocking around on various Nintendo mailing lists who could play a part), there is no guarantee at all that someone would vote for Mario over Gordon Freeman if they had played a Half Life game. Let's face it, there can't be a huge number of gamers who haven't played a Mario game in some form or other, even among the people who are currently voting for Freeman, yet still he's getting the votes.

Obviously more people know about Mario than they do Gordon Freeman, but that's hardly worth even pointing out, is it? Saying that people who recognise Mario and don't know of Freeman's existence would go straight for Mario, isn't really saying anything. Any poll that pitted Mario against a selection of other game characters and asked 'who is the most well-known?' would be a complete waste of time (although that's not to say that a poll like this isn't...). Certainly, Freeman's a minor player in the recognition stakes, but narrow the contest down so that it's between people who actually give a crap about the respective franchise/character and I'd say it's much closer.

EDIT: Emphasis on 'closer' because I'm far from convinced that it's already in the bag for Freeman.
I think you underestimate the number of Mario/Snake/Link/Master Chief fans out there. Imagine had Microsoft put a vote for Master Chief link on the front page of Live. This thread would now be full of teeth gnashing. My point is simply that a considerably higher percentage of PC fans knew about and were voting in this poll than the percentage of console fans. Take Mario and Link's most loyal fan base in Japan. When it comes to games they are incredibly insular, don't visit English speaking sites/forums and, like most console fans, are completely unaware this poll exists.

Fair enough, the 210 million figure is misleading, but so is HL's 20. HL goes back a fair bit - 11 years or so - and sold as well if not better than HL2. It's fair to assume that a rather large proportion of Gordon fans have also moved on and haven't touched a crowbar since. We're seeing votes for format here, not character.
Obviously this isn't a universal poll, but eihhh, still sounds like sour grapes to me tbh... :p you don't necessarily have to be anti-console or pro-PC to want to cast a vote for Freeman over Mario, or even to be vaguely familiar with Gamespot.

For the record I would have found it somewhat amusing to see the drama had Bungie or MS jumped in on the Chief's side. Due to Freeman's lack of recognition, I doubt there would be have been much teeth-gnashing here since most people would have shared Ennui's initial reaction and just assumed Freeman had no chance. There would surely have been fewer tears than are now being shed into Mario-decorated pillows ;)
There would surely have been fewer tears than are now being shed into Mario-decorated pillows ;)


I would like to have seen the drama too had MS/Bungie pushed for Master Chief. If he'd met Gordon in the final I think there would have been more gnashing of teeth than you suggest ;)

I would like to have seen the drama too had MS/Bungie pushed for Master Chief. If he'd met Gordon in the final I think there would have been more gnashing of teeth than you suggest ;)
Ah well in the final, maybe, sure, because then you would have the emotional rollercoaster of dismissal-turned-interest-turned-hope-turned-disappointment...
Although with Valve's Steam Summon invoked, who knows how it might have gone :)

that picture with the steam roller is freaking awesome!!

Gordon is totally going to win this. go half life!:eek::)
I think its totally fair to have steam make an announcement - anyone else could have made one, but didnt. Half Life fans and Steam are more passionate
It's ending today and looking good for Gordon.

Mario Vs Gordon
44.2% 55.8%
wow, I really didn't expect gordon to go the distance.

mario is a bitch
I'm just so glad that the stupidity hasnt spilled over into the forum. To be honest it was more entertaining to watch Gordon slowly claw his way up the rounds, but a victory is a victory...
Gordon is the official winner, they posted news about it.
Should've been John Freeman (Gordon Freeman's brother) but I'll take what I can get. ;)
Heh there's quite a bit of butthurt over on gamespot :p

If they do a All Time Villains then Jon Irenicus or Kane should win.
Valve's having a 55.8% discount on all Half-Life games to celebrate Gordon's win.