Gordon Freeman Needs You!

What does it matter? Freeman is by far superior to Snake, Link, etc.
It's ridiculous he's even put in this sort of competition.

But Gordon Freeman doesn't have a character. He's supposed to be you.

and we all know how interesting the average gamer is
gordon up by 450+ votes....hopefully they arnt fraudulent votes becasue gamespot will remove them
Bleh, I need to stop going to that webpage, because I keep inadvertaintly visiting the forums there.

It's a baaaaad place, man.
Links a good character. But everyone knows and loves link.

Gordon is underrated...Gordon must win.

Hes ahead by 497 votes.:eek:
Oh snap. For those of you who were following this, check out the difference in votes now.

What was once a couple hundred votes or less that separated the two, Gordon has pulled ahead and is leading by a couple thousand votes.

What do we owe this to? Valve, and their descision to bring the competition to the attention of all Steam users through an announcement.

Provided that Gordon does manage to win this round (over at 2 EST tomorrow), could this spread of publicity be enough to bring down the 800 pound gorilla, Mario?
My guess is all the Valve fans will forget to vote on the last round and Mario will win by a hillslide.


Also, Mario himself brings down 800-pound gorillas. Specifically a monkey whose name is Donkey. I'll be voting as many times as I can, but I can't see the most well-known video game icon the world over being outvoted here. Then again, Gordon did take down his second in command ...
And as of now he has more votes than mario (in terms of this round). Who knows how it will shift though, when Link fans join forces with Mario, and Steam users (hopefully) gain momentum as the word spreads (it hasnt even been more than a few hours since the announcement).
This has got to be fraud votes....gamespot will end up removing them and link will win. Unless 5,000 people randomly voted for gordon in the last few hours.:upstare:
What do we owe this to? Valve, and their descision to bring the competition to the attention of all Steam users through an announcement.

This has got to be fraud votes....gamespot will end up removing them and link will win. Unless 5,000 people randomly voted for gordon in the last few hours.:upstare:

Try reading a bit.
@GTSRace: I cant tell if you are either being sarcastic, or havent heard about the announcement. Valve sent an announcement over Steam bringing attention to the competition. Given the gargantuan size of the Steam user-base, its not surprise at all that 5000 people saw the message (1.5 million users at peak time, so I'm told).
oh, i didnt get the announcement because steam refuses to open on my desktop
Err, I just got an announcement when I booted up steam, similar to how they announce new releases, preorders, and sales.
i am having tech problems with steam to no-one seems to know how to fix. Double click on steam and it doesnt open. Simple as that
steam finally opened up, and i got the announcment. This is awsome. I never thought Gordon would make it, yes he made it out of Black Mesa and he made it out of City 17....but THIS, i thought this would be too much for him
Err.. It would still just be a popularity contest.. Seeing as there's no real way to compare characters from different universes. It's completely arbitrary.
HOLY DEUS EX MACHINA! Steam just posted an announcement to vote for Freeman, and now he's winning in a landslide! He's going into the finals against Mario himself!
If you didnt think it was already a shitstorm on their forums already... well you might not wanna go down there...

Idiots on both sides.
Oh man, I just dipped into their forums and read a few threads. Amusing and repulsive. The amount of people whining about the "freeman followers" and "valve's interference" and "the steam army" is mindboggling. They make you people seem intellectual and refined.
But its no different to Bub & Bob getting large amounts of b/tard votes...
From what I've heard a considerable amount of Bub and Bob votes were made by a few specific users. Besides, in this case (one would like to hope anyways), its the game's actual fanbase voting, and not /b/ trying to eliminate big name characters. The result is still a massive spike in votes, but the intentions are different, are they not?
Ah - I agree with you on that point, we're voting for Freeman cause we like him, not cause we don't want to see Master Chief get past the 2nd round...
i think freeman wins this round.

Now lets see if they all come back for the Mario-Freeman faceoff
From what I've heard a considerable amount of Bub and Bob votes were made by a few specific users. Besides, in this case (one would like to hope anyways), its the game's actual fanbase voting, and not /b/ trying to eliminate big name characters. The result is still a massive spike in votes, but the intentions are different, are they not?

They were using auto-vote scripts. Saw several of them myself, but didn't care enough to write any down.

Not sure if anyone is using them for this(as they did for all the B&B ones) but I severely doubt anyone who did cares any longer. Or they're 12 and feel cool using scripts like a real h4xX0r.
The script votes were eliminated, if you had bothered reading (a lot of that going around it seems), but Bub&Bob still won those rounds legit, just from the amount of users on /b/ who took part.
The script votes were eliminated, if you had bothered reading (a lot of that going around it seems), but Bub&Bob still won those rounds legit, just from the amount of users on /b/ who took part.

The entire 200 of them.

Also /v/ was a part of it, the fags.
The script votes were eliminated, if you had bothered reading (a lot of that going around it seems), but Bub&Bob still won those rounds legit, just from the amount of users on /b/ who took part.

Sorry i dont read 13 pages of text everytime i open up a thread... /shrug


Looks like Freeman is beating Mario by a noticable amount!
Like I said, you need have only read the page that you were replying on.
Also /v/ was a part of it, the fags.
I'm still pissed that /v/ turned on Douk. The plan was to get Bub & Bob to knock Master Chief out of the running so that all the Halofags would cry, which was accomplished. Then Bub & Bob were supposed to beat Samus, so /b/ and /v/ were voting for Bub & Bob until /v/ suddenly turned on /b/ and voted Samus. /b/ got mad and had a hissy fit because "/v/ just wanted to vote for their imaginary waifu," so to spite /v/ they started voting Link over Duke. Then /v/ got mad, went back to their original position of "Fuck Gamespot and fuck this contest," and either didn't vote or voted for Link.

Duke was supposed to take it all, or at least go up against Freeman in the finals.
I don't care how this poll ends, Gordon and Duke need to have babies.
Darkside, I need to get this off my chest: Bypass the fuck-filter by wrapping part of the word in a font-tag with the font set to Verdana, not some other font. It's been bothering me for a while.
Darkside, I need to get this off my chest: Bypass the fuck-filter by wrapping part of the word in a font-tag with the font set to Verdana, not some other font. It's been bothering me for a while.

You shouldn't by pass the fuck-filter at all. fuck!
I know the font's verdana, but it's quicker to type arial. What if I just type everything in arial? Would that piss you off more or less?